Author Topic: Different bra styles for different occasions  (Read 1734 times)

Offline guy with girls

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Hey there I'm a male in my 20s with fairly prominent gynecomastia (not from obesity just my whack genetics and hormones) so for most of my post-puberty life I've had fairly large man-boobs (comfortably 36D/DD). Recently I've started wearing a bra, just to sort of generally support and contain my boobs. I've been using a standard pink womens underwire bra, which has been working great so far admittedly I was pretty embarrased about wearing it at first since it is pretty "girly" what with the lace and frills and such. But overtime I've changed so I'm not really that bothered about wearing a bra now. What has really made me think is that a few of my friends who also have similar levels of gyno and wear bras have different bras specifically for different occasions. So rather than just wearing a standard womens bra or sports bra every wear. For example they use a regular womens bra like the one I wearm, in their day to day lives while only wearing a sports bra when they exercise. I even remeber they wear more fancy black lace bras on special/fancy occasions. Is this common and should I consider it for myself as I have only recently started wearing a bra ?

Busted (and happy)

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Primarily I wear a bra for comfort and suitability for occasions. 
I have got to the point where I  don't  care if people clock that I am wearing a bra but I do not advertise it. This would be especially the case when wearing lace bras (which I like wearing) and are much cooler in warm weather. 
Bottom line
: Wear what you are comfortable with, wear what you are comfortable in

Offline Johndoe1

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Many of us who are more endowed in size, shape and/or breast weight do have certain bras we wear with certain clothes or looks to help minimize the effect. I too am D+ in size and I have lace bras, tee-shirt bras, underwire, soft cup, sleep bra, seamed bras, all for support/comfort and containment. I too am modest when it comes to advertising my support garments. The right bra for the right clothing and event goes a long way of staying under the radar. It's something women are experts at and we can learn too.

Bras are not styled and embellished with men in mind so if you want something that supports, contains and is comfortable, the support garment will not look very manly sometimes. It's the price you pay for the comfort, support and containment you seek and enjoy when endowed beyond the norm.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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I am also a D+ I have many styles and colours depending on what I am doing that day or what I feel like 
My Mrs likes to joke that I have more bras than her and seems to like when I wear the "sexy" ones lmao 
I don't advertise either but I don't care what others think I just want to be comfortable and If that means a bra than so be it 
And if anyone has a problem with it that's a them problem 


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Different styles, different colors, different shapes....

There are so many different bras out there. I  have about 25 bras that I wear. As a woman it's something that is not only accepted, it's also expected. This past year I got my first strapless bra. I had never needed one before I was maid of honor for my sister's wedding. 

There are everyday bras. If you're wearing a bra full time, you should have about 5-6 of these in your rotation. You should have a few different styles of sports bras as well. Sleep/leisure bras are great for lounging around the house. Swim bras and tankinis are also options if you enjoy the sun an surf.

Sophie ❤️


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There are a lot of different styles, colors, designs and fabrics.  All for a purpose and reason.  I have told myself many times that once I leave my home no one will see the bra.  Only the results of it.  As has been said seek out good ones that work for the task at hand and the activity being done.  


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So far sports bras do well for me, but I like and prefer prettier underwire types much more. Someday, when I lose my inhibition about presenting them I'll wear what I like not what conceals them.

OP, I think that most people do not scrutinize men with breast growth so I'd say wear what you like, what others do shouldn't be considered. 


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First and foremost be comfortable. I don't announce to the world I am wearing a bra and will wear bras that are cut to match my top, so the straps don't show, or the cups or design at the neckline. At home I am not as particular. I have a few pullovers for sweaty work, but otherwise they are all underwire. Being at a 44D, minimizing is the usual route when out. Some are comfortable showing less, and some are comfortable showing more. Do what suits you? Though, I would imagine some places or people that would be safer not to be around, unless one has the skills to do so.


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Different styles, different colors, different shapes....

There are so many different bras out there. I  have about 25 bras that I wear. As a woman it's something that is not only accepted, it's also expected. This past year I got my first strapless bra. I had never needed one before I was maid of honor for my sister's wedding.

There are everyday bras. If you're wearing a bra full time, you should have about 5-6 of these in your rotation. You should have a few different styles of sports bras as well. Sleep/leisure bras are great for lounging around the house. Swim bras and tankinis are also options if you enjoy the sun an surf.

Sophie ❤️
Your comments are always insightful and appreciated though I'm more of the opinion that many more bras are needed if for nothing else than the convenience of not having  to launder them so frequently. 

I LOVE your signature file: "Bras aren't for women, they're for breasts"



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Different styles, different colors, different shapes....

There are so many different bras out there. I  have about 25 bras that I wear. As a woman it's something that is not only accepted, it's also expected. This past year I got my first strapless bra. I had never needed one before I was maid of honor for my sister's wedding.

There are everyday bras. If you're wearing a bra full time, you should have about 5-6 of these in your rotation. You should have a few different styles of sports bras as well. Sleep/leisure bras are great for lounging around the house. Swim bras and tankinis are also options if you enjoy the sun an surf.

Sophie ❤️
Your comments are always insightful and appreciated though I'm more of the opinion that many more bras are needed if for nothing else than the convenience of not having  to launder them so frequently.

I LOVE your signature file: "Bras aren't for women, they're for breasts"


The most ironic part about the number of bras I have is that I had twice as many before I transitioned. When I decided that I wanted to live as Sophie, I also decided that I wanted to shed some weight. I lost 40 pounds and I band size going from a 38G to a 36H. I had to go bra shopping but I only replaced about half of them. I have plenty of colors and styles. I was and still am a bra fanatic. I simply love them. I  have more than my wife. We are different sizes and the only ones that we can share are the leisure sleep bras. 

Love you guys, 

Sophie ❤️


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First and foremost being a 36D/DD and having friends similar in size who wear bras especially in 20s man that would be amazing. I’d give anything to have friends in their 30s like me who have B C or D cup breasts to talk to and share with. That in itself is just an amazing thing that I think a lot of us outside of here probably don’t have. If anyone else has friends who wear bras you can talk to share with and be comfortable around with knowing they too are wearing bras for same reasons. Color my bra green for absolute envy lol. 
Secondly I echo those who say wear what is comfortable and suits you. As time goes, the reality is most people won’t say anything. If anything they may glance for a second in realization of seeing the wire or design of a bra and then go about their day. Honestly, if you’re a guy and walk talk act masculine and so forth the reality of being seen as a guy with large breasts and a bra that fits will probably be ignored. I think for me the biggest concern was being seen in a bra and social media as it is being posted about or someone seeing me but overall you come to realize your comfort is worth more than their opinion. 
Try different bras for different things. Such as shoes have for dress attire, running, work, etc bras have function for as well.


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