I know that I'm not the only one who has loved what this side of the forum has become; a place to explore stuff at a deeper level. Things like hormone stew, what constitutes crossdressing, pink brain, shopping across the aisle, going out as your true selves etc.
Physically I'm nothing compared to most of you. Pseudo-gyne but gyne nonetheless, no physical discomfort, but like most of you here I have something else going on too. I changed my username quite some time ago to reflect that. I am now totally at ease with my body (but losing a few kg would still be nice) and how I clothe it. I have also become verrrrry comfortable with my heart, soul and mind because I fell in love with my inner woman.
Can I say at this point, if this is too far outside the boundaries of this site, the mods/admins can bin it at their will.
The concept of taking advantage of my situation is always attractive. It is aspirational and I often imagine it. I also fantasize about being forced into taking the plunge because the alternative would be fatal. But, no, as part of my self-acceptance, I'm not unhappy with what I was born with. It's not a matter of life or death. I can be, and are, both.
This isn't a reach out, it's just a ramble, to preface some commentary about a book I just started reading. It's called Am I Trans Enough? by Alo Johnston. I bought it not as an instruction manual as my wife feared, but to find out more about myself and to hopefully find out how far along the rainbow I am. I already knew that I would not transition, and from what I have read so far, my feelings about that are valid. But my feelings that I am not cis have been confirmed too. And that makes me happy! I also found it amazing that so early in the book, some examples have been given about dysphoria vs. euphoria that I could really relate to. Also mentioned was the one thing that has always been foremost in my mind - the fact that I think of gender constantly!
The questions I want to ask - do you lovely people who suffer from enjoy their pink brains, think about gender constantly like I do? Are you happy to consider yourselves as non-cis? No-one really has to answer, replies are optional, I'm just trying to compare myself. My weakness.