Author Topic: Where do you buy your bras?  (Read 962 times)


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I waited until people around me started bugging me about needing a bra. 

I was to ashamed to enter a department store and "cross the isle" into the bras section, so I started ordering off Amazon. 
This was a horrible mistake as it cost me lots of time and energy using online calculators and returning bras that didn't fit. 

I finally settled into a 52DD that at the time was fitting very well. After losing 45lbs I found I'm a 50" band now, but also found out different manufacturers have different cup sizing. The new bra of a different brand is now a D cup to get a proper fit. 

I have decided after learning the hard way that I should have at least a fitting once a year at Torrid or the likes. Yes, every year because I am finding our breasts keep changing.

I can always buy more bras online later after knowing what fits. 


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I too started buying online after a lot of trial and error I * and a lot of support from this forum * I got the courage to go to my local boutique and got a fitting and I wish I would of done it sooner 
It also helps to try on instore as different brands fit differently 
It turns out I am a 16DD in most sizes 


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On a side note, the people around me had many suggestions as to what "kind" of support I needed to buy. I appreciate their concern, but that cost me a lot of money. 
I have several sports bras that really didn't support the girls enough and are sitting on a shelf now. I even have two chest binders that I no longer wear as I was getting horrible rashes under them. 
We all need something different to fit our needs, and going somewhere to try them on just seems to be the best choice. 


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I buy at Walmart. People may say what they will about a retailer like them regarding quality of bras and such but I wear a bra daily and have 7 total and my favorites I’ve had for a year now and still fits and wears like a charm. Warner brand is my go to or secret treasure. 


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I have purchased Walmart bras before. They seem to be okay in quality. They just don't have that many options in my size. 

Offline taxmapper

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Bit of a crap shoot. but....


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A lot of us here use  Their website lets you apply filters to narrow down what you are looking for by size and style and they don't care if you aren't a girl.  I have also ordered direct from Hanes.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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...I have also ordered direct from Hanes.
I typically buy through EBay, though once I found the Lilyette minimizer that fits my breasts so beautifully, I shopped and bought wherever I could find that style brassiere in the size I need.  That included Bare Necessities, Hanes, Macy's and E-Bay.  Unfortunately, the size I need... 42 C... seems to be out of stock most places.  I can't believe that I personally created the shortage but it is a fact.  I hope that the manufacturer... Bali, will produce more, but then I have eight brassieres in a dresser drawer and six new brassieres tucked away for the future, so I hardly need to buy more right now.  That said, conversations about pushup brassieres and lace brassieres has me doing a bit of shopping.  The thought of wearing a new brassiere is tantalizing... ::)  As I've said before... there is an erotic dimension to this journey for me.


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...I have also ordered direct from Hanes.
" That said, conversations about pushup brassieres and lace brassieres has me doing a bit of shopping.  The thought of wearing a new brassiere is tantalizing... ::)  As I've said before... there is an erotic dimension to this journey for me."
Hmm, bra shopping is better than Home Depot sometimes 😉
I do the "My girls will really love this push-up bra" thing, actually it's me that is really going love to see them in the push-up. 🙄


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I have been bra shopping for over 30 years. I had my first fitting when I was 16. TBH, I still love bra shopping! I've gone by myself, with my wife, with my sister, with friends and co-workers too. I have a couple of boutiques close by that carry 36H bras, which is what both myself and my sister wear. I also use Amazon only after I have purchased a bra that I've been fitted for. 



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Bra shopping becomes easier as you do it more and more enjoyable. Where I used to duck like a spy who may be caught when any passerby came along or in the dept I now just give a nod of hello to anyone who may be there with me. Usually empty as I go when the store opens on the way to work but if not I go to my section I’ve come to know and browse. It’s become peaceful a bit to look at a new bra as they come in season changes and just study it a bit to make sure, material, cup, etc is what I want rather than grab and go. I purchase some on eBay if it’s a bran I know and price range to the store to best confirm it’s the same kind. 
It is funny how discussions and frequent mentions of things here can make ya go hmm like new kind or types of bras. For me it was getting sick of all the panty and jeans talk and eventually trying them and finding out yup I was wrong lol. Now I find myself thinking maybe I’ll swing by the store on the way in to work today for a new bra and some new underwear lol


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