Author Topic: Do you like wearing a bra  (Read 9210 times)

Offline SideSet

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I like the way a bra feels and looks on me

Offline leosud

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Choosing, buying and wearing bras is are very pleasant moments for me.....and it's so comfortable !!!!!!

Offline blad

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It was an ironic twist that after the initial embarrassment of being told over and over in school that I needed a bra, that I would come to prefer wearing one daily and would feel very out of place without one on. 

The bra does its job so well I forget I am wearing one much of the time in contrast to a strong awareness of my boobs without one on. But when I am aware of my bra, I have a comforting feeling about wearing one. Feeling good about wearing a bra goes along way to create an acceptance of having boobs. 
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline Ed325

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I like the supportive and contained feeling of wearing a bra, but I do not like how they project and enhance my bust. I'd rather not draw attention to myself, so I do not wear a bra in public.  I am only an A cup, so I wear a loose fitting shirt with no bra to hide my small boobs.  


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Ironically I wear a bra in public for the opposite reason lol since moving in to a c cup without a bra is just annoying unless I’m with my wife and kid I’m in a bra cause of the jiggling or in my normal t shirts more fit or workout style the bounce and projection looks more obvious than in a uniformed shape such as a bra. 

Offline SideSet

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Yes, it is a nice feeling with everything supported and nicely held in place.  Plus, it is a more polished look than having all that jiggling band movement that draws attention to your breasts.  For now you can get away going braless.  But as you continue to grow, there will come a time for you to start wearing a bra just as your wife does. 

If I remember correctly, you said you had tried on one of her bras and that the band was OK, but the cups too big for you. There’s a good chance you will be filling those C cups in the future😘

I think you also said, that while your wife and you had not discussed your developing breasts, you had to see her looking at your chest and obviously taking note that your breasts were growing. Has there been any more along those lines?


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I am very side-set, so my c-cup breasts definitely perk out the sides when I'm not supported. I also have back pain from an injury about 10 year a ago that goes away when I take my breast weight off my chest. That and the smoother look a bra gives, a bra is a must. From the moment I wake up and go to work, to the moment I go to bed 

Offline Puna

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Do you like wearing a bra?

I love wearing a bra. Without a bra, I’m really uncomfortable and my chest hurts after a while. Also I feel out of place in public when I’m not supported.

Offline Denny

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Hi, so my answer is yes if it does what it's supposed to do. Recently, I started a new job and I bought a new pair of work boots for the job. After a couple of weeks my feet were killing me. I started wearing my tennis shoes instead. Since then my feet don't hurt and I don't think twice about putting my shoes on for work. A bra is like any other undergarment. It's purpose is to support breasts. If it doesn't do it's job you find something else or another one. However I am still uncomfortable about being seen that I'm wearing it. If I felt like you could tell I was wearing it I would not feel comfortable with it on no matter how good it felt. When I get the most out of wearing my bra is when I don't realize I have it on and it has supported me all day. For anyone to say that it's only for women is like someone saying that a c-pap machine should only be used in a hospital because basically all it is is a respirator. It makes no sense. A bra is made to support breasts, male or female.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I'll jump into this conversation... after many weeks of not visiting this website.  I've never worn a brassiere every day and don't expect I ever will.  Yes, my breasts are large enough to warrant wearing a brassiere but I've lived so many years masking the appearance of my chest that even as my breasts have grown, which they have the last few years, I get along fine with a dark tee shirt and a unbuttoned cotton shirt covering my curves.  That said, I do on occasion wear a brassiere and I enjoy the experience... not because I'm trying to deal with back pain or sensitive nipples.  There is a bit of a sexual charge from finding a great looking brassiere and in appreciating how it does its job... showing off my breasts.  Funny thing is I have no interest in transitioning as Sophie has done but I find myself enjoying my breasts after a lifetime of embarrassment over my fleshy chest.  Hanging out with other men talking about selecting and wearing brassieres definitely helps with self-acceptance, though most often men prefer talking about the mechanics of it all rather than the sensuality of it.  There is room for all of it... all of us.  :)


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Will second side set and 42c, side sets in probably be filling that bra soon enough with luck maybe not but as things seem for most of us probably will. I joined this forum when I was barely an a cup and now I’m a mild C cup. As things grew I kept telling myself I won’t wear a bra I don’t need one it’s not necessary etc. but from one cup size to the next it became more prone to just accept it and as I outgrew one bra to the next it just became more ideal to wear what works and fits and does the job. 
42c I also don’t wear a bra every day while my b cup bras are quite overflown at this point and my c cups have minimal space but enough to convince myself I’m not a full c cup yet it do find I have a bit of a shelf now when braless. Things point out a bit stick out more and the bounce is noticeable now days. But overall sometimes I just don’t care to wear one so I don’t. I assume for many women it’s the same. I could wear one I should wear one I’d probably rather wear one for both support comfort and lack of attention overall it gives but ehhh just don’t feel like it today lol. 
I like Dannys analogy to work boots too. If you need a bra it’s best to find one that does the job you need it to and have the comfort sought 

Offline Denny

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I would like some guidance on this if possible. I have been wearing a sports bra for about 3 weeks now. At first just for running, but then also at work when I need to help unload a truck which happens 3 days a week. Basically, I have a bra on more than I have it off. 3 weeks ago I measured 40 C. Last night I bought another sports bra, 40 C. But later in the evening I noticed I was filling the cups more than I had 3 weeks ago when I got them. So I measured myself again. Now I am a 40 D. I did it 2 more times and it was accurate. Is it really possible that I grew that much in 3 weeks? Is it possible that my breasts were that size 40 D, and after wearing a bra they became more proportionate? What do you all think? Any guidance would be appreciated.

Offline taxmapper

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Very possible. 
There are many a story of girls waking up in the morning having 'blossomed". 

Just because your male don't mean it cant happen to you. 


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I would agree that it is possible to grow quickly. With exercise and building muscle, the hormone stew, medications, food intake, etc... IF the same bra was purchased in a different size, it may be possible to be constructed differently, thus fitting differently.


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Very possible. It could also just be a fluctuation in weight distribution in the moment or honest growth. I have come to give it a couple weeks after I feel I’ve grown some and determine from there if it’s honest breast growth or simply weight that fell there and later fell off. A lot of factors that can play in to pseudo growth and true growth. 


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