Author Topic: Surprised Acceptance  (Read 1413 times)


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This forum has wonderfully evolved in to a realm of very open dialogue about many things 3 years ago I don’t think would have ever been talked about often here. 

A dominant topic seems to be estrogen dominance and the effects over time on our body’s and behaviors and opening to things. 

I was curious if anyone wanted to share anything they were surprised at finding about themselves or adapted to that they before never would have really thought about. 

Offline tryingtoaccept

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I never thought about how much hormones affect our daily lives.   I always heard about people being on hormone therapy but didn't think it was really serious.   Now that my hormones are going crazy it has really knocked me for a loop.  I now think totally different about hormones and its affect on the body.
Redfox 🦊

Offline taxmapper

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I'm an odd ball. 

I now tell folks that I am on the periphery because I can no longer find myself being in complete alignment with specific views. 

Being hard line in times past, and refusal to accept possible variations because it seemed " impossibly difficult to happen scientifically" then being affected with the boobs taught me that much of the template I lived in was contrived. 

I still hold some views but they have evolved and I cannot find myself in agreement with many things. 

Contemporary times of the Mid-East problems and the escalations have caused now divides along lines more respected than Trans-this or non-binary that BS. 

But I also hold that most folks simply want to live lives without the labels, or classifications. 

Offline Parity

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Great thought provoking question.
I have always been a kinder caring person.  Never one to judge or knock someone for their views.  Once True development happened to me and I began living within this new body shape & hormonal changes,  along with the caring self I was, am now much quicker to shed a tear and offer a hug. Touch is my friend and I don't mind that.


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I think most of us can relate to the changes in emotions and the feeling of how easy it is to have a good cry now days over something that would have otherwise seemed so minor in times before. 

Offline 42CSurprise!

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One of the reasons this side of the website has changed is that we focus less on our developing breasts and more on our whole bodies and minds.  When estrogen has its way we change as human beings.  Our bodies round and our emotions soften.  That has been mentioned often by men here.  I was never a macho man but it was easy as a man in this culture to be a bit self-absorbed.  I recognized some time ago that my capacity to listen without judgment and without needing to take center stage in a conversation were both changing.  It is only now as I look more squarely at the impact of hormonal changes I fully realize that in addition to rather voluptuous breasts, I now have a greater capacity for empathy.  If I could only have one of those I'd take empathy but it seems to be a package deal...   Since that is true, I'll enjoy having these breasts as well.  Funny thing... like my mother, I'm stacked!  ::)


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Very true and thank you for sharing! It is great to have seen the evolution of the site going from just men and their breasts and the same round and round topics till the site went silent for awhile at times. To a revamping of sorts and the site being so lively now days due to the various topics and areas discussed and addressed. It has helped me tremendously be ok with many things I never knew I had going on until others were talking about it and opened things up a bit. 

In hindsight, I had issues with estrogen dominance before the breasts came about. Tell tale signs were dismissed as this and that and when it was obvious I was developing where I shouldn't, and doctors ruled it as gynecomastia with idiopathic reasons, I was told since there doens't seem to be reasoning for the imbalance, it will likely resolve on it's own and stall or reverse. 

It didn't and in asking myself this question a week or so ago before posting here, I had to agree that the most surprising thing to myself was the emotional changes. I recall being more aggressive and impatient and have definitely become not just physically softer but emotionally and am someone my wife tip toes around when we talk about some things because of how quick I am to cry and look defeated. I used to be very proud and have definitely become more emotionally rounded in humility and understanding. 

Offline HeldUp

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I think the most surprising thing is looking back through life and noticing the things, like you said, that had been dismissed. I've never been the angry or stoic, Alpha. Nor have I been overly effeminate. I've told crass, jocular, jokes and "been one of the guys" but I've looked back and seen things that had society been less binary I probably would be a different person. There's no point in what-ifing, it's now about what now-ing.

Offline WPW717

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Worked in a female dominated
 profession for 43 years. Listened
with empathy for them with mammogram
exams. Told a few close RNs I no longer
have empathy for them at lunch.
The shocked look from
them turned to hilarious laughter
as I explained I now have sympathy
instead since my first mammogram
Ouch !
this spring.
Regards, Bob


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I like that language and perspective, what now-ing, that's pretty great! I've never been an alpha myself, and totally agree with being a different person if then was now.  

WPW that's pretty funny lol, glad they got a kick out of it, how did a mammogram go, did the gp request it, was it awkward at all?

Offline WPW717

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Not awkward, just a bit of
awareness of not being the
professional but the patient

The ARNP was the ordering
Practitioner and the only one to
actually put hands on to do a
physical exam and covered BSE

Offline WPW717

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The mammogram showed
‘significant mammary tissue
florid and dense in nature’

Radiologist and technician both
remarked on the findings and
magnitude and rapidity of onset.

Still learning how to support and
present these puppies to be low
 profile publicly


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With it being rapid I assume it’s also aggressive in the breast tissue growing? Did they determine cause of onset and why it’s rapidly occurring? If not ready to present them as they are at least there’s winter coming to give a bit of time to prepare how to explain or adapt to their presence hopefully. 

Offline WPW717

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The cause was a rapid drop of
Testosterone . The cause is
idiopathic. I personally think it’s a
Vaccine injury. I went on to experience
other symptoms and conditions.
The last one was a parathyroidectomy
recently. The scary one was a middle
of the night case of ‘ idiopathic’ angio-
edema. Airway was almost gone by the
time we got to the ER. Genetic testing
yielded no cause but now classified as
MEN Type 2A. ( multiple endocrine
neoplasia ) Had a bout of CA too that’s
undergone the 5 year surveillance with
no recurrence. Probably puts me beyond
the 1% of male breast cancer occurrence.
An ultrasound of the failed testicles
shows the possibility of a new neoplasm
perhaps in the future.
All in all , I feel great physically and mentally
and am enjoying my retirement.
I have adapted to a lot lately, but the
gyne is easy, especially with a wonderful wife
and the information and help of others here
Still on the hunt for the perfect bra


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