Author Topic: Duodart side effects and prexisting kinks  (Read 3232 times)

Offline Mature

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If the mods think this post is inappropriate, I fully understand and am happy for it to be deleted. This post is more about Duodart and sex rather than Gynecomastia and sex.

I started on a generic label Duodart prescription for BPH about 7 months ago and after about 4 months I believe I started to notice the development of gynecomastia. Researching it lead me to this forum.

Of the clinically described Duodart side effects :

"Side effects which have been reported include impotence (an inability to maintain an erection), decrease in libido (sex drive), difficulty with ejaculation, breast swelling or tenderness, difficulty in sleeping (insomnia), dizziness, constipation, diarrhoea, vomiting, a fast heart beat, feeling weak or a loss of strength, low blood pressure upon standing up, itchy, blocked or runny nose and allergic reactions."

I can tick off impotence, decreased libido, difficulty with ejaculation, breast swelling, low blood pressure on standing and a blocked/runny nose as changes I have clearly noted with the possibility of also some loss of strength.

Several of these problems were already issues prior to starting duodart. I had some degree of prexisting impotence, low blood pressure on standing and a blocked/runny nose before but each is appreciably more obvious since starting the meds.

I am in a long term marriage that has been unsatisfactorily sexless for a long time now, so my problems with sex are not entirely the result of the medication and not specifically related to gyne. I however now find myself conflicted over particular new and additional gyne induced issues.

I'm envious of posters here who's wives are supportive and have embraced the complexities. I am in a loving relationship, it is just that the other half has had no interest in anything sexual since perimenopause.

Prior to taking duodart I don't think I fully comprehended what libido was, I'm still not sure I do now. However what I note is that although I still have the conceptual desire for sex I always had (i.e. I still like looking at the same pictures I always have), I don't seem to have the ability to have a follow through anymore. Is this actually what they mean by Libido loss?

My gynecomastia seems to have stabilized for the moment at a full AA cup size on an Aus/NZ 22 band. This would be a UK/US 44AA and is obviously not an off the shelf size. I'm not particularly overweight, I have broad shoulders and a BMI at the top of the healthy range.

I have always had something of a lingerie kink and to be honest the actuality of developing some palpable breast tissue has not been a totally unappealing outcome, especially since I have had to primarily self gratify sexually for so long. The other day while feeling a little aroused I went out and bought the nearest size bra I could find, a colourful Bonds size 20 scoop crop. When I tried it on and could see the enhancing effect I got somewhat turned on. This plays in to all sorts of fetishness and shades of cross dressing that I know would be turnoffs for my wife as I've unacceptably been partially down that path before.

I doubt I am entirely normal, but how unusual is this? What do you do?

Offline Johndoe1

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Not familiar with Duodart, but a quick Google search tends me to believe they are using some form of low potency amount of estrogen or estrogen like chemical. Things dealing with cancer of the prostate usually use some form of estrogen to curb the testosterone from feeding the cancer and gynecomastia is a side effect of many prostate medications for that reason. TBH, if my choice was to die by prostate cancer or develop gynecomastia and the sexual dysfunction brought on by the estrogen, bring on the boobs. I have had a family member die of prostate cancer so maybe I am somewhat biased towards living. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline leosud

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I have an urethral cancer. I'm 63 YO.
I have to be operated, the only solution is to "cut".
To avoid any risk of propagation it is necessary to "cut everything", the male thingy and the testicles. I think in the USA we say "nullo".
The choice is : die with a male thingy or live without it.
I chose a third solution.
I have had a big chest for a very long time (120D), I live very well with it so I decided, with the agreement of my wife, doctors and my psychiatrist, to have vulvoplasty. A female sex without a vagina. I think it's better than having an ugly hole instead of my male thingy.
Everyone has their own solutions, the main thing being to live it well !

Sorry for my English, I'm French !!!

Offline Johndoe1

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I am glad you are a cancer survivor and found a solution that works for you. It may be that more prostate patients who have total removal opt for your third option and most are not aware of that.  Thank you for pointing that out.

Offline Mature

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Duodart is dutasteride (Avodart) with tamsulosin. Thankfully at the moment I only have benign prostrate enlargement rather than prostrate cancer and I'm much more inclined to maintain the pharmaceutical treatment rather than surgical options for as long as possible, notwithstanding the side effects.

I feel for those facing and dealing with cancer treatments. It's reassuring to hear there are positive outcomes even with the radical solutions. I'm 69 and I've had other post vasectomy problems over the years including infrequent but recurrent epididymitis, but mostly things have kept functioning enough for some degree of sexual fulfillment until now.

I think I'm mainly dealing with the psychological adjustments at the moment. This is more difficult not having a satisfactorily adjusted and functioning sexual relationship. Getting old sucks.

Offline Moobzie

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I'm with JD on this.
Choosing between wearing a bra or a body-bag is a no brainer for me.

Regarding diminished libido and associated changes in interests (e.g., 'accepting' breast development, etc.), the more (i.e., longer) you experience it the more 'accepting' of it you may become - hormonal changes do things like that.  Knowing that these kinds of things may happen can alleviate some of the negative emotions, and even  the feeling 'guilty' somehow for what we're experiencing.

So ..... welcome (as one of our members often puts it) 'to the club none of us wanted to join'.  You'll be hard pressed to NOT find some who've experienced what you have.

Getting old is definitely not for weaklings!!!

All the best!

Offline FredL

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..I think I'm mainly dealing with the psychological adjustments at the moment. This is more difficult not having a satisfactorily adjusted and functioning sexual relationship. Getting old sucks.
My dad had prostate cancer and it robbed him of all sexual pleasure. His surgery left him with bowel incontinence and unable to urinate without a catheter. He was a man who liked to talk, so I heard it all many many times.

He was thankful for all of the good sex in his life and at age 68 he was no longer sexually active. Losing the ability was not the loss it would be at age 38. A young person wouldn't understand, an older person understands all too well. When you're young to take life for granted. When you are older you are thankful for every day.

 My dad told me he got intense pleasure from playing footsie with my mom in bed. It sounded silly, but now I get it. I do that with my wife and it feels so good, and there's no pressure to "perform".

Offline gotgyne

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Since here are quite a few men with ED problems including myself, have you ever tried a strap-on or dildo? If there is some kind of erection still present, you could try a hollow strap-on, with no erection you'd need a dildo with a harness.
I ask since I can't use drugs like viagra or cialis because of using anticoagulants.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Mature

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I feel going down the dildo route would be something one might try if you were trying to help satisfy the needs of a engaged partner. Likewise viagra is generally when there are two to play. I'm also on anticoagulants, in my case the NOAC rivaroxaban. My GP was happy to prescribe viagra or cialis for me to try if I wanted. If you're missing the engaged partner there doesn't seem to be much point, if you have an engaged partner I imagine it would be an a option to raise and even just the resulting discussion could be a bonding experience. There should always be mutual agreement on something like that.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2023, 06:31:00 AM by Mature »


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  Sorry to hear about your cancer.  I'm glad to hear your in a good place with the surgery.  I feel it's the right choice.  I hope it goes well and you have a great outcome.  

Online taxmapper

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In regards to the cancer and gilding. 

I pray that all works out for you.
Loosing out one's anatomy is a trepidatious and scary thing.

I personally have not had to deal with any of that, though I had a unilateral orchiectomy because of an undecended teste.

From my own life, if I was faced with such, I personally would go with a full on vaginoplasty and just call it a day. 

But that's me alone.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2023, 05:58:15 PM by taxmapper »

Offline gotgyne

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I have an urethral cancer. I'm 63 YO.
I have to be operated, the only solution is to "cut".
To avoid any risk of propagation it is necessary to "cut everything", the male thingy and the testicles. I think in the USA we say "nullo".
The choice is : die with a male thingy or live without it.
I chose a third solution.
I have had a big chest for a very long time (120D), I live very well with it so I decided, with the agreement of my wife, doctors and my psychiatrist, to have vulvoplasty. A female sex without a vagina. I think it's better than having an ugly hole instead of my male thingy.
Everyone has their own solutions, the main thing being to live it well !

Sorry for my English, I'm French !!!
Leosud, the most important thing is that you win the battle against cancer. I'm  wishing you the best! I think a total penectomy in combination with a bilateral orchiectomy is a good chance to survive. With regard to your breast size a vulvoplasty makes sense. Some MtF-Transsexuals choose this option too, and their number is increasing.

Offline gotgyne

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I'm also on anticoagulants, in my case the NOAC rivaroxaban. My GP was happy to prescribe viagra or cialis for me to try if I wanted. If you're missing the engaged partner there doesn't seem to be much point, if you have an engaged partner I imagine it would be an a option to raise and even just the resulting discussion could be a bonding experience. There should always be mutual agreement on something like that.
Mature, thank you for your answer. I was on coumadin for about 15 years, but since some months I'm taking exactly the same anticoagulant as you. If your GP doesn't see an obstacle I should ask an urologist. This seems quite interesting.
If he doesn't agree, I might try a dildo. There is a very realistic item I saw on A. The ratings are excellent. Together with a slip with an O-ring even a harness is not necessary. Of course I must talk to my wife before using it. If she doesn't like it, it makes no sense. But if she is willing to give it a try, I think this is better than no penetrative sex at all. If I could only please my wife with the help of such 'toys' I'd not be embarrassed to use them, that's for sure.


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I have ED pretty regularly and it got to a point sex was not even an option cause of the let down it was assumed it would lead to. We eventually tried a dildo and extender and strap on and it worked well. What I felt was going to make me feel embarrassed and discouraged was encouraging knowing my wife was able to enjoy sex again and it was seen the intimacy itself wasn’t the penetration of personal parts but just the act itself with the other person. Didn’t matter what was used just that it was us both involved. 

Offline gotgyne

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I have ED pretty regularly and it got to a point sex was not even an option cause of the let down it was assumed it would lead to. We eventually tried a dildo and extender and strap on and it worked well. What I felt was going to make me feel embarrassed and discouraged was encouraging knowing my wife was able to enjoy sex again and it was seen the intimacy itself wasn’t the penetration of personal parts but just the act itself with the other person. Didn’t matter what was used just that it was us both involved.
Exactly my thoughts. Thank you!


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