Author Topic: Gynecomastia rating/grading system  (Read 3580 times)

Offline Healthyme

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So I am very new to the idea of accepting my breasts after attempting to hide them for so long. 

I recently had a ct svan officially confirm what I already knew that I have breast tissue underneath.

My doctor isn't very helpful about this topic. For instance, I am curious about the rating or grading system for breasts and where I compare. I'm also curious about how big they could grow. But my doctor can't or won't discuss this but instead only suggests I start wearing bras, which I am. 

The other complication is that I have a blood clotting disorder and total testosterone below 400 ng/dL and the hemotologist strongly recommends no unnecessary surgery for 2 years and no exgenous testosterone.

My recent CT scan reveals solid fingerlike breast tissue that are 2.5 inches deep below my nipples and almost 2.5 inches tall and at least 4 inches wide.

Online calculators for spheroids give me a volume of at least 13.09 cubic inches or 214.5 cc. Best approximation I could find was a small apple or a lime.

I'm curious where this actual tissue measurents, not including the overlaying fat, compare with average age/stage of breast development in girls.

Best I can figure is that if I lost a bunch of weight but retained the same approximate breast tissue dimensions I would have about 215 cc in each breasts resting above a 39-40 inch underbust. This doesn't seem prominent and wouldn't probably even rate as an A cup. Yet I currently wear a 44B which is very noticeable on my big frame. I'm so confused.

I'm also curious how large these might get. To add to this, I have a genetic disorder that means my liver doesn't properly metabolize estrogen via UGT1A1. And increasingly over the past year I have developed regular achiness and swelling for 4-5 days about every 4 weeks in both breasts. I suspect my estrogen circulating is somehow increasing over time and is somehow mimicking a cycle. 

I'm just trying to assess where I am at, how I compare, and where this is possibly going on this trajectory. My wife and I have already decided that I won't be removing any breasts tissue surgically.

Any insight or advise appreciated.

Online Johndoe1

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To get a better idea of what size you might be you may want to use this calculator. It's the most accurate thing I have found and many women use it to determine their bra size. I am 38DD, but don't look it because of them being wideset and shallow, but a smaller cup overflows.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Goodnplenty

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It's counterintuitive but losing weight would probably cause your breasts to become more defined.  They would be somewhat smaller but still breasts.   There's plenty of stories on this  forum about guys losing weight only to have their breasts become more prominent.  Don't take this the wrong way, you should lose weight if you're overweight, you'll be healthier at a lower weight  with or without breasts. 


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Its even likely that  losing weight will increase your actual breast tissue.  Estrogen can and is stored in fat. When the fat is burned, estrogen is released into the blood stream. This will cause augmentation of your breasts. With less fat around your torso,you will have a more defined bust. Its not a bad thing, its just something that will move you from an occasional bra wearer to a full time bra wearer and wearing a bra full time is what over half of the population does every day. You'll just be in the majority. 

Offline JohannK

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That's an interesting thing that I never thought of.

Online Johndoe1

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I have yoy-yo-ed my whole life and have lost considerable amounts of weight and when I lost a lot of weight, the girls would be larger than before. That is one of the reasons I am a DD.

Offline Athena12@

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While in the hospital getting over my surgery after my wife's death I lost 20 pounds which on a 5 foot 4 inch frame is a lot.  While setting in the hospital I noticed that my chest had almost caved in but the srevilled 1 and 1/2 buds were still there.  It look really wierd, like to small steep mountains rising out a valley.  But as I put on some wieght they came back ans so did my chest but NO real growth.  So I think I am one of those guys who were told they would go away in a few years but iddn't and did grow anymore either.  I guess my estrogen has settle down to it's normal male level and I amd stuck here with my A cups.
If you got them flaunt them.  We all wear bras so wear what you like and to hell with the rest.

Offline JohannK

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I have yoy-yo-ed my whole life and have lost considerable amounts of weight and when I lost a lot of weight, the girls would be larger than before. That is one of the reasons I am a DD.
Well, I knew that losig weight tends to make them more prominent, and I knew that gaining weight also results in breast growth (even if it's sometimes just a bit of fat).  But I didn't think that losing weight can actually cause them to grow.

Online Johndoe1

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I have yoy-yo-ed my whole life and have lost considerable amounts of weight and when I lost a lot of weight, the girls would be larger than before. That is one of the reasons I am a DD.
Well, I knew that losig weight tends to make them more prominent, and I knew that gaining weight also results in breast growth (even if it's sometimes just a bit of fat).  But I didn't think that losing weight can actually cause them to grow.
The "growth" is a result of the stored estrogen in the fat cells being released back into the blood stream when a large amount of weight is lost. That growth could be either additional glandular tissue development caused by the release of the stored estrogen or it could be the estrogen storing fat in the breasts as it does with women. I have had both through the years. I also have gained and lost 100 lbs 4 times in my life. That releases a lot of stored estrogen time and time again.

Offline JohannK

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It does make sense, I just never thought of that possibility.

Luckily I only plan on losing about 6 kg, so I doubt that will release enough estrogen to make my breasts grow further (I'd really prefer not to go into D territory).

Offline Alle.n

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Hmmm. I have heard about people loosing fat fast and releasing organic pollutants into their bloodstream. Fat also stores fat-soluable vitamins. I guess I hadn't thought about rapid weightloss causing estrogen to be released. 

I guess it's a triple whammy. Rapid fat burning increases SHBG that binds up free testosterone. It also releases estrogen into the bloodstream. And it can make breast tissue look for defined.

Online Johndoe1

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The amount released depends on the individual. For me, over the four times I gain 100 + pounds and lost same, I went up about 2 cups. How much of that is glandular and how much is fat stored I don't know. I do know I have both and the estrogen has caused me to have trouble loosing weight overall like many women do.

Offline OHboobs

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I just assumed my breasts have always been there, but they just became more noticeable with the weight loss.  Size has reduced slightly, but shape has changed to be a more perky and a little firmer.  I don't think one grows breasts overnight so it seems more likely my boobs came during the several years when I was fatter than over the couple months of losing weight.

Offline gynepaul

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The "growth" is a result of the stored estrogen in the fat cells being released back into the blood stream when a large amount of weight is lost. That growth could be either additional glandular tissue development caused by the release of the stored estrogen or it could be the estrogen storing fat in the breasts as it does with women. I have had both through the years. I also have gained and lost 100 lbs 4 times in my life. That releases a lot of stored estrogen time and time again.
This is interesting ... I’ve not seen this theory before.  Can you point to any studies/research where this has been verified?

If true, it actually might explain my own case of gyno.  I first noticed my gyno a bit less than two years ago, right after dropping my weight from 225 lbs to around 175 lbs over a period of about six months. I’d be interested in reading up on any other literature that discusses the connection between weight loss and increased estrogen levels. 

Offline Athena12@

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HEALTHYME: I to had a doctor that would not talk about and when I war a bra to an appointment he jumped out of the room and ran. He scream gynecomastia  nd just left before he came back and my breast we still off the table.  The only thing he did was have me get a mammogram, proved I didn't have cancer but did have gyne.  and after I canned him, his replacement is the same.  My Cardiologist, who is female now, didn't mention them either.  That's has made me believe that have it is something no doctor want to acknowledge.  Don't know why but even when I had an a blood doctor  Can spell his profession correctly right now, he was zero help.  He couldn't even tell me what the levels should be.  Total waste of my time and tax payers dollars. to quote a line from "THE OUTLAW JOOSEY WALES" I "IN DIVER  TO PERSIVER".  Sorry for any and all misspellings.


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