Author Topic: I think I have gyno? What stage?  (Read 3750 times)


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Well guys i am 43 and appear to be developing a cause gyno in my older years. My chest is filling out and looks very feminine. I could use your thoughts and opinions.

Offline brock123

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Hard to tell without any info about your current BMI and medical history but it does seem that way visually?  My (non-medical) opinion based on your, shall we say "kind of pointy" protrusion, is that you may indeed have true gyne.

My advice at this point would be to visit your doctor before taking any action(s) from feedback you find on the Internet.  Explain the extent of your physical changes, how you feel about them, and any thoughts you have as to how your condition may have been changed. He/she will almost undoubtedly schedule you for a mammogram to get a better read on what's going on physically.

If you do opt into any suggested mammogram(s), be advised that true gyne isn't "uncommon" in our male population and there is nothing wrong with you; the problem lies with everyone else that has not gone through this.

True/Pseudo - keep us in the loop.  Our suggestions are likely to change.

Offline SideSet

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Yes, you do seemed to have developed breasts and they are female in appearance.  Are they still growing?  Have you tried a bra?  I think you would feel and look better in one. 

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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thank you for the responses.  Feeling the large disks around my areola I was pretty sure I had gyno, but wanted some other opinions.  I was really surprised how deep the disks go into my chest.  

I never in my craziest dreams thought I would need a bra.  You really think I am at the size to benefit from a bra?  A cup?  AA Cup?

I am really new to this whole thing. Last summer I wouldn't have thought twice about taking my shirt off in public.  This summer I still go topless, but I am self conscious. I feel like everybody is thinking his chest looks very feminine.  But home alone with no shirt I secretly kind of like my little breasts.  Is that weird?

Will my gyno continue to grow? 

I hear everyone talking about puffy nipples and areolas. Are mine puffy?  My nipples get hard very easy and show through most of my shirts.  

Thanks everyone for listening.  I am really glad I found this forum.  

Offline SideSet

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I think maybe a B cup. And from what you shared, sounds like you are still growing. Best thing to do is go in and get fitted and try on, then you will know your bra size for sure.  I am betting you will love how nicely a bra holds everything in place. Also, no more nipping out when you are wearing your bra.  And, yes, your nipples do appear a bit puffy and feminine. 

I understand your conflicting emotions, as that is not unusual.  And to be blunt, yes, people probably have noticed you are developing female breasts.  You probably should not be going out topless any more.

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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Sideset, thank you again for the blunt truthfulness.  I appreciate it so much.  

I just honestly can't wrap my head around the idea of not being able to go topless anymore.  I know I caught a relative doing a double take one day at the pool.  When I was younger I was strong and in great shape.  the thought of needing a bra and having B cup breasts is making my head spin.  I grow so little chest hair it is hard to hide the female appearance. 

How am I supposed to walk into Wal Mart and browse through the bras?  Or try them on?  What will people think if they see I am wearing a bra.  Although I like my little breasts at times, this is becoming more embarrassing.  

I thought they looked like female breasts, but I was hoping it was just my imagination.  

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It is not your imagination; it is your boobs.

Have you noticed that your areolae have expanded as your breasts have grown?

I would suggest Soma.  You will get acceptance, attention, and help from the sales associates there.  They will help you find what works best for you, as they fit you and help you try on.  You can even see how much each bra shows under your tops.

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I am not sure if my areola's have grown. It looks like I have a circle around the areolas that is very white like my chest got a tan, but left an area untanned around the areolas.  

I measure 38" under bust and 41.5 around the chest.  I don't think I have the courage to ask someone to help me pick out a bra.  In my mind she would tell me I don't need one I don't have breasts, but I guess that is not the case.  I may have to be stealthy at wal mart and sneak one into the dressing room.  

Offline SideSet

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The 3.5" differential would be consistent with a C cup, but you don't look like a C cup to me.  Men have broader upper backs, etc, so that measure is probably picking up some of that.

I know it is hard to go in for your first bra fitting, but to make it easier you can call or even use the online chat feature at Soma to explain your situation and even set up an appointment to get fitted and try on bra.  Not to worry, they will not tell you that you do not need a bra :)

That white area is consistent with the skin stretching as your breasts grow bigger.

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I am not a C cup. I have broad shoulders and back.  I am sure that is skewing the measurements.  I was thinking to myself I am probably a AA cup.  if I am honest I am least an A or maybe a B.  

I guess that white area will stay white or will that area turn darker like my areolas.  If my areolas got bigger they would without a doubt look very feminine and I would have to hide them.  

Offline SideSet

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I agree with what you are suspecting about your cup size, but only a professional fitter can tell you for sure.

Yes, you have to worry about high beaming and nipping out, unless you like that look

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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do you think stage 2 gyno? Is it possible to stay at this stage or do I need to prepare myself for more growth?  

Offline SideSet

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From what you have said, it does sound like you are still growing.  You don't seem to feel your development stopped a while back, do you?

I am not good at the stages, sorry.  But I would say 3 or 4.  I would say you are past breast buds and to elevation and areolar mounds, but not yet your final contours.

Offline pastthepointofreturn

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I have been measuring often.  I was up to 42" around the chest at one point.  I started eating better and drinking better.  I got down to a 40.5", now I am at 41.5".  I think my growth might be somewhat stagnant now, but the breasts seem to have taken more of a 'breast like shape'  

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« Last Edit: September 10, 2021, 03:58:11 PM by pastthepointofreturn »


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