Author Topic: More than just acceptance  (Read 5066 times)

Offline AtoDDD

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Agreed with many. When mine came in I was seeking possible surgery and seen the costs and threw that idea out the window immediately. They kept growing a little and I dealt with it my shirts got tighter and when I lean over or sit down you can tell I have breasts. They aren’t D cups but small b cups and I’ve come to enjoy them. They are very sensitive to touch and playing and wife and I have a very non existent bedroom life right now but it would be nice to feel her touch to them
Even before I started to like my breasts I would never have surgery. My small little breasts are a natural part of my body, grown purely from my body’s natural chemistry without pills, estrogen creams, breast pump. so cutting them off would be like cutting off my arms LoL


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I don’t see my boobs like my arms even though my arms officially meet my boobs so much when I move or cross my arms or reach across for something lol. 

I only worry about my daughter what she and friends and such as she grows will think. I have accepted them as my own and have begun to take great enjoyment in having them. And I wouldn’t care if they grew to be a c or d cup but I know how others may feel about it if things keep growing and that makes me worried. It’s a paradox of sorts when I have become so accepting of them yet so nervous of those who would be effected by them growing and how they are even now when shirtless 

Offline AtoDDD

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I only worry about my daughter what she and friends and such as she grows will think. 
I totally understand. Young children are too immature to understand that other ppl can be affected by the words and deeds that can hurt. I have no children, I socialize only with adults my age (35) and these ppl have known me for at lease 10 years so they see me not as a sexual oddity but as a long time friend. So even though I may wear my favorite woman’s tank top with spaghetti straps over my smooth bare shoulders, they understand that I do so because I have a woman’s physique and they have gotten used to seeing me this way. 
I began growing breasts two years ago to achieve my current size, 30B so you and me must be about the same size. How long did it take you to get this far?


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It seems you intentionally developed breasts? Just seems you are adamant in being feminine and stern in wanting to seen as feminine. Which is cool I’m not knocking it one bit. Just wanted to preface with that and say I began growing breasts a year or so ago. Not intentionally. Doctor felt and did exams and tests and everything came back in normal range and idiopathic. So I figured mehh it will go away or just stop. Months went by they grew slowly but surely and my shirts got tighter and when I sat down I’d feel my breasts sitting on my ribs slightly. When I crossed my arms my breasts would get in the way a bit and I’d see my chest push in and that’s when I got concerned. They were obviously growing. I am fairly in shape and in good weight to height ratio and workout often so I couldn’t chalk it up to fat or diet. Long story short, it’s been about 14 months and my chest that was flat as a board then is now a mild B cup. I can fill a b cup bra with a little room left. When I sit they definitely don’t look like pecs or man boobs anymore and the creases in my chest tell a tale of breast growth.

It’s been 14 months. I really don’t care anymore at this point I just hope when it comes time to swim family and kids don’t go look at him or why does he have what you have mommy. I could be a D cup F it but I just don’t want to be thought of as Caitlin Jenner 2.0 by onlookers cause it sucks to be growing boobs and watching things get bigger knowing yeah right is the response I’m sure think if told idk why they are growing. 

Offline AtoDDD

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It seems you intentionally developed breasts? Just seems you are adamant in being feminine and stern in wanting to seen as feminine. Which is cool I’m not knocking it one bit. Just wanted to preface with that and say I began growing breasts a year or so ago. Not intentionally. Doctor felt and did exams and tests and everything came back in normal range and idiopathic. So I figured mehh it will go away or just stop. Months went by they grew slowly but surely and my shirts got tighter and when I sat down I’d feel my breasts sitting on my ribs slightly. When I crossed my arms my breasts would get in the way a bit and I’d see my chest push in and that’s when I got concerned. They were obviously growing. I am fairly in shape and in good weight to height ratio and workout often so I couldn’t chalk it up to fat or diet. Long story short, it’s been about 14 months and my chest that was flat as a board then is now a mild B cup. I can fill a b cup bra with a little room left. When I sit they definitely don’t look like pecs or man boobs anymore and the creases in my chest tell a tale of breast growth.

It’s been 14 months. I really don’t care anymore at this point I just hope when it comes time to swim family and kids don’t go look at him or why does he have what you have mommy. I could be a D cup F it but I just don’t want to be thought of as Caitlin Jenner 2.0 by onlookers cause it sucks to be growing boobs and watching things get bigger knowing yeah right is the response I’m sure think if told idk why they are growing.
Intentionally? Quite the opposite. The only way to intentionally grow breasts is by taking HRT estrogen, estrogen creams, prostrate/heart meds. I have done none of those things so docs can’t figure out why my e is so high and t so low. 
Even in this forum I feel “different” cause I’m the only guy who has feminization of the upper body. But it is what it is so I wear distinctly masculine blue jeans, boarder shorts, swim trunks, unshaven legs, male footwear all of which complements my lower body. I could try to disguise my feminine looking upper body by wearing male attire but that would make it look like I’m ashamed or embarrassed of what Mother Nature has given me. So form follows function and I dress accordingly for both my lower body and upper body.
Seems your development has been much more rapid than mine, you’ve achieved in one year what I’ve achieved in two.  I would be Ok with C cup but my wife is advocating for D cup (or bigger!) cause she 
has elavated breast fondling to an art form! But she need not worry about over development cause her breasts have quit growing. We are in agreement that we don’t someday have to use a wheelbarrow for support LOL!
i really feel for you regarding the affect this could potentially have on your child. I associate with only adults and need not worry about embarrassment. But you must shield her from cruel remarks of her piers and that must be concerning. I hope it all turns out well in the end.

Offline JohannK

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It seems you intentionally developed breasts? Just seems you are adamant in being feminine and stern in wanting to seen as feminine. Which is cool I’m not knocking it one bit. Just wanted to preface with that and say I began growing breasts a year or so ago. Not intentionally. Doctor felt and did exams and tests and everything came back in normal range and idiopathic. So I figured mehh it will go away or just stop. Months went by they grew slowly but surely and my shirts got tighter and when I sat down I’d feel my breasts sitting on my ribs slightly. When I crossed my arms my breasts would get in the way a bit and I’d see my chest push in and that’s when I got concerned. They were obviously growing. I am fairly in shape and in good weight to height ratio and workout often so I couldn’t chalk it up to fat or diet. Long story short, it’s been about 14 months and my chest that was flat as a board then is now a mild B cup. I can fill a b cup bra with a little room left. When I sit they definitely don’t look like pecs or man boobs anymore and the creases in my chest tell a tale of breast growth.

It’s been 14 months. I really don’t care anymore at this point I just hope when it comes time to swim family and kids don’t go look at him or why does he have what you have mommy. I could be a D cup F it but I just don’t want to be thought of as Caitlin Jenner 2.0 by onlookers cause it sucks to be growing boobs and watching things get bigger knowing yeah right is the response I’m sure think if told idk why they are growing.
Intentionally? Quite the opposite. The only way to intentionally grow breasts is by taking HRT estrogen, estrogen creams, prostrate/heart meds. I have done none of those things so docs can’t figure out why my e is so high and t so low.
Even in this forum I feel “different” cause I’m the only guy who has feminization of the upper body. But it is what it is so I wear distinctly masculine blue jeans, boarder shorts, swim trunks, unshaven legs, male footwear all of which complements my lower body. I could try to disguise my feminine looking upper body by wearing male attire but that would make it look like I’m ashamed or embarrassed of what Mother Nature has given me. So form follows function and I dress accordingly for both my lower body and upper body.
Seems your development has been much more rapid than mine, you’ve achieved in one year what I’ve achieved in two.  I would be Ok with C cup but my wife is advocating for D cup (or bigger!) cause she
has elavated breast fondling to an art form! But she need not worry about over development cause her breasts have quit growing. We are in agreement that we don’t someday have to use a wheelbarrow for support LOL!
i really feel for you regarding the affect this could potentially have on your child. I associate with only adults and need not worry about embarrassment. But you must shield her from cruel remarks of her piers and that must be concerning. I hope it all turns out well in the end.

I'd say that bit is debatable.  It pretty much comes with the territory, we're all just affected to a different extent in each area (partly due to genes, partly due to our different hormone levels now and in the past).

I've always had very little in the muscle department, but I suspect it's less nowadays.  I'm now very close to my weight back when I still took part in bicycle races (granted I obviously had more leg muscles then), but I now still have a significant amount of abdominal fat (even though I'm now approaching underweight according to that bull manure called BMI.  Sure I'm not obese, but it's still enough to show clearly with loose fitting button shirts, and with anything more form fitting it's VERY noticeable.

Offline AtoDDD

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Yeah, maybe others have had some degree of feminization but mine is extreme because of my  extreme e and t numbers although my breast doc says she has seen men who were feminized even more than me.
I too raced bikes for 12 years before I got my breasts. I got real skinny , then I quit racing, gained fat, and I got disgusted with my appearance.  I basically starved myself and after 4 months l had a six pack! But try as I might I could not put on visible muscle like other guys can.
Maybe my current upper body is a natural result of no-muscle genetics and extreme amounts of estrogen. Whatever the case, everyone I know is used to seeing me now with my new body and best of all, I still get to be the class clown and entertain people at our many get togethers.


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There is nothing wrong with our bodies. We just happen to have a traditionally feminine shape and that requires feminine clothing. 

Wearing a bra is just wearing an article of functional clothing. 

Offline GeorgeIII

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Hmmm, reading about the competitive bicycle racing makes me think about trauma the bike's seat might have caused the testicles. I recall reading a few articles a while back about that . . .

Offline MarcoB

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Hmmm, reading about the competitive bicycle racing makes me think about trauma the bike's seat might have caused the testicles. I recall reading a few articles a while back about that . . .
There was one doctor in particular who raised cane about it, saying that sitting on the saddle was reducing circulation there.  Even though he wasn't a cyclist himself IIRC and didn't even know much about cycling, he even went to extent of saying bike saddles should be illegal, because he said they were making men sterile.  (What do I care.  My wife is past her child-bearing years anyway, and we got the two kids we wanted, and now they're 29 and 32.)  But later it was proven that cyclists' circulation is so much better than even other athletes' that they more than compensated.  Yeah, Lance got testicular cancer; but so did ice skater Scott Hamilton; so does ice skating cause testicular cancer?  No; it's just that of the rare cases of cancer in men in their 20's and 30's, a high percentage is testicular, regardless of what activities they're involved in.

Offline paulpark21

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I don’t see my boobs like my arms even though my arms officially meet my boobs so much when I move or cross my arms or reach across for something lol.

I only worry about my daughter what she and friends and such as she grows will think. I have accepted them as my own and have begun to take great enjoyment in having them. And I wouldn’t care if they grew to be a c or d cup but I know how others may feel about it if things keep growing and that makes me worried. It’s a paradox of sorts when I have become so accepting of them yet so nervous of those who would be effected by them growing and how they are even now when shirtless
Kids can be understanding.  Some time in the future you will have to have a talk about your breasts, explaining that it is a medical condition that only an operation (with it's possible complications) can change.  And if you decide not to have an operation, that is the reason for it.

Offline AtoDDD

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I was in your position a year ago. I was a 30B bra size. My wife and I had an afternoon pool party with a large gathering of friends and relatives, most of them had not seen me since I got my breasts. When we went swimming I wore a typical mans swim trunks, and my bare breasts were flapping around like crazy. I made no excuses or explanation as to why I suddenly has female body parts on my chest. Everyone noticed but said nothing. Eventually some one asked if I had a medical condition, then I told them the about gyno in a very matter of fact way. My male cousin asked if there was anything I could do about that and I said that there was no need as my breasts were perfectly healthy. The fact that I showed that I was perfectly happy with having two female breasts put everyone at ease. I learned that if you own your breasts and regard them as a natural part of your body, ppl will respect you.


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Kinda how I see it. Confidence conveys louder than concern. Figured if I just stroll like nothing is wrong thoughts may be made or questions may be asked but I don’t walk around in bras and blouses and shave my legs with clean nails. I’m sensitive but I’m a typical dude so not like I’m giving caitlyn Jenner subtleties so I’m not overly worried about it just hope they don’t keep growing 


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