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Post removed by the user!
« Last Edit: June 18, 2023, 06:05:25 PM by Charli 💕 »


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I saw the title. My mind could only imagine a broken underwires. :):):)


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I saw the title. My mind could only imagine a broken underwires. :):):)
Okay, I do mend bras but when an underwire breaks it's broken. There is no repair. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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Back to the question, yes I worked welding for several years during college.
We assembled cranes, and welding was part of the territory.
I'm sure youtube has plenty of videos available, but I would proceed with caution.
Types of steels, use, thickness, and angle from which you are welding from all determine techniques and of course type of rod to use. Thickness and rod types also determine the amount of heat required. Heat is adjusted by both settings on the welder and arc size (distance from object).
There is much more to welding than just striking an arc.
In addition, some metals need to be pre-heated like cast iron and spring steel.

A youtube video might teach you how to mend a lawnmower, but maybe not trust worthy enough to weld the frame of your car.

Taking a class or working under an experienced welder is the only way to learn it properly.

(Just a ladies point of view 💃)


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Actually I don't want to scare you off from welding as a hobby. 
For hobby projects around the house I would purchase some 1/8" 6011 welding rod. It's pretty much all-purpose light duty rod. 
Set your welder at 45, and then play with the settings until you get good puddling but not burning through. Puddling is the actual rod melt, and not the slag. If you watch it enough you will start to see the difference. 
As you puddle in circles or arches (personal choice), you can see the void fill. Then simply move down slightly to create a new puddle right beside it. You can adjust your heat by arc size. Further away is hotter whilst closer is colder. 

Keep practicing until you get it right, and don't weld your car frame. 😉

Again, just a ladies point of view 💃💖

Offline WPW717

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The lady of the house here, Cynthia, is the welder here
She is very experienced in laser welding, have even had a state trooper come to have his titanium glasses frame repaired while on duty… referral came from an optical provider
She is amazing with this tool
Can even weld platinum to a depth of 9 mm
I witnessed an ENT who wanted to try it blast a hole in his finger nail
He was very surprised at its power
Regards, Bob

Offline Delboy

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Its all a matter of practice Charli, and a steady hand, try resting your arm on something to help steady the gun . Try to get some leftover bits of steel and keep practising, by the way is it Mig Tig or Stick your using, utube vids are a good start but its mostly practise , mower decks are usually rusty and very thin , Good luck .


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This reminds me of a time that we hired a new welder. He had years of experience, and we were hopeful.
He had worked welding for a fencing company prior.

We tried him on several projects but found he could only weld thin metals. Anything thicker than 1/4" and he was at a loss. Unfortunately, we had to let him go. Our project had all types and sizes of metals.

Everyone has their specialty.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2023, 07:51:06 AM by 💁Birdie💖 »


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