Author Topic: Gyno, Clothing, Masculinity and femininity.  (Read 2997 times)

boobs are normal

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I hope this is not too soon after recent pain on this site. If so, apologies.
First  the vexed question of crossdressing. My definition of a crossdresser is someone who is obsessed with feminising themselves to the nth degree - make up, heels, and all sorts of padding etc etc - the lot, with a view to passing themselves off as a woman or as a step to gender surgery. A person who when "caught short" would be more comfortable in the "ladies" and probably wouldn't even think of going to the "gents". No one here on this fits that description.

Masculinity is about more than clothes.
We torture ourselves about bras and items of women's clothing when seeking nothing more than comfort and some seem to feel any mention of such is an attack on their Masculinity.
The first women wearing trousers (far more obvious than us wearing a bra) had more balls than most men.
We think we we are so macho and assertive, so much so we are sh*t scared of wearing comfortable clothes or even talking about them. 
I have crossed the rubicon it was not easy. Assault on maleness? No, I feel more of a man having "grown a big enough pair" to make a simple choice of clothing. How pathetic does that make me?
Reality is that it takes a real man with balls to wear a bra.
Feminising? Crossdressing? --Baah humbug

Offline blad

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It's a cold logic thing for a clear headed guy with significant breast development;

I have boobs big enough to be irritating>they are big enough to fit a bra>they feel better when wearing a bra>just wear a bra and be comfortable.


My boobs are obvious to others with or without a bra>a bra smooths things out and controls distracting movement that brings more attention to them>wear a bra with shirts that don't highlight the bra straps and just enjoy the comfort of containment. 

If you remove emotion and stick with logic then you do what most people in the world do with their breasts; they wear a bra.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Dale Warnio

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 The first time I put on a bra was the first time I felt good about my breasts. I liked the way I looked in a bra and I liked the way my breasts felt in a bra. And I liked that my breasts filled the cups of the bra.  

Offline blad

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The first time I put on a bra was the first time I felt good about my breasts. I liked the way I looked in a bra and I liked the way my breasts felt in a bra. And I liked that my breasts filled the cups of the bra. 
This was exactly my experience too. But it follows that once I made that connection to try a bra for the first time then it became obvious that a bra worked for me as it would any woman. But I had to make that first leap of faith and give in to trying one. In a way it is so obvious for men with breasts to at least try a bra, but many resist and never realized that it could have been the simple solution they were looking for.

For me it was obvious right away once I tried one, but it required many comments by others that I needed a bra before I even considered trying one for the first time. Without that push by others comments I am not sure how long it would have taken me to actually try a bra on.

I am sure that if more men with gyno gave a decent try with a good fitting bra they would be pleasantly surprised.

boobs are normal

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And so say All of us who Have tried
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 04:35:53 PM by boobs are normal »

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Let's add another dimension to this conversation.  We are men, right?  I may have developed gynecomastia in puberty but my attention during my teen years was focused on the breasts developing on the girls around me.  I was obsessed with them and couldn't wait for the opportunity to get my hands on them.  Eventually I did and it was pretty nerve wracking that first time I took off a young woman's brassiere... that complicated contraption that seemed designed to foil me.  But eventually I was successful and the game began.

So we love breasts, simply not the ones growing on our own chests... right?  But we lived with them for some time... though I know a couple of guys here began wearing brassieres as teenagers.  Clearly they had much greater breast development than I did at that time.  Now we're having a conversation about putting on one of those contraptions we feverishly tried to remove from our girl friends.  We were mesmerized by those well-filled brassieres and now we're scooping our breasts and settling them into brassiere cups on our chest.  Some of us will admit we like how we look.  We not only appreciate the comfort of having breasts held in brassiere cups, we like the look of our breasts.  We were breast men before and now WE are the ones with breasts.

It is much easier to talk about comfort than it is to talk about enjoying the breasts we have.  I agree, wearing a brassiere does not mean we want to become women... it is not for everyone the first step in transitioning to be followed by wigs and face makeup.  But we are definitely stretching the bounds of masculinity here and coming to terms with our breasts seems to be more than finding a good fitting brassiere that is easily hidden beneath a tee shirt.  I think that is why this website can fall into tension at times... accepting our breasts and then coming to terms with the reality of breasts now held in brassieres is a bit mind bending.  But here we are.  I have breasts.  I no longer hate that fact... in reality I'm enjoying this adventure which involves caring for my body AND finding pleasure where I once found only discomfort.  That is the surprise...

Offline Traveler

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I’m a guy, I present as a guy, but I’m a guy with boobs. I spent years trying to ignore them but it just became too apparent that I needed to tackle the problem. The answer was a bra. Yeah it’s a feminine garment but I’m using it as a male garment. So, it’s not cross dressing, it’s what I need to wear. It feels great, I look better and if there’s any question that I need one, see attached.

Offline blad

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It is a bonus that if you have breast development, and have come to the conclusion that you are more comfortable wearing a bra for your breasts, that you also have come to fully accept and enjoy your breasts and how it feels to wear a bra. It just makes it even easier to wear and accept something that you probably should be wearing for obvious reasons.

I don't think anyone here asked for breasts, but since we have them there is nothing wrong with coming to like them. It is the best form of acceptance after all.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Nipples are erogenous zones and more feminine breasts seem to be more sensitive in that regard then are men's breasts.  I know that is the case for me and I'm not talking about sensitivity in terms of physical pain.  No, it has the quality of a sexual feeling though something more.  Nipple play is mesmerizing.  For men here in relationship with women who are fully accepting of what is developing... the opportunities for sexual play increase.  For those of us who live alone auto-eroticism is still our friend.  I'm in awe that these rather prominent breasts I didn't ask for are on my chest... and still learning how to live with them while enjoying a brassiere that treats them well.  I have no complaints.

Offline Dale Warnio

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I find it sort of a powerful feeling that my breasts can easily fill a good sized bra cup and that I need to wear a bra just like a woman for all the reasons a woman does. Where I once was embarrassed, I now feel pride.

Plus I admit I like the soft, smooth, silky feeling of a lot of women's clothing.  Not to mention, it fits me better LOL

I also think femininity is much more interesting and sensual than masculinity.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I find it sort of a powerful feeling that my breasts can easily fill a good sized bra cup and that I need to wear a bra just like a woman for all the reasons a woman does. Where I once was embarrassed, I now feel pride.

Plus I admit I like the soft, smooth, silky feeling of a lot of women's clothing.  Not to mention, it fits me better LOL

I also think femininity is much more interesting and sensual than masculinity.

In my exploration of this subject, which has taken a number of directions, I've read about men who were taking estrogen with the intention of enhancing breast development.  Apart from reminding me of the amazing variety of life experiences there are in the world, I read about the changes these men found with increased estrogen.  So when you say femininity is "more interesting" it makes sense.  Men here have elevated estrogen and often reduced testosterone, which yields a very different perspective on the world, emotions and sexuality.  I know my more feminine qualities are much appreciated by the women in my lives.  I don't spend a great deal of time with jocks, so that says something as well.  Enjoy your life Dale... it is the only one you'll have.

Offline qwerty6

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Plus I admit I like the soft, smooth, silky feeling of a lot of women's clothing.  Not to mention, it fits me better LOL


i find womens clothing far more comfortable and suits me better.

« Last Edit: December 07, 2020, 04:34:40 PM by qwerty6 »

Offline curiousk

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I’m a guy, I present as a guy, but I’m a guy with boobs. I spent years trying to ignore them but it just became too apparent that I needed to tackle the problem. The answer was a bra. Yeah it’s a feminine garment but I’m using it as a male garment. So, it’s not cross dressing, it’s what I need to wear. It feels great, I look better and if there’s any question that I need one, see attached.
I agree wholeheartedly and couldn't have said it better.  Bras are for breasts and I have breasts, so I wear a bra for comfortable and containment.  I wear different colors and styles to suit my needs.   I feel better and look better wearing a bra and that wouldn't change for me.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I’m a guy, I present as a guy, but I’m a guy with boobs. I spent years trying to ignore them but it just became too apparent that I needed to tackle the problem. The answer was a bra. Yeah it’s a feminine garment but I’m using it as a male garment. So, it’s not cross dressing, it’s what I need to wear. It feels great, I look better and if there’s any question that I need one, see attached.

I've mentioned before that crossdressing has been part of my journey and as I've been exploring the reality of breasts growing on my chest in light of that experience, I've spent some time on crossdressing websites.  I've also visited websites devoted to men who wish to increase the size of their breasts using herbs.  This was an important exploration for me because it clarified what this is all about for me.  Reading about crossdressing helped me understand I really don't want to wear women's clothes or to appear as a woman.  I don't want to grow longer hair, use makeup.  I wouldn't dream of judging these men, who in truth are living a life with much conflict and isolation.  At the same time I don't feel I can join the men who insist they want to remain men rather than transitioning but who want larger breasts.  I have breasts because this is the hormone balance I was born with.  Because of that I occasionally wear a brassiere and doing so gives me pleasure.  I don't need to wear a brassiere, at least up to this point.  That may change if my breasts continue to grow and if that happens I may also have to entertain wearing more feminine attire... but it won't be crossdressing as you say.  It will be for comfort.

This is the status of my breasts at the moment.  I needed to take this screenshot this morning.  The brassiere I'm wearing is doing a rather spectacular job taking care of the breasts developing on my chest.  I do find pleasure in both having breasts and finding brassieres to enhance their appearance.

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This am I was getting dressed and haven't put any top on. I walked over to the other half and leaned over. She was laying down, looked up and said.."good god! Those are getting big!"  
then as I went for the shirt, she blurted out. "you might want to wear a bra today!" 

Because I have the sports bra i dont pop out as much unless i wear a form fitting something like a sweater or an older t-shirt. Then they pop out. 


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