Author Topic: Hello  (Read 416149 times)


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"And i was referring to the tape measure compared to what I actually wear which is all over the place depending on brands anyway." 

This seems to be the only constant in bra sizing. The measurements and shape are starting points to narrow down the search for what fits. You have already gone for fittings, another good starting point. I too work and play hard, and will opt for lower price point bras for these times too. Underwire bras are my preference for their support, and getting poked at any time is not fun. My minimum point may be a little higher to reduce the frequency of this. Quality can be found on sale at lower a price point, it just takes more hunting.

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Sorry I tend to get long winded sometimes... anyway, hello to everyone I've stalked for over a year and finally joined lol
I thought you might be watching... that is why I started a thread pondering the presence of voyeurs...Are There Voyeurs Among Us?

Joking of course.  I trust that folks who aren't contributing to the conversation are here with questions about their own "development".  I'm glad you finally decided to introduce yourself.  I guess you concluded after "stalking" us that we're relatively harmless... kinky perhaps, but harmless.

I too first put on a brassiere as an adolescent exploration that could be labeled a fetish... yes, I had a "soft" chest but I was not contending with developing breasts described by some of our companions.  The fetish didn't completely disappear, though it arose in moments of stress and hence was intermittent.  Ironically, that experience made my decision to buy and wear brassieres easier... though my journey has definitely included an erotic element that isn't often spoken about here.  Yes, I fill the cups of my 42c brassiere, and yes, I'm very fond of my breasts.  And I'm happy to spend time here with other men seeking acceptance of the abundance nature is providing us... all on the estrogen highway.

Offline HeldUp

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Hello back!

Sizing is a weird one. I thought I had a fit at 40B and bought a bra, but I quickly learned that wasn't correct. I bought a 38B and thought it was correct and got more, but it was not! Then I tried a 36B and again I thought it was correct and bought a handful in that size. Note: all of the 38's and 36s are of the same brand and style. The 38s I later found to have too much band (at the last hooks and a little poofy in the cup) and the 36 band fits perfectly snug but maybe the cups are the slightest bit too narrow. So I went for a fitting...and came home with a bra in 36D! My wife wears a 36D and I don't have breasts like my wife. This one, from the same brand as my others but in a different style, fits wonderfully. So confusing...

It's kind of fun though, not knowing and needing to try on other fits and styles. I know many women hate bra shopping, but part of me relishes the idea of the next trip to the boutique. :)

Offline taxmapper

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Remember that the male rib cage is larger and shaped more like an apple than an almond. 

because of this, the same volume of breast tissue on a male is typically spread over a larger area. 

it was this that I finally realized why women's jeans fit better than men's. 
Its the sub structure, not the looks. 

I have a slightly shorter pelvis and as such men's pants look like Carol Burnett's Curtin dress rather than good looking pants. 

Bras are odd, and many times what we THINK doesn't work. 

Same with shoes. 
Unlike Europe, our shoe sizing system in the US is so wide and varied, that I can wear a men's 10-1/2 thru 12 and women's 11-14!


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Sizing is a miles may vary scenario to me. Depending on the body type, frame, build etc what is identical for many may be off for self. A professional fit can minimize the time to figure this out on our own. It took me a week or so I'd say of measuring and comparing bras when trying them on the next day and going no that didn't work but these did and meausring again until i feel i found my happy ground in sizing and so far it's worked well. 

I also started wearing bras as a teen. What was a very innocent curiosity turned in to an interest and minor crossdressing as I got curious about other things. That abruptly stopped years later after an incident with an ex. Like others, who knew that the things back then would be a crystal ball of sorts of things to come later as we ended up growing breasts to fill the bras that we for who knows why enjoyed wearing. 

I'm glad you decided to join and chime in on the conversations and add your experiences. If theres questions, areas of help needed, or general insights, always feel free to we're all here to happily support those who need support :)

Offline Justagirl💃

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it was this that I finally realized why women's jeans fit better than men's.
Its the sub structure, not the looks.
I recently had my hips x-rayed. The mobile x-ray tech was addressing me as ma'am until my day-centre nurse walked in and corrected her. 

The tech glanced down at her screen and said, "that's not what I'm seeing."

I don't know 'what she was seeing' but intersex raises eyebrows. 🤭
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline taxmapper

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Your female.

Embrace it.

Offline Justagirl💃

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Your female.

Embrace it.
Oh I do! 💞

The tech did comment, "you're a tough one to x-ray because of the way you're built hun."

She did one side of my hips, and one complete leg. I have always had 'very wide' hips. 

It's the stuffy day-centre that doesn't see me as female and insists on correcting people.


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