Author Topic: The so called "hostile takeover"  (Read 1481 times)


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I think this "hostile takeover" phrase can be an obstacle to full acceptance. 
Most are familiar with the background I have shared that whilst definitely male I am psychologically quite female and am, with the unwanted advent of boobs, and other body shape changes embracing my feminine side more and more. Until very recently, Even wearing clothes from across the aisle I definitely presented male to the outside world apart  from short straight skirts in lieu of shorts in summer. Now I dress in a way that will leave question mark I  people's minds and hopefully make my growing breasts have a non dissonant context.
My boobs have always been part of me (though some what small) they are male. They are my boys rather than girls. I now really like the fact that they are sizeable enough to appreciate and if they choose to grow, fine.
They are definitely friends, not enemies and for me that's the nub of acceptance. 


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We all have to be comfortable in our own skin. 
Great that you can acknowledge your 'boys' and embrace your feminine side as well. 

I think the "hostile takeover" phrase was created in jest, and simply refers to the slow progression that occurs as a result of the "hormonal stew" brewing. Many of us have lived with breasts of varying sizes since our teens and were well aware of the hormonal changes for years. Others here in the forum are only recently experiencing the effects. 
One way or the other, the hormonal changes are affecting each one of us because we have boobs. Those changes are more pronounced it seems as we reach a certain age, and our testosterone levels drop. 
Is it really a hostile takeover? I guess not. It has been well embraced by some including myself. 
I find the phrase rather amusing but not completely accurate. I do see the "jest" in it.    

I have known since my teens that I wasn't the same. society structured a lifestyle that I was to adhere to, but it has never fit. My female self has always been there waiting to get out, and I procrastinated addressing these feeling for decades. I am sorry that I didn't allow myself to be "me" at a much younger age, but it's better late than never. 
Seeing other ladies wearing and talking about their new outfits left me wondering what it's like. Making the first leap in purchasing women's clothes finally gave me a taste. I liked it, no I loved it! 
My conversations have always been more in line with the typical female conversations, and talking with the guys was basically as an outsider. My emotions were always more the typical female, and more so as of late.  
There are other feelings that I don't think are appropriate here on this forum, so I won't go into detail. 

We are all different, each one of us will find their own comfort zone. That will be different in each individual. 
I have known what I am for a while, but I trapped it until recently. My comfort zone boils down to "not living a lie". 
I am a female in every aspect except the plumbing. And I don't really have male plumbing either, or barely did until it further shrunk. My name is Elizabeth, I go by Birdie, I am a female, that is just who I am. 

That is my "nub of acceptance". :-*


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I get that the phrase was created in jest. 
I just feel perpetual repitition of does not really help acceptance. 
It can become what is known as a psychological hammer and can condition us to unhelpful feelings. 
I don't really disagree with anything in your reply, but I will personally not use the phrase. Same reason as I why I have normal breasts /boobs rather than
Gynecomastia / Moobs (both words are non flattering). 


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I have to agree with you both.
Excellent post birdie.  Well thought out and written. 
All that being said I can appreciate how and why the original poster used and said the verbiage. 
If one totally accepts themselves as who they are and how their own body chemistry is... there is no "Hostile" anything about it.
I quite like me and accept how I'm put together.  As I read you both are. 
As the term is used I'll take it for the joke its intended.  It truly isn't that and can't be.  Its nature, our unique chemistry and make up doing what it's intended to do.


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Understood. God forbid I stand in the way of someone's acceptance, even unintentionally.

I shall refrain from using the phrase. 😉


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Just be yourself. 
We can all have opinions. 
By definition opinions differ and all should be expressed and also held in respect by everyone else. 
I just feel that proper terms, with limitations, engender right attitudes towards ourselves and others.
Free speech is a basic human right


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Hundreds of phrases available to replace it, I'm sure I can find a suitable substitute. 😉

Offline Johndoe1

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Same reason as I why I have normal breasts /boobs rather than
Gynecomastia / Moobs (both words are non flattering).
That's why I have opined before that women have breasts and men have gynecomastia and there's no difference other than the genitalia between the legs. In reality all men have breasts. Most are undeveloped and some, like us, developed but to signify men's are "different" is wrong, but the truth is they are identical in tissue. It just happens that we don't have the same ratio of hormones to "develop" or function. The only difference between my breasts and any woman is I don't have the same level of prolactin to lactate. And HRT could cause that. 

So yes, there should be no distinction between the mammary tissue on my chest and that of a woman. Boobs are boobs. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline taxmapper

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So being the "guilty" party to that, 
I understand there are many who look at words as something either non-sequitur or harmful. 
its all personal. 

Accept it for whatever it is. 

I used the term yes in jest, nor will I apologize for it. 

My body, though always been "smaller" I grew substantially on the traps in the past decade because of my working out like crazy. 
Which is why I said it. 
suddenly my body decided that it wanted to do its own thing outside of my desires to go full on Arnold. 

Just need to take it for what it is worth, and humor has been assaulted lately IMO unjustly. 
We need a good laugh and not focus on what possible negatives might come. 


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I know it was a jest and no  confession or apology is needed.
 As I said, we all have right to to an opinion and respect.
I was  just trying to provoke thought

Offline taxmapper

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No I get it. 

and its a good point to discuss in fact. 

ill be upfront about it. 

I am from the generation of "sticks and stones". 

I personally think that there has been a move (and yes this is a bit consperatorial) that eliminating humor is part of a goal to subjugate people. 

I know that there is the concept of "proper King's English" et-al, but even you guys across the pond know how to jab each other pretty well. 

"Wanker" is so common over there, but here in the US up until recently, the F bomb was bleeped out of everything. 

Humor is designed to be the romp through the taboo while making a laugh.   

That has been lost as of late, and IMO it is a conspiracy IF you understand the people who are behind this. 
No, not some star chamber thing, but a coalessance of people who are on the haughty side of life making desicions because they have money and power.  

They simply are like minded and want to force everyone else to be the same. 


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I am 76 years old  and I guess similar era
I am no conspiracy theorist, but there a lot of sinister trends internationally. 
I get a bit uptight as see illuminati hand gestures being used  by top politicians, bankers etc
Also the are worrying signs on all sorts of levels of steps towards what you term subjugation on voting rights, religious views, sexuality..... you get my drift
I believe in free speech and I even believe it should extend to those who disagree with me! What a radical thought! 
I reckon that that alone will put me high on the hit list of those who would be Lords and Masters of us all. 
I no longer vote. Apart from there being no party I want to support. I now believe what my history master said. There is no such thing as democracy. All we have is a elected dictatorship that is free to trample over us all inflicting policies that were  never in their manifesto

I never thought my topic would go down this rabbit hole! 
I will get down off my soap box and shut up

Offline Moobzie

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From Tax earlier today:
      "Just need to take it for what it is worth, and humor has been assaulted lately IMO unjustly.
          We need a good laugh and not focus on what possible negatives might come."
Amen!  I agree whole heartedly.  Esp w/ the 'sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me' - it was something we were taught as kids.  Nowadays, according to "demonstrators", name / words are weapons, but sticks, stones and soviet designed military grade weapons (= Molotov cocktails) are ok to be used against people with ideas different from the 'demonstrators'.
As can be seen from a few of my posts I put humor out here.  Actually, not just here - but every where. There used to be a Readers' Digest section entitled "Laughter, the Best Medicine",
and I still think it is.
Helps lighten us up.


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