Author Topic: Coping decisions. A Pivotal Weekend  (Read 2570 times)

Normal boobs

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Apologies in advance if anyone is offended

Back Story (very brief)

Since arriving back on this site after many years absence I have been open about the that that I share a wardrobe with my very supportive wife, and I present as male though wearing around 95% womens clothing.
Various psychological profiling tests done over the years for jobs or general interest have almost always shown results skewed 70-80% towards having womens attitudes and values to Life. ? nature or nurture. This I believe has probably made my acceptance of gyno  easier than for most.
I am very embracing of my Normality of having boobs and have always had a don’t hide, don’t flaunt mentality. They have showed a tendency to continued growth (another cup size in the last year.)
I love them.

I sport male pattern baldness and a full set of facial hair. My only real surrender to female external appearance has been short denim mini skirts instead of shorts in summer.

Currently I have very little hair on top having had fairly extensive scalp surgery to remove some areas of basal cell carcinoma. I made a decision to buzz cut the whole lot from pure practicality.

I have decided to embrace my feminine side a little more fully. The change in my hormonal stew is increasingly changing my shape, growing my boobs, shrinking the family jewels down below, and a remarkable reduction in body hair.

After a pivotal weekend
I still regard myself as male.
All remaining body hair has now  gone. All remaining mens clothing has been bundled up for the charity shops, apart from a small collection in a weekend bag as an emergency standby for hospital or relatives we might visit.
I now have very new double piercings in both ears and a couple of plainish necklaces as a starter
A few new Bras to flaunt my “two friends” a little.
No hormones, but I will change my diet to include more soya and other natural sources of phyto estrogen.
I have bought a couple of unisex bandanas / scarves as a temporary solution to the head problem. I will never be able to grow hair in the areas of surgery and for years already I have had to wear hats for warmth or shade according to season. This has made me toy with the idea of an androgeneous style wig - who knows!! ……..The jury is out on that one

I have no desire to transition nor to be seen a s a crossdresser as is commonly perceived and  advocated. The object is merely to be comfortable physically and psychologically with my clothing and appearance. If I am seen as a “mutton dressed as lamb” tart or as an obvious “man in a skirt” I will have failed.
No makeup, though I will probably change to a subtle tinted lip balm when needed in winter
The object is to be true to my inner self and be myself. I am going to look very different but hopefully in a way that attracts no more attention than I have up until now.
Never felt better. Just need the scalp to heal.
Thanks for putting up with this – a bit of needed catharsis!

« Last Edit: March 05, 2023, 03:48:02 PM by Normal boobs »


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I can certainly relate to this. While I was already wearing bras and panties when I met my wife. That was about it for any traditionally feminine attire. My wife and I are the same size ( except for our chest) she's a 34C and I'm a 36H so we don't share bras. We did share at one time but, I had a couple growth spurts and she lost a bit when she lost some weight. My only complaint about sharing our wardrobe ( and she knows this drives me crazy 🤪) is the fact that I wear pantyhose much more than she does so, I'm the one who buys them whenever we need some. I hate it when she takes the last new pair whether it's black or suntan and doesn't tell me. We have a dress code at work that I have to wear hosiery if I'm wearing a skirt or dress. So, the skirt has to go back in the closet and the sacks and knee highs comes out.

That was kind of besides the point.  I had also identified as male for a couple decades while wearing my preferred clothing from the ladies stores and departments. 

When I started my job at the breast care center, I had quickly realized how well.I fit in with the girls there. I didn't realize that was because I was actually one of them who was pretending to be a man. 

I am so happy for you finally being you. Congratulations on the piercings too. It's alot of fun getting to be and see yourself. You may also enjoy some painted nails 💅 too.


Normal boobs

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Thanks Sophie for the support and understanding.
Not sure about painting the nails........ Though I already use clear nail polish. Great for helping with brittle nails.  Also useful with pantyhose which  my wife almost never uses. Sept - April  I am never without! 

Offline Johndoe1

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NB, you got to be you. And if "androgyny" or "non-binary", or "male" or whatever word you wish to use to describe yourself, then good on you. It's no one's damn business but you and who you want it to be. It sounds like you have every reason in the world to dress as you feel is necessary for you to live your life as you see fit. There is nothing wrong wearing clothing that fits your body as long as it is what you feel is correct. TBH, there are many here who do just that and never mention it because it isn't important. We have to  be happy with us and the rest of the world be damned.

Congratulations and I am here for you. Just ask.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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Thanks Sophie for the support and understanding.
Not sure about painting the nails........ Though I already use clear nail polish. Great for helping with brittle nails.  Also useful with pantyhose which  my wife almost never uses. Sept - April  I am never without!
I know, right???  My wife doesn't wear alot of skirts or dresses. That's fine. More  for me 😉. I'm glad that you and your wife have the same arrangement. ♥️

Offline Evolver

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I still regard myself as male....

I have no desire to transition nor to be seen as a crossdresser....

The object is to be true to my inner self and be myself....

Never felt better.
Excuse me for cherry picking certain bits from your post, but those four lines describe me perfectly too. I fell in love with my inner woman last year after finally realizing that I didn't have to hate my maleness to give her some room. I had repressed her for far too long because I actually felt guilty for not being dysphoric. Now, I know it doesn't matter. Sorry if that's TMI for some. 

My nails are a bit longer and rounder, and my hair is way past my collar now. And, loving it!

Our beautiful sister here was my greatest help. ;)

Good luck with your journey, Nb.  

Offline taxmapper

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Im not too far behind this as well.

Still processing it all.

Normal boobs

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I just hope that being openly honest helps some to have an easier journey with gyno.
Years back I felt hounded off the site by the thought police.
Thankfully it is now a safer, far more tolerant place and all the better for it.
Kudos to those who stayed, weathered the storm and achieved this.
Sophie and Johndoe and a number of others : I salute you and thank you for the many

Offline Johndoe1

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I don't post very often anymore, but you're right about this place it has changed for the better!
Good to see you back! Don't be a stranger!

Normal boobs

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Look after yourself Charli
I appreciate your contributions, so don't let them tail off too much


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I am just so happy for all of you. Acceptance means so many things to so many people. 

For me, self-acceptance of who and what I am is when I started to be truly happy. 

I also was so worried about coming out to everyone here, who have been so supportive of me from when I first discovered this forum over 10 years ago. I was worried that I would be rejected and have to leave the wonderful discussions we share about our bras and breasts.  Instead, I was shocked to find even more acceptance from all of you. Technically, I'm not "one of the boys " anymore but it means a lot to be included and accepted by all of you despite my own self acceptance.

Normal Boobs, Evolved, Charlie and everyone else who has discovered and enjoying your own self-acceptance, I am overcome by happiness and joy for all of you. 

Your sister 

Offline gotgyne

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Apologies in advance if anyone is offended

Back Story (very brief)

Since arriving back on this site after many years absence I have been open about the that that I share a wardrobe with my very supportive wife, and I present as male though wearing around 95% womens clothing.
Various psychological profiling tests done over the years for jobs or general interest have almost always shown results skewed 70-80% towards having womens attitudes and values to Life. ? nature or nurture. This I believe has probably made my acceptance of gyno  easier than for most.
I am very embracing of my Normality of having boobs and have always had a don’t hide, don’t flaunt mentality. They have showed a tendency to continued growth (another cup size in the last year.)
I love them.

I sport male pattern baldness and a full set of facial hair. My only real surrender to female external appearance has been short denim mini skirts instead of shorts in summer.

Currently I have very little hair on top having had fairly extensive scalp surgery to remove some areas of basal cell carcinoma. I made a decision to buzz cut the whole lot from pure practicality.

I have decided to embrace my feminine side a little more fully. The change in my hormonal stew is increasingly changing my shape, growing my boobs, shrinking the family jewels down below, and a remarkable reduction in body hair.

After a pivotal weekend
I still regard myself as male.
All remaining body hair has now  gone. All remaining mens clothing has been bundled up for the charity shops, apart from a small collection in a weekend bag as an emergency standby for hospital or relatives we might visit.
I now have very new double piercings in both ears and a couple of plainish necklaces as a starter
A few new Bras to flaunt my “two friends” a little.
No hormones, but I will change my diet to include more soya and other natural sources of phyto estrogen.
I have bought a couple of unisex bandanas / scarves as a temporary solution to the head problem. I will never be able to grow hair in the areas of surgery and for years already I have had to wear hats for warmth or shade according to season. This has made me toy with the idea of an androgeneous style wig - who knows!! ……..The jury is out on that one

I have no desire to transition nor to be seen a s a crossdresser as is commonly perceived and  advocated. The object is merely to be comfortable physically and psychologically with my clothing and appearance. If I am seen as a “mutton dressed as lamb” tart or as an obvious “man in a skirt” I will have failed.
No makeup, though I will probably change to a subtle tinted lip balm when needed in winter
The object is to be true to my inner self and be myself. I am going to look very different but hopefully in a way that attracts no more attention than I have up until now.
Never felt better. Just need the scalp to heal.
Thanks for putting up with this – a bit of needed catharsis!
All of us here in the gynecomastia acceptance subforum have our own history regarding bras. Some of us are still embarrassed wearing them in public, others are not. But we stand united because we have accepted the fact that we have breasts that need support. Maybe we should not worry so much what other people might think but feel comfortable how we are.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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Hey fellas. 

I just wanted to say this about the original post by Normal Boobs.

I don't think that I have ever read any post that so completely and fully embarrassed true acceptance so well. I was very captivated by the individual points and time-line that I could relate to my own acceptance. 

♥️Sophie ♥️

Offline Johndoe1

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Excuse me for cherry picking certain bits from your post, but those four lines describe me perfectly too. I fell in love with my inner woman last year after finally realizing that I didn't have to hate my maleness to give her some room. I had repressed her for far too long because I actually felt guilty for not being dysphoric. Now, I know it doesn't matter. Sorry if that's TMI for some.

My nails are a bit longer and rounder, and my hair is way past my collar now. And, loving it!

Our beautiful sister here was my greatest help. ;)

Good luck with your journey, Nb. 
I think many of us have admitted, whether publicly or privately, our female side. I know in my case, I do express my feminine side frequently. I too have no desire to transition, but I do have a desire to allow my feminine side to show more and that doesn't mean in a garish or demeaning way, but a "hint" so to speak. Allow the girls to shine a little, to wear a piece of clothing that would be considered feminine along with my male wardrobe, as Evolver suggested, more manicured nails or longer hair that has a hint of feminine styling. Of course, what you wear under your clothes, no one but you knows anyway! How you want to do or how much is totally up to you. You don't have to look like a drag queen to enjoy your feminine side and still appear male. And to be honest, it has unexpectedly made me feel free, confident and more comfortable in my own skin. Bottom line is I could never pass as a woman, but then I don't want to pass as a woman. Not who I am, but I enjoy many feminine things my male friends would not enjoy.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2023, 07:06:58 AM by Johndoe1 »


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I think all of us fall within that spectrum JD1.  What should be accepted by all of us here is that the spectrum is wide and everyone should be seen for who they are without judgement.  I hope the general population will get there also. I feel sorry for those that don't feel a bit of a feminine side,  they suppress, or don't want to see it or embrace it. 

Be true to self.  Works for me.


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