Author Topic: London_boy 2 & 3 month post- op photos  (Read 3356 times)

Offline London_boy

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 17/08/05
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I've finally uploaded some more photos !

I'm exactly 3 months post-op now and as more time passes, things continue to improve. I've still got a little bit of fluid trapped on the rhs which makes things look at little uneven but I'm more than happy with the results so far.....

I've grown quite attached to my compression vest, especially now it's cold and still wear it quite a lot !

Offline uk2000

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looking good london boy
tho i dont think its fluid u gna have still trapped, if anything it will be scar tissue.  does this area feel lumpy and really hard??
July 04 - Gland removal + liposuction- Adriaan Grobbelaar. Results: Terrible
Feb 05 - Lipo Revision- Alex Karidis.
Nov 05 - Gland + Lipo- Alex Karidis.
Jun 06 - LHS gland + Lipo - Alex Karidis.

Offline chestrockwell

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excellent m8 im glad things are looking good, man you were quite swelled 10 days post op wernt you, cant wait untill im three months post op when things are getting nearer to normal, your now well and trully on the mend keep us posted :)


Offline geg100

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london boy has the same indentations as me just near the armpit in the middle of the  chest which shows more when you arise your arms.but looking at post op 3 months its settled down which im glad to see.he also looks like he has lumps near the nipple like me.
london boy did it initially feel hard there like scar tissue and has it decreased?
anyways looking wicked mate at post op 3 months.

Offline orrible

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London boy coming along nicely. Wouldnt mind seeing some before pics if u cud sort them?

How many times have you seen Dr levick since you were discharged after the op? Also what has he told you to do to recover as quickly as possible. Do you do massage regulary and stuff? thanks

Offline London_boy

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 17/08/05
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tho i dont think its fluid u gna have still trapped, if anything it will be scar tissue.  does this area feel lumpy and really hard??

It's definitely not scar tissue as it's soft and you can move it around with your fingers. I had a haematoma on the rhs and have since been back to Levick to have some of the fluid (old blood) aspirated. We agreed between us that there was still a bit more left in there but at that time (September), he couldn't get any more out.
did it initially feel hard there like scar tissue and has it decreased?

It was initially pretty hard near the armpit near the incisions but as time has gone on it's started to become less hard.
How many times have you seen Dr levick since you were discharged after the op? Also what has he told you to do to recover as quickly as possible. Do you do massage regulary and stuff?

I went back to see him in September when I was about 3 weeks post op and it was then that he stuck a dirty great needle in my chest to aspirate some of the fluid. I'll probably go back to see him around Christmas time again. He didn't really tell me what to do to speed up my recovery and I've always known that it was going to take time. I asked about massaging ad he said not to until it had all gone hard and it hasn't yet so I haven't started massaging.

Thanks for all your kind comments. I've got my "before" photos tucked away which I need to scan and post. I'll try and do it over the weekend......

Offline uk2000

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out of interest london boy wot did yr haematoma look like,  was it all black and like a massive spot?

Offline London_boy

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  • Op performed by Mr Levick 17/08/05
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I had my haematoma about 3 hours post op, so I was still in the bandages and all I know is that it swelled up like a balloon under the bandage, so much so that you could physically see it getting bigger and bigger and blacker and blacker!

What I was left with is what you see in the 10 days post op picture. Levick then aspirated a further couple of syringes full of old blood when I went back to see him about 3 weeks later...

Offline Pferdestärken

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That's a massive difference before and after. You must be well pleased with the result.
Pics | Op 3/6/05 Mr Paul Levick


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