Author Topic: Have you found your zone? Completely accepted things?  (Read 3446 times)


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I don't know if I found my zone but everyone on this forum has helped me in some way to accept my girls especially Sophie who has been a great help 
All the women that know I have the girls and wear a bra for comfort are nothing but supportive 
I guess i am lucky like that 
Will the girls grow more who knows burni suspect as I get older they will either way I am here for the ride and will wear a bra until the day I die 

Offline Lbrown

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I guess I have found my zone. Twenty years ago, I considered surgery, but just could not justify the expense. Now, at age 72, I am what I am. Past the point of diminishing returns, right? Also, I have discovered that having boobs can be fun, sometimes!


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Yeah, having boobs can be fun! 
I enjoy dressing the girls up and showing them off to the mirror. 
I wouldn't wear my polo shirts unbuttoned down that far in public, but it's fun in front of the mirror 😉

Offline Johndoe1

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I don't know if I found my zone but everyone on this forum has helped me in some way to accept my girls especially Sophie who has been a great help
All the women that know I have the girls and wear a bra for comfort are nothing but supportive
I guess i am lucky like that
Will the girls grow more who knows burni suspect as I get older they will either way I am here for the ride and will wear a bra until the day I die
I too have found that the few women who know, all have been supportive and helpful and treat me as they would their friends. I suspect I may know more about their breasts than their partners.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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I have 100% acceptance. Took me awhile to get there. But I have noticed that no one cares that I have boobs or my bra strap is showing. They might notice but know one has ever said anything. I mean when you really thing about it, the way some people dress, have tons of tattoos and piercings, hair colored bright pink or green and so on. Seeing a man with boobs or seeing their bra straps isn’t really that big of deal. I don’t try and hide it much anymore. I have even been addressed as ma’am. My wife always tells me I’m not a pretty woman but not a ugly one either. That’s why some address me as ma’am. Some of us just have that look as a old lesbian woman, as my friend puts it🤣🤣🤣.
So yes, I have accepted it all. If I didn’t, it would probably drive me crazy.
I just can’t worry about my shape and my is what it is.
Maybe if I could grow a mustache or beard that would help. But I can’t even do that.
I have actually found my zone finally. I have done nothing wrong and have no reason to hide. 
Told my daughter this morning: "I love my boobs, I love to shop for bras". 
I am finally at 100% acceptance. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I think we can all tell from the frequency of your posts on this website that you've found a home.  Wonderful that you have so much support for your journey and for the pleasure you're taking in enjoying your breasts.  Yes, it is fun shopping for brassieres, imagining what they'll look like on your body... checking yourself in the mirror... feeling the fullness of your breasts in this or that brassiere or this or that shirt.  Glad you found this website and chose to participate... I read your username and want to call you Birdy...  I'll eternally be 42C which is also bizarre... but it is true.  8)


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I think we can all tell from the frequency of your posts on this website that you've found a home.  Wonderful that you have so much support for your journey and for the pleasure you're taking in enjoying your breasts.  Yes, it is fun shopping for brassieres, imagining what they'll look like on your body... checking yourself in the mirror... feeling the fullness of your breasts in this or that brassiere or this or that shirt.  Glad you found this website and chose to participate... I read your username and want to call you Birdy...  I'll eternally be 42C which is also bizarre... but it is true.  8)
Birdy is an okay nickname. My family actually calls me Yo yo (long story). 
My California daughter is just in typical denial. I have seen it before in people over other subject matters. I should have talked to all my children about it years ago. She just doesn't want to see her "Dad" going through it. 
But like I told her, I already have been all my life, it's just getting bigger is all. 

Offline Evolver

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I think we can all tell from the frequency of your posts on this website that you've found a home.  Wonderful that you have so much support for your journey and for the pleasure you're taking in enjoying your breasts.  Yes, it is fun shopping for brassieres, imagining what they'll look like on your body... checking yourself in the mirror... feeling the fullness of your breasts in this or that brassiere or this or that shirt.  Glad you found this website and chose to participate... I read your username and want to call you Birdy...
Birdy is an okay nickname. My family actually calls me Yo yo (long story).
The first thing I thought of was Peter Sellers in The Party getting on the PA and saying, "Birdy. Birdy Num Num!" ;D


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I think we can all tell from the frequency of your posts on this website that you've found a home.  Wonderful that you have so much support for your journey and for the pleasure you're taking in enjoying your breasts.  Yes, it is fun shopping for brassieres, imagining what they'll look like on your body... checking yourself in the mirror... feeling the fullness of your breasts in this or that brassiere or this or that shirt.  Glad you found this website and chose to participate... I read your username and want to call you Birdy...
Birdy is an okay nickname. My family actually calls me Yo yo (long story).
The first thing I thought of was Peter Sellers in The Party getting on the PA and saying, "Birdy. Birdy Num Num!" ;D


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I don't know if I found my zone but everyone on this forum has helped me in some way to accept my girls especially Sophie who has been a great help
All the women that know I have the girls and wear a bra for comfort are nothing but supportive
I guess i am lucky like that
Will the girls grow more who knows burni suspect as I get older they will either way I am here for the ride and will wear a bra until the day I die
"All the women that know I have the girls and wear a bra for comfort are nothing but supportive"

Most of the women I have contact with are in the medical profession. I do live in West Texas, and therefore "the bible belt". 
I find a large part of the women I am in contact with are supportive of the fact that I wear a bra. Those tend to be the ones that help with showers, dressing, etc... (I'm in a wheelchair after several strokes). 
But the others are the type that look at your like a sinner for "needing" a bra. Something I have no control over, and I also am larger chested than most of them anyway. 
The level of acceptance within society is being divided by regions, or where we decide to live. 
I am pleased to hear that where you live your have found support. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I appreciate your vitality which comes across in your posts here.  Given the health challenges you contend with every day your spirit is admirable.  It seems you have excellent medical support which is heartening.  Of course, living in the "bible belt" is not for the faint of heart, unless you're inclined to thump the bible yourself.  As a person who hasn't found it easy to fit in I would definitely feel out of step in that environment.  Fortunately, I've created a life for myself in a more progressive environment where my idiosyncrasies don't cause an uproar.  Of course, I don't flaunt my breasts... at least not anywhere but HERE... :o


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Resigned, accepted, embraced, enjoyed. My GP wants me to see a endocrinologist... nah. ;D


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Acceptance is a far better solution than let an endocrinologist mess with your  body.
A bra is a simple highly effective way of coping with breasts as most females will  attest. My hunch is even more women  would sing the praises of this  garment if they only had the gumption to get measured and end up in the right size and style.

Offline WPW717

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Please reconsider the Endocrinologist 

You can stay ‘ in your zone’ but gynecomastia can have several root causes. 
The simple lab draw can save your life 
If the prolactin level is up and testosterone is down an MRI is warranted to see if it’s a tumor in the pituitary gland ( in the head and curable)
 That Doc can also order an Ultrasound of the testicles to see if it is a cancer, also curable.
   A mammogram can also be done to detect a breast cancer in a male breast  it  is exceedingly rare 
I have gone this route and I have yet to find the source of this condition 
My concerns of cancer slowly being resolved as the MRI yielded no tumor and the likelihood of breast cancer is very slim, mammogram in early May for me. The US of the testicles shows no problem. Once this is done it becomes primary hypogonadism, simple apoptosis. The T level is so low that a normal estrogen level is dominant enough to cause gyne.
I am not on any meds that could cause it.
Please reconsider, I have survived twice the cancer diagnosis.
Regards, Bob


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Please reconsider the Endocrinologist

You can stay ‘ in your zone’ but gynecomastia can have several root causes.
The simple lab draw can save your life
If the prolactin level is up and testosterone is down an MRI is warranted to see if it’s a tumor in the pituitary gland ( in the head and curable)
 That Doc can also order an Ultrasound of the testicles to see if it is a cancer, also curable.
  A mammogram can also be done to detect a breast cancer in a male breast  it  is exceedingly rare
I have gone this route and I have yet to find the source of this condition
My concerns of cancer slowly being resolved as the MRI yielded no tumor and the likelihood of breast cancer is very slim, mammogram in early May for me. The US of the testicles shows no problem. Once this is done it becomes primary hypogonadism, simple apoptosis. The T level is so low that a normal estrogen level is dominant enough to cause gyne.
I am not on any meds that could cause it.
Please reconsider, I have survived twice the cancer diagnosis.
I have been down the breasts cancer route already. I had a lumpectomy and chemo for it. 
I get an annual mammogram to further check for anything suspicious, and also seen by many medical specialists. 
Pretty much the "cause" of my gynecomastia is still suspect. 
Weight could be effecting it as I am overweight, but I was not when the gynecomastia started in my teens. 
Every other test they performed leads to more head scratching. It just is not apparent why. 
"Acceptance" is exactly what my medical personnel is prescribing since all others avenues have been addressed. 


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