Author Topic: Me. A bit uneven.  (Read 2140 times)

Offline S45

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Learning to love these, but I wish they were the same size.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 07:56:55 PM by S45 »

Offline Evolver

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I'm probably like everyone else who has thought of replying, that wants to say don't worry about it, most people with breasts (women) are probably a bit uneven too. I can understand that if you have reached the stage where you have accepted your breasts, and you obviously have, then you want them to be perfect. But they are what they are. And they look alright to me. I doubt whether there is half a cup of difference between them and who knows, your very-slightly-smaller one might actually overtake your very-slightly-larger one, one day.

Again, you look fine. Enjoy them for what they are!

Offline gotgyne

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Your breasts are beautiful. Once I read that at least about 60 per cent of the women have uneven breasts. In your case it is not very pronounced.
In your comment from July 10, 2022 you've answered to Sophie "I don't think I'm ready to get fitted just yet". Did you get a fitting meanwhile?
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Johndoe1

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No two breast are the same.  Not even on the same body, women or men. In my own case, my left is slightly larger than my right and my right naturally hangs a little lower than my left, similar to yours. Yours look very normal to me. And as gotgyne said, your breasts are beautiful,  there's nothing wrong with them. And if you haven't been fitted yet, you should seriously consider it. I think you would be more comfortable.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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  I agree, you look fine.  I had the same feelings as you for 1 1/2 - 2 years.  One was smaller, and I could tell in the cup.  I had some growth of late and they are a bit more even now.  I learned to accept it with some helpful tips and conversation from some here.  As stated we're all proportioned differently.  I have learned different bras can help a lot at shaping our outward appearance as well as our inward acceptance.
  You look good.

Offline Busty

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Your breasts look great. Quite full and heavy and female in shape. The difference in size between the two is not even really noticeable. Your areolae and nipples are feminine, larger than a male’s.

With such womanly breasts, I hope you have begun wearing a bra like a woman 

Offline S45

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Thanks gotgyne. Haven’t taken that step yet, but enjoying wearing bras at home that I’ve bought online. Not as brave as some of the others here.

Offline Busty

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After a while, putting on your bra when you get dressed will become second nature. Like putting on your socks 


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Thanks gotgyne. Haven’t taken that step yet, but enjoying wearing bras at home that I’ve bought online. Not as brave as some of the others here.
One of mine has always been about half a cup size larger than the other one.  Over the years, the smaller one has not "caught up", but both have grown equally so the difference is not as obvious, especially when they are in a bra.
I would encourage you to pick up a pullover sports or leisure bra and venture into the world wearing it to get used to it.  The first trip to Home Depot is scary, but you soon realize nobody notices the bra.  Flattening the nipples and keeping things from moving around actually makes them less noticeable.  Once you get comfortable with it, you can move into big girl bras.


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Agreed. A pullover has done very well by me. They hold me in and support me well and while the lining is a bit indicative of something other than a male tank top below the shirt it is close enough for people I think to not really give notice to it. The cups are generally lightly padded and not wired so you’re good there for concealing and while the shape may give some away the projection of being held in place and lifted some is not as odd as it may seem when seen. 
Obviously larger of a bust larger the risk but I don’t think anyone is really caring or focusing on men’s shirts to spot and acknowledge. I’m a full b cup and a pullover is something I wear all the time. In many areas and no one seems to glance or look. It’s become so commonplace that it’s not even a concern anymore. 
If it helps when bra shopping especially in person a tip or trick I did at first till I got comfortable checking out is Walmart’s self checkout and to go in their fitting room with the usual idea of men’s pants or something to give indication of trying your clothes on for that side of aisle and try your bras on to find the fit and type you like and just wear it out of the store but before doing so take the tag off and just buy something small or whatever you may otherwise need there and at checkout scan they bra tag and no one knows and ya still bought it 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Thanks gotgyne. Haven’t taken that step yet, but enjoying wearing bras at home that I’ve bought online. Not as brave as some of the others here.
You're not alone my friend.  I read about men here who feel it is essential to go for a fitting, but I'm too timid for that.  And, I've had quite good success shopping online.  I prefer underwire brassieres with unlined cups.  I imagine a similar style will work for you.  My right breast is slightly smaller than my left but in a well-designed brassiere the difference is not noticeable.  You're quite well endowed so I expect you will fill out whatever brassiere you choose.  Glad you chose to comment.  This a great group of men who will support you as you explore living with breasts.  A well-fitting, nice looking brassiere definitely makes this all easier.


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Mine are the same my right is smaller than my right .
It worried me at first till the Mrs said "that's normal stop fussing over it " lol
I was very timid about asking for a fitting but one day I just decided to bite the bullet and do it .
And I would never look back 

Offline Busty

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Kazmage, love your wife’s reaction. 

I completely agree about a bra fitting. Once you have your first fitting, you wish you had done it sooner 


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