Author Topic: Just a shout out. A thank you.  (Read 1566 times)


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I don't want to sound funny but, and there's the but, I was feeling a bit thankful. Grateful.  This group has helped me become a better me.  I talk of self acceptance but that is achieved through encouragement and support of others. You my friends are the others. 

  Today as I dressed for the day I put on a bra that best fit the days activities.  I felt great!  Much, if not all, came from the acceptance you all have given me.   Thanks.

  We navigate through life untethered.  Doing  with out thinking.  That comes from self acceptance and the support of a community of friends.

  Thank you for being compassionate friends.

  Supportive! (Pun intended.)


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I am just so happy for you and your self-acceptance and where you are today. 

This really is an incredible "support " group. I am also grateful to still participate here despite my unique standing in the group. 

Everyone here in the Acceptance forum knows what it's like to have to do what is best for themselves. 

Thank you Orb for all of your contributions to the group. 


Sophie ❤️


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Ha!!! Thank you Sophie for being you!  Love ya, and love ya for being you!


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You know it does feel good to just be.  Live the day, take a bike ride, garden and read.  Being without thinking.
  Peace friends, 


Offline SideSet

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I enjoy what you share, Orb  thank you


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You my friend have a special place here as well.  I appreciate your openness.  I feel it helps us and others heal. 

Blessings my friend.

Offline SideSet

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Some of the things I share here embarrass me. They don’t put me in the best light. And in my daily life, I’m very careful and protective, as I learned that the hard way growing up. So it’s like taking a leap here. But I’m grateful for everybody making this a safe and open place, or I would like the courage. 

Also, some of the things I share make me cringe. They are so raw. 
I apologize if I offend anybody and their sensibilities.  I can easily understand how that would be the case. 

But what I share are things that of happened to me, been said to me, that I have thought, felt, and done. And some of them are buried so deep inside me. Yet, all the buried things ferment. And as I dig them up, I remember other things that I had buried so deeply that I had forgotten.

And I feel so much better after the release


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I know exactly how you feel.  There are a lot of things buried deep inside me.  Today I just began to let things flow.
I hope I can continue with your support and others as a means of healing for me.

  Time is my friend here.  Be patient.
   Wow this is new territory.

Offline SideSet

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I sent you a PM, Orb, if that makes it easier 


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A brief night cap if you will.

  Many of us shelter feelings deep inside.  The only way of true healing is to release them. 
Find some one. Some place to release them.  Then, and only then will you truly be able to move on.


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