Author Topic: Sexual/Erotic Dimension of the Estrogen Highway  (Read 4258 times)

Offline Justagirl💃

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  • When life gives you curves, Flaunt them! 🤗
I'm ever mindful of the old saying that if you put a jelly bean in a jar each time you make love to your partner in the first year of your relationship... and then remove a jelly bean each time you make love in subsequent years.... typically, the jar will never be emptied...  :o
Exactly, this could be typical for myself.
In the movie "The Leopard" (1963) the Prince Don Fabrizio (played by Burt Lancaster) says: "Yes, love, of course! Fire and flames for a year, ashes for thirty."
Nevertheless the most funny lovemaking to my wife (or rather the most funny 'coitus interruptus') was during vacation on the isle of Malta. We were married for a short time. We were in our room in the afternoon and both of us got horny. During the act the door opened and a woman came into the room, obviously a manager of the hotel who wanted to look if the chambermaids had worked properly. She noticed us and hurried to get out of the room as quick as possible. I jumped up and followed her to confront her about her behavior. I was completely naked on the corridor outside the room but she had vanished. I came back into the room and we laughed our heads off.
OMG that must of been interesting!

I had an embarrassing time at a house party years ago. I showed up and asked if I could use the shower as I just got off work. I was still pretending to be in 'boy-mode'. 

Just before I jumped into the shower some girl 'couldn't wait' and barged in to use the facilities. She got a full frontal view naked to the bone. She started laughing and couldn't stop. 

By the time I had finished up she had told 'everyone there' that I was 'built like a woman', that I didn't even have a penis. People started poking fun at me right away. 

I didn't stay and went home!

It wasn't very funny back then, but it brings a smile to my face now just thinking about it. 🤭
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline gotgyne

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I always found in the short time of wearing panties exclusively that buying my underwear one size smaller has made tucking a lot easier and convenient. And understanding why liners are such a commodity in my wife’s cabinet lol
I use panty liners (the same my wife uses) every day but to protect my underwear from dripping after urination. It's unfair that men get so much troubles with their prostate while becoming older:(.
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline gotgyne

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I'm ever mindful of the old saying that if you put a jelly bean in a jar each time you make love to your partner in the first year of your relationship... and then remove a jelly bean each time you make love in subsequent years.... typically, the jar will never be emptied...  :o
Exactly, this could be typical for myself.
In the movie "The Leopard" (1963) the Prince Don Fabrizio (played by Burt Lancaster) says: "Yes, love, of course! Fire and flames for a year, ashes for thirty."
Nevertheless the most funny lovemaking to my wife (or rather the most funny 'coitus interruptus') was during vacation on the isle of Malta. We were married for a short time. We were in our room in the afternoon and both of us got horny. During the act the door opened and a woman came into the room, obviously a manager of the hotel who wanted to look if the chambermaids had worked properly. She noticed us and hurried to get out of the room as quick as possible. I jumped up and followed her to confront her about her behavior. I was completely naked on the corridor outside the room but she had vanished. I came back into the room and we laughed our heads off.
OMG that must of been interesting!

I had an embarrassing time at a house party years ago. I showed up and asked if I could use the shower as I just got off work. I was still pretending to be in 'boy-mode'.

Just before I jumped into the shower some girl 'couldn't wait' and barged in to use the facilities. She got a full frontal view naked to the bone. She started laughing and couldn't stop.

By the time I had finished up she had told 'everyone there' that I was 'built like a woman', that I didn't even have a penis. People started poking fun at me right away.

I didn't stay and went home!

It wasn't very funny back then, but it brings a smile to my face now just thinking about it. 🤭
The girl and the people who made fun of you were really rude. It wasn't funny, that's for sure. I never had such a bad experience. Until some years ago I was an avid sauna visitor. In Germany it is common that people go naked into the sauna and only use a long towel on which they sit or lie. Nobody ever made fun of my small penis or my breasts.

Offline Justagirl💃

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  • When life gives you curves, Flaunt them! 🤗
I'm ever mindful of the old saying that if you put a jelly bean in a jar each time you make love to your partner in the first year of your relationship... and then remove a jelly bean each time you make love in subsequent years.... typically, the jar will never be emptied...  :o
Exactly, this could be typical for myself.
In the movie "The Leopard" (1963) the Prince Don Fabrizio (played by Burt Lancaster) says: "Yes, love, of course! Fire and flames for a year, ashes for thirty."
Nevertheless the most funny lovemaking to my wife (or rather the most funny 'coitus interruptus') was during vacation on the isle of Malta. We were married for a short time. We were in our room in the afternoon and both of us got horny. During the act the door opened and a woman came into the room, obviously a manager of the hotel who wanted to look if the chambermaids had worked properly. She noticed us and hurried to get out of the room as quick as possible. I jumped up and followed her to confront her about her behavior. I was completely naked on the corridor outside the room but she had vanished. I came back into the room and we laughed our heads off.
OMG that must of been interesting!

I had an embarrassing time at a house party years ago. I showed up and asked if I could use the shower as I just got off work. I was still pretending to be in 'boy-mode'.

Just before I jumped into the shower some girl 'couldn't wait' and barged in to use the facilities. She got a full frontal view naked to the bone. She started laughing and couldn't stop.

By the time I had finished up she had told 'everyone there' that I was 'built like a woman', that I didn't even have a penis. People started poking fun at me right away.

I didn't stay and went home!

It wasn't very funny back then, but it brings a smile to my face now just thinking about it. 🤭
The girl and the people who made fun of you were really rude. It wasn't funny, that's for sure. I never had such a bad experience. Until some years ago I was an avid sauna visitor. In Germany it is common that people go naked into the sauna and only use a long towel on which they sit or lie. Nobody ever made fun of my small penis or my breasts.
Yes, they were quite rude!

But if they only knew that one day I would embrace it and live as a woman. 💃

Offline 42CSurprise!

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I love how honest we are being with one another about our REALITIES.  No need to put on a macho act here.  Of course anyone here willing to accept their breasts has probably already let go of that act.  Yes, we have breasts and yes, our libido has been impacted by hormonal changes as well.  When I first began noticing my diminishing member I was a bit bewildered, but that was before I recognized what was happening with my breasts.  As I explored the topic, encouraged to a certain extent by spending time here, the picture became clearer.  As I said before, it is easier to urinate sitting down, though I still will stand and contend with the consequences.  I was well aware that women use toilet paper to clean themselves after peeing and now fully understand why.  My penis does not extend without some conscious manipulation on my part but even then urine can fall on my scrotum.  A bit of toilet paper comes in handy in those situations.

Cuddles would be wonderful, if only I had a partner with whom to share such moments.  A few tender caresses is the best I can do at the moment.  I lifted my turtleneck to get a look in a nearby mirror at the lavender brassiere I'm wearing... sun coming in through the window to my left highlighted the curves.  It will have to do.  I'd take a photo but I need to head off for a Zoom meeting.  You guys have seen the lacy brassiere I'm talking about.  It does an amazing job showing off my voluptuous breasts.  Later my friends.


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My wife keeps telling me i need to get my prostate checked, I use the restroom quite frequently. In my late 30s I feel it's certainly far more than is called for for an otherwise healthy prostate. But I chalk it up to possibly small bladder or something. I use the same pantyliners as my wife as well. I was at work a week ago and changing mine. It's a pretty absent restroom due to our floor being a bit vacant and in walks someone and I just start thinking, great, doubt he knows what that noise was regarding pulling the old liner off but i'm sure it caught attention lol. Luckily not the same guy who I believe saw me changing my shirt inside out to right side in and sat there a moment as I was shirtless trying to cover up but at this point I feel it's time to use the more private rest room lol. 

Sitting while using the restroom has become second nature to me as well 42. Started off as a just tired one day and thought I'd sit down, and enjoyed the moment of just sitting a bit and turned in to just how I go now. Unless the restroom is disgusting I always sit to go. No longer concerned when others walk in a restroom and just mind my business. My wife walked in once and noticed I was going 1 and asked why I was sitting, I just said it was just taking advantage of a moment to relax for a minute, plus no splashing. She thinks it's weird but it is what it is.

Offline Justagirl💃

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I love how honest we are being with one another about our REALITIES.  No need to put on a macho act here.  Of course anyone here willing to accept their breasts has probably already let go of that act.  Yes, we have breasts and yes, our libido has been impacted by hormonal changes as well.  When I first began noticing my diminishing member I was a bit bewildered, but that was before I recognized what was happening with my breasts.  As I explored the topic, encouraged to a certain extent by spending time here, the picture became clearer.  As I said before, it is easier to urinate sitting down, though I still will stand and contend with the consequences.  I was well aware that women use toilet paper to clean themselves after peeing and now fully understand why.  My penis does not extend without some conscious manipulation on my part but even then urine can fall on my scrotum.  A bit of toilet paper comes in handy in those situations.

Cuddles would be wonderful, if only I had a partner with whom to share such moments.  A few tender caresses is the best I can do at the moment.  I lifted my turtleneck to get a look in a nearby mirror at the lavender brassiere I'm wearing... sun coming in through the window to my left highlighted the curves.  It will have to do.  I'd take a photo but I need to head off for a Zoom meeting.  You guys have seen the lacy brassiere I'm talking about.  It does an amazing job showing off my voluptuous breasts.  Later my friends.
Lol, I have 'never' been able to 'pee on trees', so I fully understand!

And yes, a bit of TP to clean up with is a necessity. 
I'm so blessed to be born this way. I couldn't be happier! 

Ah, 'cuddles' went away this morning. They were informed.

Offline gotgyne

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My wife keeps telling me i need to get my prostate checked, I use the restroom quite frequently. In my late 30s I feel it's certainly far more than is called for for an otherwise healthy prostate. But I chalk it up to possibly small bladder or something. I use the same pantyliners as my wife as well. I was at work a week ago and changing mine. It's a pretty absent restroom due to our floor being a bit vacant and in walks someone and I just start thinking, great, doubt he knows what that noise was regarding pulling the old liner off but i'm sure it caught attention lol. Luckily not the same guy who I believe saw me changing my shirt inside out to right side in and sat there a moment as I was shirtless trying to cover up but at this point I feel it's time to use the more private rest room lol.

Sitting while using the restroom has become second nature to me as well 42. Started off as a just tired one day and thought I'd sit down, and enjoyed the moment of just sitting a bit and turned in to just how I go now. Unless the restroom is disgusting I always sit to go. No longer concerned when others walk in a restroom and just mind my business. My wife walked in once and noticed I was going 1 and asked why I was sitting, I just said it was just taking advantage of a moment to relax for a minute, plus no splashing. She thinks it's weird but it is what it is.
At your age prostate problems are uncommon. Perhaps it is a small bladder but you should get checked by a urologist.
Splashing is a problem for me too if I urinate standing. My wife sometimes urges me to pee sitting for this reason. No problem at home. But in public restrooms the toilets are often not very clean. I bought a female urinal which women use to urinate standing. It elongates my male organ and reduces splashing. If I'm in a hurry I won't sit but also use the urinal at home.


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Pee urinal is interesting. Can’t imagine being in a public place washing hands and that out like so how bout the weather lol. 
I’ll get around to seeing one possibly but I’m otherwise healthy and it isn’t a daily issue so it isn’t too much of an concern to me

Offline Justagirl💃

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My wife keeps telling me i need to get my prostate checked, I use the restroom quite frequently. In my late 30s I feel it's certainly far more than is called for for an otherwise healthy prostate. But I chalk it up to possibly small bladder or something. I use the same pantyliners as my wife as well. I was at work a week ago and changing mine. It's a pretty absent restroom due to our floor being a bit vacant and in walks someone and I just start thinking, great, doubt he knows what that noise was regarding pulling the old liner off but i'm sure it caught attention lol. Luckily not the same guy who I believe saw me changing my shirt inside out to right side in and sat there a moment as I was shirtless trying to cover up but at this point I feel it's time to use the more private rest room lol.

Sitting while using the restroom has become second nature to me as well 42. Started off as a just tired one day and thought I'd sit down, and enjoyed the moment of just sitting a bit and turned in to just how I go now. Unless the restroom is disgusting I always sit to go. No longer concerned when others walk in a restroom and just mind my business. My wife walked in once and noticed I was going 1 and asked why I was sitting, I just said it was just taking advantage of a moment to relax for a minute, plus no splashing. She thinks it's weird but it is what it is.
At your age prostate problems are uncommon. Perhaps it is a small bladder but you should get checked by a urologist.
Splashing is a problem for me too if I urinate standing. My wife sometimes urges me to pee sitting for this reason. No problem at home. But in public restrooms the toilets are often not very clean. I bought a female urinal which women use to urinate standing. It elongates my male organ and reduces splashing. If I'm in a hurry I won't sit but also use the urinal at home.
I keep a bag of sanitary wipes with me for public restrooms. I'm not sitting on a dirty seat either.
I have never tried a F.U.D. but I can see where they might work. 🤔

Offline Evolver

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Catching up here. 

Prostate, leakage, panties, tucking, panty liners etc. OK, here we go.

Some of you may be aware that I had a prostatectomy years ago. I was quite young, 52 at the time. It wasn't entirely successful and I needed follow-up radiation. I wasn't quite 'dry' heading into that and was told that I couldn't ever expect to be in the long term. For several years I was getting away with a liner or similar to catch some dribbles but I deteriorated badly a couple of years ago. I managed this by switching up to larger pads, of varying sizes depending on the situation.

What I found was that panties and women's pads were far superior to men's briefs and pads! The problem with men's briefs and pads is that as weight goes into the pad, it falls away from the body due to the extra room in the briefs, and becomes ineffective. And potentially messy. Panties and women's pads, although generally narrower, are effective because they don't allow any flopping around! I could take advantage of the entire length of the pad! 

I don't generally tuck because every inch of gravity is my friend here, but there was a time before I underwent a recent procedure which dramatically improved my continence, where I would wear a larger pad in my granny panties and adjust myself to fill all areas of the pad. Thise day are gone now, happily.

Online WPW717

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Prostatectomy, followed by a middle of the night hemorrhage a month later.
Surgery for that bleed causing scar tissue that obstructed the bladder neck.
That was resolved by a laser ablation surgery leaving me with over active bladder problems. Fixed that with a Botox injection into the detrusor muscle.
Like the security of a depends and a pad.
I make it to the rest room most of the time but occasionally there too much of a  lag and an accidental leakage problem.
I also have a need to sit due to shrinkage and hypospadia.
Growing old is not for sissies as the saying goes.
Regards, Bob

Offline Moobzie

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"Growing old is not for sissies as the saying goes."
Amen to that !!!

Offline gotgyne

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My prostate problems started in my mid 40s. More frequent urination, but a weaker stream, dribbling at the end and the bladder isn't completely empty after urination. I use female pantyliners daily for about 15 years and buy them at the drugstore for my wife and me. They are not only superior to men's pads as Evolver wrote, but they are much cheaper too.
The German magazine "test" brought an article on them in 2011. They wrote "Vereinzelt soll es sogar Männer geben, die Slip­einlagen tragen. Doch im Allgemeinen sind sie reine Frauensache." (Occasionally, there are even men who wear panty liners. But in general, they are purely a woman's thing). I've sent them a comment that this is nonsense, since there are a lot of older men with prostate problems who wear them. They didn't publish it.
Meanwhile I take 5 mg finasteride daily and it obviously helps. The stream is a little stronger but the dribbling hasn't stopped. Since finasteride is a medication which may cause breast enlargement in men as is spironolactone also, which I take for my blood pressure, I'm quite sure that 40C shall not be the end of my bra size.

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I have had "dribble problems" my whole life. 
never occurred to have the prostate checked for problems. 


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