Author Topic: Concealment tips  (Read 1737 times)


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I didn't think I would be visiting this topic again; I have of course come quite aways since the days of "bib overalls" to hide my breasts. 
A little bit too much attention drawn upon myself lately brings me back to it. 

I wear blouses, but the same tips and rules apply one way or the other. 

1) tight fitting doesn't work well, loose is better. 
2) dark colors hide better.
3) patterns are great.
4) front pockets, maybe?
5) layering is always good. 
6) some people use sports bras and compression, that's not for me anymore. 
7) I'm thinking button up is more conservative than pullover?

Does anyone else have tips on what they have tried and found to work?


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Agreed, tight fitting is less than wonderful, patterns with pockets (Wrangler type shirts) are best and layering with a sleeveless T shirt hides straps. 

For me sports bras only when at a family get together as they conceal best but are hot and least comfortable.  

Offline blad

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I have always said that relaxed fit darker patterned button up shirts are my go to and give me confidence that my bra outline is minimized to the point of not giving it a second thought.

Only a hug or back pat is a source of give away.

Can't hide the boob bumps though.
If the bra fits, wear it.

Offline HeldUp

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Been thinking about this a bit recently and it's pretty hard. I have always been a polo/t-shirt for casual affairs kind of person, so most of my wardrobe doesn't suit concealment. I have some dark t-shirts that do an OK job, they're a bit thicker, but I really enjoy the softer feel of the poly blend t-shirts and I might as well have stenciled my chest or bra on the front. Without a bra its a jiggly pointy show. :D

My problem is half of me really doesn't care what the world thinks and the other half of me is checking for strap marks before I go out.

That said, I really do need to refresh my wardrobe. I have teenagers and most of my clothes out date them! I hate shopping though and online shopping is a mixed bag (I hate dealing with returns...). So, I'll have to make a shopping date with the wife.

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Even those of us who are over being noticed still care how we look.  Nothing wrong with that. Even women look how clothes are fitting before going out. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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I really enjoy the softer feel of the poly blend t-shirts and I might as well have stenciled my chest or bra on the front. Without a bra its a jiggly pointy show. :D

My problem is half of me really doesn't care what the world thinks and the other half of me is checking for strap marks before I go out.

Have you tried the Torrid 360 t-shirt bras with back smoothing? I go with the front clasp, and then my strap adjusters and clasp are up front. From the back it looks rather smooth. I wear them underneath rather thin blouses and have no problem pulling it off. Avoid white of course. 
I also spend a bit a time in the mirror, nothing wrong with leaving the house "just right". 

Offline HeldUp

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Have you tried the Torrid 360 t-shirt bras with back smoothing? I go with the front clasp, and then my strap adjusters and clasp are up front. From the back it looks rather smooth. I wear them underneath rather thin blouses and have no problem pulling it off. Avoid white of course.
I also spend a bit a time in the mirror, nothing wrong with leaving the house "just right".
I just checked, Torrid sizing starts just a shade larger than I wear. Thank you for the recommendation, though! Maybe one day I'll be a 36C. ;)

I've always been really casual, t-shirts and jeans kind of guy, so what I wore was very often what's on the top in the drawer. In other words, it's not that I'm not fashion aware--I've just mostly been fashion blind my entire life. :D


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36C is a nice goal to have, if you don't mind having them. ::)

The nurse at the center yesterday was asking me if my 20lbs of weight loss last month resulted in a loss on my breasts as well, I gladly told her that I saw a bit more than a 1 cup increase.

She was quite baffled because with weight loss I should be losing breast size as well. I know the doctor is scrambling to figure out what is happening with my hormone levels and breast growth at the moment, but I am more than pleased with everything.


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Some loss of breast size may happen with adipose tissue, but glandular tissue will only become more defined as the weight comes off. The band size may shrink, but the glandular tissue will just need to be adjusted for with larger cup size.  


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Some loss of breast size may happen with adipose tissue, but glandular tissue will only become more defined as the weight comes off. The band size may shrink, but the glandular tissue will just need to be adjusted for with larger cup size. 
I could see a cup reduction in 70 pounds of weight loss, but it didn't happen. I'm glad it didn't. 😉


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Nipple armor? 

Even in hot weather many of us have nips that will show through in unpadded bras. I only wear padded bras as a result. They can get pretty hot on warm humid days. 

Has anyone ever tried the nipple pads/covers, and how well did they work for you? 


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I use nipple petals with unlined bras. I prefer the silicone non adhesive style with tapered edges as the weight of the breasts in a properly fitting bra do not need the adhesive. Searching for nipple petals on amazon will give a decent assortment. These do vary in thickness and as usual you get what you pay for. I also tend to show through the padding of padded bras, so I have enough to wear two sets for the thinner ones.


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I use nipple petals with unlined bras. I prefer the silicone non adhesive style with tapered edges as the weight of the breasts in a properly fitting bra do not need the adhesive. Searching for nipple petals on amazon will give a decent assortment. These do vary in thickness and as usual you get what you pay for. I also tend to show through the padding of padded bras, so I have enough to wear two sets for the thinner ones.
Wow, good information. Thanks for sharing. 😉


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I might have to get a few pairs, and maybe some lace bras too. 🤔


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