Author Topic: Guess I'm a part of the club  (Read 2707 times)


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Sorry 😞 guys.

I've never golfed other than a little mini golf so I have no advice on how to modify a golf swing. I'm sure that it is going to require some adjustment. I was a part of a reddit community known as Bigboobproblems. There were a few ladies that had mentioned golfing with big boobs.

I hope to take it up someday. One of the ladies I work with has been after me about going out with her.

The one thing I do know is that when it comes to trying anything new is that it's never too late.

Love you guys,

Sophie ❤️
Look at the bright side.  Now you get to use the ladies' tee boxes.
I had kinda already planned on it. My friend,  Liz had mentioned that it would only be fitting. 😉

Sophie ❤️ 

Offline Moobzie

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Yeah, otherwise it might tee some off and make them green with envy.....

Offline Evolver

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I may as well get into the swing of it. Moobzie's post was par for the course, I reckon. I just wonder though, the advice that he gave, did he hear it from a little birdie? Or did he think of it beforehand? Just trying to find a slice of truth.

I'd better stop before I dig myself a hole. I'll just fade away now...::)

Offline Moobzie

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Evolver: Well done!!!
I feel handicapped...

Online taxmapper

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Such a rough answer!!! 


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All this talk really T's me off.  If I could I would put it in the bag, place it on the back of my cart drive away.
I'm heading back to my club house looking for a slice, of pie.

Offline Busty

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Maybe we have an excuse to use the women’s tee


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