Author Topic: Sports bras for men  (Read 1943 times)


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I was on Amazon this morning looking for a new sports bra as my current one is just not fitting well and when typing in the search “sports bra for” I stopped there cause I saw for women and then below for men. I was curious and tapped on it instead. I was super surprised to see plenty of options for men which I’m sure are still women’s  sports bras. Sizing seems similar and such on the charts. But to see men modeling them and not in a fetish or kink type way. And then reading some reviews of men talking about how it’s helped them and such was great to see as well. 
I searched the same for bras for men and yeah not the same result lol was purely kink level stuff and was a little disappointed but nonetheless I felt this was progress of sorts. We may not see male mannequins in target or other major marketplaces wearing bras but it was great to see this today. 

Offline Johndoe1

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Men who do a lot of running use a sports bra to stop chafing which is a real problem I hear. Some also use a sports bra to hold measuring devices as they run. 
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Midagemoobs2

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This is a good topic, surprised there has not been more discussion.  FWIW, here is a legitimate blog article:

I tried the Champion Infinity and it works pretty well: not too compressing, stealth, and shapes better with better support and more comfortably than mens compression tops.

Offline Evolver

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Men who do a lot of running use a sports bra to stop chafing which is a real problem I hear. Some also use a sports bra to hold measuring devices as they run.
Yes and yes! Footage of football players and other athletes training in their racer back crops which holds their trackers is no big deal. To the uninitiated it might look like they are wearing a bra, but to me and most other people I think it looks perfectly natural.

Racer back crops is a style that I have been increasingly wearing lately. Because I have relatively small boobs, I don't need a great deal of support, and the type of light crops that some women wear as outerwear at the gym or elsewhere, I have found to be very comfortable and absolutely invisible under other layers of clothing. The last one I bought only cost $8 and it also has removable pads. This sort of thing: Circuit Women's Seamless Crop - Charcoal - Size 8 | BIG W 

Offline Johndoe1

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Do you wear the pads or leave them out?

Offline Evolver

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This crop was a very recent purchase and I've only worn it once so far. I removed the pads because (a) I don't really need the cushioning or slightly additional support they provide, although I can see that leaving them in could be handy for some wearers, particularly during physical activity, and (b) although they are thin, they do create a bit more projection, and I am still firmly in stealth mode.

I will attempt to take a pic of the pads and how they are inserted in the near future.

By the way I bought a black one. I linked the grey one because the pictures of it show up in much greater detail.

Offline taxmapper

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Do you wear the pads or leave them out?
I know you were asking him, but I am one to leave them in myself to protect the nipps.  I am involved in a lot of physical activity at times including car repair, wood working, hiking, etc.. 

Scraping them hurts! 

Offline Johndoe1

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Do you wear the pads or leave them out?
I know you were asking him, but I am one to leave them in myself to protect the nipps.  I am involved in a lot of physical activity at times including car repair, wood working, hiking, etc..

Scraping them hurts!
As a DDD, I understand nip protection! If I an wearing unlined bras, I will put in petals to both cut down on high beams and nip protection.

I am reminded of a fitting I went to and forgot to remove the petals ahead of time. The fitter saw them and said, she hoped those were mine because they were a good thing to have in my bra! I said they were and she said it was sad a man knew more about petals than many women.

And as for sports bras, sadly pullovers don't do much for me. It's like not wearing a bra at all. I need good encapsulation and stout seams and boning and wires. 


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