Author Topic: Is it a relief to take your bra off at the end of the day?  (Read 2233 times)

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I wear one most evenings after I get  home from work. It’s almost a relief to have some support and less movement.
And a quote from GotBoobs that comes later in this thread...

As soon as I get home it comes off. I go braless at home unless we have company

Those two quotes say a great deal about what this journey looks like for the men who have breasts and who wear brassieres when it makes sense to them.  I certainly understand that for some men wearing a brassiere is a means of dealing with uncomfortable physical sensations like tender nipples or aching backs.  Yes, large breasts are heavy and weight at the front of our bodies can cause strain in the shoulders, neck and back.  A well-designed brassiere is a wonderful solution practically even if it is challenging psychologically.  Finding solace here where self-acceptance is embraced makes it easier to deal with that psychological discomfort.

For some of us, wearing a brassiere is a different experience.  Having breasts can justify wearing a brassiere, but it also can be a gateway to indulging in femininity which is rooted in estrogen rising within our bodies.  As is often mentioned on the board, we not only have developing breasts, but rounder bodies as well as softer hearts and more tolerant minds.  We are moving toward the feminine side of the gender continuum.  Taking off a brassiere that has been worn all day can feel like a relief, but so can putting on a brassiere after a day of meeting the world as a "man."  I'm well aware that wearing a brassiere brings definition to my breasts and I find myself mesmerized by both their look and feel.  Of course, nothing in that process changes reality.  I'm a man with breasts who also has a beard.  But fantasy is alive and well.  Putting on a brassiere and seeing what it does to my voluptuous breasts can take me places I hardly resist going.  I expect that is happening for some others here as well, though we don't talk about it.  I understand such conversations don't belong on a website like this but I wouldn't be honest with all of you if I didn't say this about my journey.  I'll never transition but I don't really need to in order to accept who I am and how this adventure is playing out.  As close as we get is sharing our enthusiasm for finding a brassiere and sharing our excitement in finding one.  All good... grist for the mill whatever that mill might be turning out for each of us...  8)  


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I would be lying if I said that I don't find my breasts sexy. I love seeing them in a bra, and I'm looking forward to exploring sexier styles. 😍
I'm still a male, will always be male. However I'm a male that was blessed with boobs, and I love them. 42C is correct that it's quite enticing to see them well cared for on myself. 🙄

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I've just come from a two hour conversation via Zoom with two women I've gotten to know over the last year through participation in a 12 Step recovery group.  We've been talking about some very deep personal matters rooted in experiences we've had with trauma.  Apparently what I said led one women to say how much she appreciated my openness to her experience.  I made reference to the fact I'm a bit of a feminine man.  The other woman said she didn't see me that way.  That prompted me to make reference to conversations happening on this website.  I didn't speak about gynecomastia, breasts or brassieres, but I spoke about estrogen and changes happening in the body when testosterone diminishes and estrogen rises.  I also shared some of the comments from men here who have observed changes in attitudes and temperament, often appreciated by their wives. 

There is nothing especially bizarre about what is happening here, except, perhaps, that we're taking the risk to be honest with other men about such things.  What a relief to put down the macho mask we've needed to wear most of our lives.  Putting on a brassiere is not a requirement but it certainly is an opportunity for a fresh perspective on many things.  I was wearing my favorite brassiere during that meeting.  I wonder if I'll ever tell them about that... I may.  A favorite line in recovery is that "we're only as sick as our secrets..."  A great deal of truth telling is happening in these threads... :)


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Just picking up on the points about company.
We have always, even before me growing a pair, had the attitude that guests are always welcome...... as long as they take us as they find us.
Our home is one place where our wishes are sacrosanct. We never set out to embarrass anyone but it really is a matter of "our house, our rules". If that is a problem I really question whether the "company" . are real friends.

Offline blad

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Putting on a brassiere and seeing what it does to my voluptuous breasts can take me places I hardly resist going.  I expect that is happening for some others here as well, though we don't talk about it.
Wearing a bra has definitely been functional and really a requirement for maximum comfort.

But there is also a surprising satisfaction looking down at the boobs held in the bra cups and the cleavage it makes. I think the surprise of seeing how a bra fit me and validated that I had breasts was an important step in my acceptance of having breasts and the need / benefit of wearing a bra. Translating all the comments at school that I needed a bra to actually trying one was pivotal. 
If the bra fits, wear it.


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🤔 "Pink fog"
I like that term. It is very fitting. High estrogen levels might give you "Pink fog". 😁


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'Pink fog', I just googled it. 
It seems to be an expression used by the Transgender community to describe the euphoria surrounding coming out, dressing the part, or buying more outfits. 
I didn't scroll down much, but I did find two websites that described it. 
Interesting 🤔


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Relief? not really I read some where here that wearing a bra is like getting a constant hug. 


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The relief of taking a bra off is as nothing compared to the relief of putting one on


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The relief of taking a bra off is as nothing compared to the relief of putting one on
Yes, I second that!

Online Johndoe1

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The relief of taking a bra off is as nothing compared to the relief of putting one on
That is so true. I really don't understand how I put up with the movement and jiggling and pain all the years prior to wearing a bra.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Here For My Girls

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Most of the time, its a relief to put a bra ON at the end of the work day. Sometimes I wear a bra to work, but most days not. I've had professional fittings and tried many brands and sizes to find what works best. The bras I have bought to wear cause zero discomfort after a full day of wearing. I just opt to not wear a bra during work most times as I feel it presents too much. Although I'm sure my free swinging breasts and nipples attract more attention that a nicely contoured chest.. 


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Most of the time, its a relief to put a bra ON at the end of the work day. Sometimes I wear a bra to work, but most days not. I've had professional fittings and tried many brands and sizes to find what works best. The bras I have bought to wear cause zero discomfort after a full day of wearing. I just opt to not wear a bra during work most times as I feel it presents too much. Although I'm sure my free swinging breasts and nipples attract more attention that a nicely contoured chest..
My underwire fits so well I barely know I'm wearing a bra, even wearing it all day. 
Braless really feels horrible, everything hanging and swaying. And It's much more noticable without a bra on as the girls bounce around like a couple of pups. 

Offline blad

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Most of the time, its a relief to put a bra ON at the end of the work day. Sometimes I wear a bra to work, but most days not. I've had professional fittings and tried many brands and sizes to find what works best. The bras I have bought to wear cause zero discomfort after a full day of wearing. I just opt to not wear a bra during work most times as I feel it presents too much. Although I'm sure my free swinging breasts and nipples attract more attention that a nicely contoured chest..
It is a challenging position to prefer to wear a bra and feel your best when doing so, but feel inhibited to wear one full time as we would like. 

I was much more comfortable physically and emotionally once I started to wear my bra full time.

Online Johndoe1

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I have a friend who transitioned FtM and during his transition he made a joke one time about how he was desperate to get out of a bra and I was desperate to get in one. He has a wicked sense of humor. 


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