Author Topic: What I'm Wearing Today  (Read 117019 times)

Offline Evolver

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I'm not sure where I fit in your analogy.

It's all good sis, 

I was exclusively referring to males/females with brains opposing their bodies, not intersex, but it doesn't matter.

I miss our coach too. :(

Offline taxmapper

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Dysmorphia is defined by a loathing. 

With my situation it has always been confusion over why I am what I am. 
Certain aspects of my physical traits didn't connect with me, but never a loathing of it. 

Having to play the part of an A-male is where things get tough. 
None of this sort of thing was on parade in the 1970's-early 2000s. 

Looking down and seeing this mass of manly flesh did not make sense to me. 
Same also with the lack of hips and breasts. 

Now I have the breasts and the butt is slowly playing catch up. But the mass is still there and it still doesn't completely connect. 
Again, not loathing or depression, just confusion. 

But again, as I have stated so many times before, there are historical contexts that show clearly that this is not new, unusual and has been dealt with in many different forms through the millennia. 

Offline gotgyne

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42C Surprise:

On your post, you point out some items that show that things have def. changed physically and mentally.

I have to agree with that assessment. 

There are a goodly amount of changes I am experiencing and some of them are internal emotions and feelings.

I am now at a point where breasts are something I more look at on other women HOPING that I get that large. 

its an odd feeling, and it includes other aspects I simply cannot explain very well. 

I understand the concept of the dysphoria now.
I have a different view on the subject of dysphoria. I'm not suggesting that you're wrong and I'm certainly not suggesting that I'm right, just different. To me, dysphoria is when the mismatch between body and brain in a gender sense is so severe that it results in self loathing. Symptoms can include depression, substance abuse, self harm and ultimately, suicide. The dysphoria is only relieved by matching the body to the brain, not the other way around, and fully presenting as a different gender to the one assigned at birth. Surgical transitioning is an absolute need.

Men who have pink brains whether due to their hormone stew or other factors, and are comfortable with it and having a good time with their gynecomastia, wanting to have even more feminine attributes, is not dysphoria. Are they really unhappy with their remaining masculinity? Do they absolutely hate having a penis? I suspect not. There is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone letting their bodies and minds change to suit their desires because they are proud of their differences compared to the norm. But is it vital to life? I'll use myself as an example: My brain is becoming pinker all the time. I am envious of the bodies of most of y'all and I want bigger boobs and some decent curves too, but I don't hate myself without those features. I'm not dysphoric.

Let's imagine a scale of zero to 100 percent, where zero equals complete dysphoria, 50 percent equals feeling normal (whatever that is) and 100 equals total euphoria. I'm thinking that most people here, even the ones with gynecomastia as teenagers playing on the skins team, were never dysphoric to the point that they felt the need to transition to eliminate the bullying they experienced. They were still happy being boys, and still around or just under the 50% mark back then.

What I think we're seeing on this forum more and more is a cohort of people who have jumped up from the 50% mark to somewhere towards 100%, due to self-acceptance. They have gone from 'normal' with a physical quirk to a comparitive state of euphoria. By comparison, those dysphoric folk in the world who need to transition to survive and feel normal go from somewhere low on the scale to 50%, or a bit better better with ongoing support. The shift in percentage terms might be similar but the effect is different.

Just my opinion.
This is debatable.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline Moobzie

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"The dysphoria is only relieved by matching the body to the brain, not the other way around, and fully presenting as a different gender to the one assigned at birth. Surgical transitioning is an absolute need."

Ok to say you believe this, but it is in no way established scientific / medical dogma, nor empirically proven.  Lots and lots of conflicting evidence and opinions regarding this, including from quite a few 'de-transitioners' (who vehemently disagree with that premise and have claimed that 'mutilating a body to match a mutilated psyche' is a bad idea and practice).  Others, of course (including the current regime in the White House) are just as vehement in support of surgical interventions - even for prepubescent children.  Seems the 'jury is still out' as is often said.

I am male, heterosexual, and have very developed breasts - and some curves.  This does not mean that I should get a double mastectomy to match my body to my brain.  I have simply accepted the fact of my gynecomastia, and don't let it define me, nor (as is obvious from my participation on the "Acceptance" part of the forum) do I feel the need to surgically intervene in my gyno.
Nor does it mean I'm on an estrogenic 'path to transitioning'.

I'm just a guy, a guy with big breasts.

Offline Evolver

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I am male, heterosexual, and have very developed breasts - and some curves.  This does not mean that I should get a double mastectomy to match my body to my brain. 
Of course not, because you're not dysphoric!

Offline Justagirl💃

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Wow!, a push up bra adds quite a bit more projection!

The girls have never looked so good

What are y'all wearing today?
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I haven't been here for over a month AND I haven't been wearing a brassiere very often... in fact, only twice, including today.  I was fine without wearing one but it was a pleasure to put one on this morning.  At the moment, I'm wearing a brassiere I bought over a month ago... one I mentioned on the thread.  Alas, it does not look as stunning on my body as it did on the model whose photo I posted here.  But it feels good to have it on at the moment and I thought the least I could do was share a couple of photos... one with the brassiere covered by a tee shirt... the other showing the brassiere itself holding my breasts.  Only in my fantasies am I that voluptuous young woman... but there is nothing wrong with having a rich fantasy life... 8)

And my breasts both look and feel good in the cups of this brassiere which is ultimately what this is all about... right?  ;D

Offline benusa

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Hi 42C. You look very good in that bra. It looks very breathable. I’ve recently tried lace bras in these high temps and prefer them now.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Thanks Ben.  When I first tried it on I had the shoulder straps extended too long and wasn't happy with the look.  This morning I shortened the straps and things came into place.  I'm still in awe at the fact I have breasts large enough to fill the cups of a brassiere.  And yes, lace is nice in warm weather.  It is nice to the touch as well.  I took it off and was without a brassiere for most of the afternoon but a few moments ago I decided to once again put on a brassiere... one of my old favorite Lilyette minimizers with the silky soft cups.  What can I say... delicious!

Offline Justagirl💃

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Very nice indeed!

I only have molded cups, but I'm always amazed how nice breasts look in lace. Yours look splendid. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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This is what I wore to the mall on Saturday. In 100+ heat, I wouldn't want to wear much more. 

Today will be shorts and a very thin short sleeved button-up blouse. Just enough to keep the day-center happy. 

Offline Johndoe1

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Nice looking bra and you wear it very well. What bra is it?
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Nice looking bra and you wear it very well. What bra is it?
This one John...

Dobereva Balconette Brassiere

Offline Johndoe1

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Offline 42CSurprise!

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Dobreva has some very nice designs at very affordable prices.  They may not be suitable for everyday wear but they do nice things to breasts they carry, even breasts found on chests that belong to men.

Today I was in the mood to see how a cashmere sweater might look and feel when wearing one of my many Lilyette brassieres.  What a delicious combination!

I know it is still summer and warm days lie ahead but this morning it is quite cool where I live, so this was an experiment worth trying.  I doubt I'll ever go out in public like this but I figured the men here would appreciate the result.  8)

Edit:  I had to show a bit of what lies beneath the sweater.  This particular Lilyette brassiere has amazingly silky cups that are a delight beneath cashmere...

« Last Edit: August 03, 2023, 12:59:33 PM by 42CSurprise! »


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