Author Topic: Bra Rotation  (Read 2062 times)

Offline JoniDee

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I've only been wearing bras for the past seven months, and have finally found that a size 36D fits me quite comfortably. I realize that wearing a bra stretches out the band and that giving it a rest between wearings extends its life. What's a minimum number of bras should I have in a daily rotation? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️


Offline Johndoe1

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It depends. Normally the recommended number is a minimum of 3 bras in a regular rotation. The general rule of thumb is let a bra rest at least one day before wearing again. The weight of you breasts and the size will also play a part in how long a bra lasts. Again, the rule of thumb for average size and weight breasts is 100 wears should be the average life span of a bra. I personally rotate 6 bras normally with two sports bras and two soft cup bras for lounging. Of course I am more endowed than most so my routine is more aligned with how women who are endowed in number, types and rotating their bras. Wash your bras after about 4 wearings. Obviously if you sweat excessively, you will need to wash more often and this will also effect the life expectancy of your bras. When doing outside yard work or other work that you will normally sweat, a sports bra over a regular would be a better choice since the regular bra is not as robust in materials and construction as a sports bra. YMMV.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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If you're wearing a bra full time, , and being a 36D, I  expect that you are 😉. If you have a Monday thru Friday schedule, it may be easier to have a minimum of a 5-7 bra rotation. I'm usually in my bra for about 16 hours a day and then into a leisure bra or a nightie with built-in support for sleeping. 

It's best to give your bra at least 48 hours of  rest before wearing it again. Like John said, the more work you ask of your bra, the shorter its life span. Expensive bras tend to last longer too. I don't mind paying more money for a good quality  and comfortable bra that I can rely on for the day. 

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline SideSet

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Because we have breasts like women, we come to have attitudes towards our bras like women do. Each day, it’s not a matter of whether we will wear a bra, because of course we need to wear a bra, but rather which bra we will wear today. Our choice is based on what we will be doing, what we will be wearing and our moods.  So, the number of bras you have is not really about having enough to rotate, but having enough different types of bras so you always have the one you want to wear any given day

Offline JoniDee

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Sophie, John, MT, Side:

I learned early that cheaper bras won't work for me, and I've been investing in better quality underwires (Elomi, Panache, and Wacoal) bras. So far I only have four to rotate, and I'm eager to get at least two more balconies in different colors. I think a balcony style works best for my slightly shallow on top girls. 😉



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I have found that many of us here, including myself have the similar issue of being FOB or Full On Bottom with our breast shape. In that case balcony style bras are a great option. Another option that after all these years, I finally added a couple of push up  bras to my top drawer. I had stayed away from them because I never wanted to add any more volume than I already had. What I discovered was yes, they are pushed up and in but, my blouses and other tops all still fit great. 

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline Johndoe1

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Sophie, John, MT, Side:

I learned early that cheaper bras won't work for me, and I've been investing in better quality underwires (Elomi, Panache, and Wacoal) bras. So far I only have four to rotate, and I'm eager to get at least two more balconies in different colors. I think a balcony style works best for my slightly shallow on top girls. 😉

I learned a long time ago that cheap bras and me didn't work out so great. I hate having to pay the $50 to $80 a bra cost, but at my size, those bras are the best value for ROI. I get the expected 100 wears (some more than 100 wears, I have two bras I bought in 2018 and I am still wearing them, but it is getting time to replace them). I too have had great luck with Natori, Wacoal, and Anita bras. All are in the upper range of $60 to $80 but I get good wear, they give me a good appearance and shape and are comfortable so it is worth it to me to spend the money. I usually will buy bras once a year or so and that works out great for me.

Offline JoniDee

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Regarding an additional way to take good care of your bras besides using them in rotation, I want to report that I've finally become flexible enough to properly hook up and unhook my bra with my hands behind my back! 😂 Doing so really helps extend the life of your expensive bras by not subjecting the bands to extra strain and potentially twisting their underwires.

Being able to unhook your from behind your back also enables you to do the magic trick all bra wearers should be able to perform: Removing your bra without taking off your shirt! 🥳 😂


Offline Evolver

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Being able to unhook your from behind your back also enables you to do the magic trick all bra wearers should be able to perform: Removing your bra without taking off your shirt! 🥳 😂

Guilty! ;)

Offline Rich meier

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Regarding an additional way to take good care of your bras besides using them in rotation, I want to report that I've finally become flexible enough to properly hook up and unhook my bra with my hands behind my back! 😂 Doing so really helps extend the life of your expensive bras by not subjecting the bands to extra strain and potentially twisting their underwires.

Being able to unhook your from behind your back also enables you to do the magic trick all bra wearers should be able to perform: Removing your bra without taking off your shirt! 🥳 😂

except when you have arthritis and shoulder surgeries


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How you care for your bras makes a big difference in how long they last.  I have about 10 bras I wear often but I rotate them and always hand wash them and dry them on hangers.  Depending on what I am doing, I may wear them once or I may wear them for 3 or 4 days.  If the underarms start looking grungy from deodorant buildup, Spray & Wash or something similar will help.  My wife throws her fairly expensive Bali bras in the washing machine and hangs them from a doorknob to dry.  After a year or so, she is looking for new bras.  I have bras that are 3 or 4 years old that are still looking good and fitting well.


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I usually go for a run  or walk in the morning. Whatever sports bra that I'm wearing, I wear into the shower with me and use Summers Eve body wash to wash it with. When I get out of the shower, I hang it to dry and the next morning, I have a clean sports bra for my run 🏃‍♀️. Even at that, I'll only wear that bra for 2 or 3 times before she gets a few days off. 

My everyday bras get rotated everyday (usually). Sometimes, depending on my blouse 👚 or dress 👗, I'll wear the same bra again because it's the best choice with my outerwear wear. I use "Soak" lingerie wash for these bras and flat dry them on a towel. 

Sophie ❤️ 


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Works for me also.  Morning bra washed in the shower then start the day in a new clean one.  After some discussion several months ago, another thread, I have taken to the rotation also.  I think it helps and glad I've started doing this.  Especially since I have begun to spend a bit more for each bra.  

Confused old man

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I am a outdoors guy. Working in my yard and garden. My various hobbies. Working out at the Y and aerobics class. So I sweat almost everyday. So clean bra everyday now. I have tried to go braless. Just doesn’t work anymore. I need that support,comfort and security. So a clean bra everyday makes me feel much better.


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I typically wear 3 different bras a day. I wake up wearing my sleep bra, then I change into my sports bra for either a run or a workout. I shower after and bring my sports bra I with me and wash it while I shower then hang it to dry. I wear my regular underwire bra for work for about  12 hours or so and just before bed, I get back into my sleep bra or just my nightie if it has enough support. 

Sophie ❤️ 


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