Author Topic: Sexual/Erotic Dimension of the Estrogen Highway  (Read 4249 times)

Offline 42CSurprise!

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There has been a very candid discussion on the Acceptance forum about how estrogen has affected our sexual experiences.  I thought it might be nice to bring that discussion to this sub-forum.  I expect the person who set up this website understood there is a sexual dimension to this journey since diminishing testosterone that enables estrogen to have its way with our bodies will also affect our sexual experiences.  I've spoken about diminished libido and shrinking genitals.  Others report similar changes.

I live alone and don't have an intimate partner with whom to explore this territory.  I know from what has been written elsewhere that men here are finding ways to share sexual intimacy with their partners.  Without a partner I'm left to explore this dimension of myself by myself.  I've spoken about my affection for my breasts.  I love both how they look when held in my favorite brassiere and how they feel in my hands.  The turtleneck I'm wearing at the moment is made out of a cotton that is so silky smooth it is as though I'm wearing a negligee.  Needless to say, when I touch myself it is very arousing.  Because this turtleneck is dark blue, I feel very comfortable wearing it around town, always beneath as open shirt whose pockets hide the contours of my breasts.  At the same time, I feel the soft cups of my brassiere shaping my breasts in the most delicious way.  As I walk I often allow my hand to stray across the fullness of my breasts.  It is quite erotic.

I don't have sex toys in my home so I'm left fully to my own devices when it comes to sexual play.  It isn't generally orgasmic simply because my body doesn't respond as readily as it did before the testosterone made its escape.  But I am moved by images and the sensitivity of my nipples.  It is probably not surprising that I am especially fond of transsexual porn... the best of all worlds from one respect.  I've no idea how these "women" can function so well... Viagra perhaps.  It doesn't matter how since what they are able to do matches my fantasy world.  I feel the same about encounters between lesbians.  But none of that looms large in my life...

At the moment I have a rash beneath one breast and have not worn a brassiere for a few days.  My breasts are still prominent beneath the turtleneck I'm wearing and my nipples still make an appearance.  Yes, I miss the brassiere and what it does for my breasts, but I'm patient.  My breasts aren't going anywhere... they are with me for life.


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As a result of estrogen dominance my equipment isn’t very reliable. The wife and I have used toys and to our surprise we both enjoyed what we experience with them. After we had a kid these things kind of went away as I assume most marriages end up doing in that dept. but she still has her toys and I still have mine and some others that I’ve come to enjoy when I have alone time. Most of the time when we try to be intimate it isn’t worth it either due to failure to launch or things ending in less than a minute. 
As a result of things my breasts have become a go to stimulation for her when we do try to be intimate as it’s about the only way to get things going for me. And when alone I find just taking my time and enjoying how they feel look and move and just not even really doing anything with intention of self play but more of a admiring how they’ve come to be and look. 

Offline gotgyne

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I like it that we can address this "dimension" of our estrogen dominance too. As I'd written recently the administrator is a woman with the name "becky". I've noticed her the last days in the forum. I think she is very open-minded and I'm thankful for this. Of course our personal experiences with our partners or alone are not porn. So I don't see any problem, why we should not share our feelings and practices. It can be helpful to others and this is the purpose of the forum, to help others.
There are so many forums which died due to overly censorship.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.


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Very much agree. I definitely think censorship serves a valuable purpose when it gets too sideways and is apparent it has. But general dialogue on a topic in expansion of a topic I think serves a great value. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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For many years my libido was absolutely Zilch!

I attribute that of course to my wife leaving and changing hormones. Perhaps her leaving was a result of it as well? I shall never know. 🤔

This year I find myself like a teenager again, and I am not quite sure why buy really don't need to know the how or why. 🤭

When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline 42CSurprise!

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Appreciate the comments.  It is certainly not my intention to turn this into an explicit exploration of our sexuality, but there is no doubt the departure or diminution of testosterone is going to have consequences with regard to our sexuality.  Since I don't have a partner I'm not facing the disappointment of a partner who wants something I can't provide.  I have in the past, but no longer.  Fortunately, the woman who was disappointed... my fourth wife, remains a very dear friend.  With sexual intimacy off the agenda we can simply enjoy one another's company.  And as I intimated, porn is much less a staple in my life because libido has pretty much left the scene.

I'm ever mindful of the old saying that if you put a jelly bean in a jar each time you make love to your partner in the first year of your relationship... and then remove a jelly bean each time you make love in subsequent years.... typically, the jar will never be emptied...  :o

Perhaps admiring my breasts is the best I'll be able to do... and that is better than nothing.  I do love a sexy brassiere... 8)
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 03:35:42 PM by 42CSurprise! »


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In hindsight, my libido like justagirl's was on the decline. A girl I was with before my wife, her biggest complaint was my lack of intention to show interest and if there was interest given, the lack of performance drove arguments and frustrations. In the end, I chalked it up to just a dissatisfying relationship in countless ways that should have ended long before it finally did. I'd been with some women after the fact here and there where things worked as they should have, and other times they didn't. Just again, chalked it up to how things go sometimes. 

On my wedding day, I was unable to perform and the next day same thing. It wasn't until about a week after we were married we were actually able to do the act. At that point I felt things were off. I was constantly tired, when finishing, things weren't very strong and I didn't really feel anything, almost a numbness. Then my breasts began to grow some and the anxiety and stress of that just added to the inability's. Seeing a urologist, endocrinologist, and my gp for what is causing it, is it a concern, is there a non medical resolve, etc just lead to the road of things now. 

I don't believe my sexuality has really changed as things evolved. I definitely tell I don't find women as appealing as I once had in the past. And my draw to them is more in the clothing, aesthetics and style of things. Where I once used to look at a woman in arousal and lust, it is now in how their outfit is put together or their overall look. I used to look at women with low tops with interest and now it's with envy of sorts. Still only attracted to women nothing has changed in that regard as things have gone the way they have with my hormonal issues. But just a calmer view of things i guess rather an aggressive lust. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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I used to look at women with low tops with interest and now it's with envy of sorts. 
OMG, I see a low neckline on TV and I catch myself looking down my blouse and comparing cleavage with her. 🤭


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My man parts have definitely seemed to shrink some. Which is a hard pill to swallow being just under 30 years of age, but I kinda like it. I can still participate in sexual activities but sometimes it takes a while to get my "member" ready. I find myself enjoying more and more stimulation other than my 3rd leg. My breasts get really tender when I'm aroused and I love my nipples being played with. My wife and I have played around with some toys and doing that along with breast/nipple play has given me heavenly climaxes that far exceed the typical male climax. Sorry if tmi 

Offline taxmapper

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I guess I am the exception. 

My labido is in constant drive at this point, but the other half hates with a passion my breasts. 
Absolutely hates them. 

She wont let me touch her, so there is a strong level of loneliness going on. 

My breasts have started aching again and I am now at and pushing past 50 inches to 51 inches.  Based on the acne and other factors, I think I am about to be hit with a sizable growth spurt. 

My erotisisim is geared heavily toward having dreams of lesbianism and having lesbian sex as a woman.   I know all the current medical literature on this, but I am thinking something else is going on as well. 

My personal desires are much stronger but different now. Not the old "gotta do her" approach. 
More like wanting to spend time hugging, cuddling, engaged and holding. 

But I am weird anyway. 

Offline Justagirl💃

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My erotisisim is geared heavily toward having dreams of lesbianism and having lesbian sex as a woman.  I know all the current medical literature on this, but I am thinking something else is going on as well.

My personal desires are much stronger but different now. Not the old "gotta do her" approach.
More like wanting to spend time hugging, cuddling, engaged and holding.

But I am weird anyway.
My relationship with my wife was much more like a lesbian relationship, she kind of had a problem with it but I didn't. She did quite enjoy my breasts except in public. I was required to hide my breasts and curves to the best of my ability while she was still around. 

Older age brought much more curves that couldn't be ''hidden' anymore. My libido was pretty much zilch by then, I understand her moving on. 

OMG, cuddly closeness is so much better than anything. 💞
Sex is just part of the package, it's the closeness that means so much. 🤗

Offline Johndoe1

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Tucking has become difficult due to not a lot to tuck. Not that I ever had anything to write home about  As my bust has increased, tucking has become less necessary. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello


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I always found in the short time of wearing panties exclusively that buying my underwear one size smaller has made tucking a lot easier and convenient. And understanding why liners are such a commodity in my wife’s cabinet lol 

Offline Justagirl💃

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Tucking has become difficult due to not a lot to tuck. Not that I ever had anything to write home about  As my bust has increased, tucking has become less necessary.
I never thought about it, but I think I can understand how tucking would be difficult as size diminished. 
I don't have 'anything' to tuck, but I guess I understand. 

Offline gotgyne

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I'm ever mindful of the old saying that if you put a jelly bean in a jar each time you make love to your partner in the first year of your relationship... and then remove a jelly bean each time you make love in subsequent years.... typically, the jar will never be emptied...  :o
Exactly, this could be typical for myself.
In the movie "The Leopard" (1963) the Prince Don Fabrizio (played by Burt Lancaster) says: "Yes, love, of course! Fire and flames for a year, ashes for thirty."
Nevertheless the most funny lovemaking to my wife (or rather the most funny 'coitus interruptus') was during vacation on the isle of Malta. We were married for a short time. We were in our room in the afternoon and both of us got horny. During the act the door opened and a woman came into the room, obviously a manager of the hotel who wanted to look if the chambermaids had worked properly. She noticed us and hurried to get out of the room as quick as possible. I jumped up and followed her to confront her about her behavior. I was completely naked on the corridor outside the room but she had vanished. I came back into the room and we laughed our heads off.


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