Author Topic: Elevated Estrogen, Lowered Endurance  (Read 30426 times)

Offline gotgyne

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My wife wears pads often due to incontinence issues after having a child. Not uncontrollable just sneezes and some hard lighter triggers releases. I wear liners due to just general care luckily no incontinence issues
My problems with BPH started at about 45 years. It was my wife who suggested that I wear panty liners. Thus from 45 until some months ago (almost 20 years) I wore panty liners daily. But then my condition worsened a little. Now I have the problem that only some minutes after urination sometimes there come some milliliters of urine which I mostly can hold until I'm in the bathroom. But for the case that I can't do this (in the car or in public) I use pads for some months, as a "safety blanket".
I find it annoying that liners and pads for men are often three times more expensive than the ones for females. So even at the beginning 20 years ago I only used panty liners for women and now pads for females.

If only more men would not be such embarrassed, they would do the same instead of staining their underwear with urine.

To the lurkers: Get the guts and join in the discussions. We don't bite!
A bra is just an article of clothing for people with breasts.

Offline gotgyne

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Lots of lurkers that don’t say anything. Look how many are online at one time.
Men don’t talk about such things...not manly I guess.
But if we don’t talk about it how do we learn from each other.
Talking helps a lot!!!....doctors don’t seem to care much.
You are right. Just now I checked the stats. 535 guests, 2 users!

Offline Parity

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I agree with what you say.  I might add that for me there are many times I come to the site without logging in to take a quick peek at whats being said. Knowing I don't have time to respond, I don't log in. I will come back as time permits, log in and respond.  That said I logged in after reading this but have to run. 

Hang in there, well not really.  Put on your bra and have a great day. 

Have to run.  I'll be back later.


Offline Johndoe1

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I also think many lurk because society has such a negative view of men not being macho. It's the old "men are men and women belong to men". For those of us who have unwantingly been given feminine traits, we don't have much of a choice.

This real life conversation I had some time ago sums it up I think. A good lady friend who knows asked me one time how many people knew. I told her, not counting medical personnel, less than five. She was surprised by such a small number. She asked how many were men. I said none. This also surprised her. She asked why? I said simply because they can't understand why I would live like this. They would consider this demeaning. She said,  Oh, the same way many men feel towards women. We are inferior to them. I thought about that a second and agreed with her and added, due to society's view of anything feminine. I said look how gay men and trans and non-binary are treated. Those of us with gynecomastia are considered a subset of all that just because we are considered different in a feminine way. And it has nothing to do with being feminine. Just physically having the female physical trait is enough.  She said that she was glad she wasn't a man with that kind of closed mindedness. She said, but don't worry,  you're in good company with us.
Womanhood is not defined by breasts, and breasts are not indicative of womanhood. - Melissa Fabello

Offline Parity

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Johndoe1, I think you make a very good point also.  This is a very difficult thing for men to navigate.  Not all of us can and don't want to be seen as a man with breast.  Society isn't kind.  I wish it was better. 

  Thinking of what you said about who actually knows in my circle... only one lady friend gave me a noticing tap and smile after a hug.  No words spoken as her husband was there also.  I have never had a conversation with anyone concerning my growth or bra wearing.  I wish it wasn't so.  I would love to have the conversations with friends like I can here.  At times I feel I am part of the problem for not actually being more open.  In my place it just wouldn't be wise right now.

Offline Evolver

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I find it annoying that liners and pads for men are often three times more expensive than the ones for females. So even at the beginning 20 years ago I only used panty liners for women and now pads for females.

If only more men would not be such embarrassed, they would do the same instead of staining their underwear with urine.
What I find annoying is that men's pads are inferior full stop! I've got my own sorry saga with incontinence. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early 2015, had the gland removed in June that year, had follow-up salvage radiation in early 2016 because the surgery wasn't entirely successful, and have never been consistently dry since. But there had been lengthy periods where I was dry, until a few years ago when I was starting to leak more and more. It got to the stage where I was losing an average of around 200ml per day. I have since had surgery to get a contraption installed inside me to improve things, and I now only lose a minimal amount if at all. Point is, in the time before my surgery, I was using women's pads more often than any other product. The problem with men's pads or shields is their shape. Men's pads or shields are normally triangle shaped to cater for some sideways movement of the grub, but if the pads are allowed to get anywhere near capacity, they will overflow from the narrow part under your balls, resulting in a change of pad, underwear and pants. Not ideal at work! Plus, as the pads fill up and become heavy, they tend to fall forward and leave a gap, resulting in a hit-and-miss scenario.

I never wore underwear at work that didn't cater for men's anatomy, except for my last day there when I wasn't required to change in the locker room. So, any pad, male or female, could never be held snug against me to maximize its effectiveness. This was also important to me because of my diminished size. But on days off or weekends, shortie briefs during the day were and still are my go-to and although they hold men's shields or light pads better than my work-appropriate men's bikini briefs, women's liners or light pads are still my preferred 'insurance'. They just seem to work so much better!

Sorry for TMI and going further off-topic.

Offline gotgyne

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I find it annoying that liners and pads for men are often three times more expensive than the ones for females. So even at the beginning 20 years ago I only used panty liners for women and now pads for females.

If only more men would not be such embarrassed, they would do the same instead of staining their underwear with urine.
What I find annoying is that men's pads are inferior full stop! I've got my own sorry saga with incontinence. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in early 2015, had the gland removed in June that year, had follow-up salvage radiation in early 2016 because the surgery wasn't entirely successful, and have never been consistently dry since. But there had been lengthy periods where I was dry, until a few years ago when I was starting to leak more and more. It got to the stage where I was losing an average of around 200ml per day. I have since had surgery to get a contraption installed inside me to improve things, and I now only lose a minimal amount if at all. Point is, in the time before my surgery, I was using women's pads more often than any other product. The problem with men's pads or shields is their shape. Men's pads or shields are normally triangle shaped to cater for some sideways movement of the grub, but if the pads are allowed to get anywhere near capacity, they will overflow from the narrow part under your balls, resulting in a change of pad, underwear and pants. Not ideal at work! Plus, as the pads fill up and become heavy, they tend to fall forward and leave a gap, resulting in a hit-and-miss scenario.

I never wore underwear at work that didn't cater for men's anatomy, except for my last day there when I wasn't required to change in the locker room. So, any pad, male or female, could never be held snug against me to maximize its effectiveness. This was also important to me because of my diminished size. But on days off or weekends, shortie briefs during the day were and still are my go-to and although they hold men's shields or light pads better than my work-appropriate men's bikini briefs, women's liners or light pads are still my preferred 'insurance'. They just seem to work so much better!

Sorry for TMI and going further off-topic.
No problem with your rant, nor for going off-topic. I am sure that men who are in similar conditions can benefit from your experience.
For me, the question of male or female products was not even existing. My wife suggested the panty liners she wore. They worked perfectly. I didn't even look intensively for male guards, shields or whatever they are called. Knowing the price difference was enough not to choose incontinence products for men.

And as I see from your comment, I was right.

My drippling problems after urination started 20 years ago, but since some months it happens that maybe 20 or 30 milliliters urine come from the urethra only minutes after the 'normal' urination. Until now I always could reach the bathroom within time. But as I wrote, if I am in town or driving the car, I don't have this possibility. For this reason I changed to the wider, longer and thicker women's pads. Of course they are more than useful for my daily dribbling after urination also.

Women are much more open-minded for such problems. I read various reviews from them for different female pads and then chose a product I am very satisfied with.

And don't think that incontinence, be it minimal or severe, is only existing in old people. I was a van driver for disabled children for some years. Most of them - boys and girls - needed some kind of protection, some of them even diapers. And the highly disabled children often had urine and fecal incontinence.

There was always a woman sitting in the van who had to care for the children. But both of us got these necessary informations to handle 'unexpected situations' carefully.

The job as a driver for these children showed me, that I don't have any reason to be unhappy with my own life, even with breasts and a slight incontinence. These are 'peanuts' in comparison to other people.

Offline Sophie

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Same here. And others who are very frequent we will see be absent for a bit. Life comes and tasks go and life is just busy sometimes. Or just need a break from the Internet. Either way it has been nice this last year to see how active this forum has become on such an array of topics and hope those lurking chime in soon enough.

Lmao at the hang in there remark. After this recent growth spurt I’m actually feeling their weight for the first time and it’s weird. A bra never felt so good lol.
Guilty as charged! 😉

Sorry fellas, I've been away from you for a while. 

I can say that panty liners and pand work! With my surgeries, they are life saver. They catch the dribble that comes with rerouting my urethra. It took me so long to develop the muscle memory to relearn how to "hold it" when you have to go. That combined with longer bathroom lines 😔 make pads almost essential. 

My wife and I have to use lubrication for intercourse because my vagina and uterus has very little natural lubrication. The lubrication has to go somewhere after sex. I usually use a tampon to absorb it but a pad or panty liner can be just as effective. The only draw back is having to wear panties to sleep in.


Offline taxmapper

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Same here. And others who are very frequent we will see be absent for a bit. Life comes and tasks go and life is just busy sometimes. Or just need a break from the Internet. Either way it has been nice this last year to see how active this forum has become on such an array of topics and hope those lurking chime in soon enough.

Lmao at the hang in there remark. After this recent growth spurt I’m actually feeling their weight for the first time and it’s weird. A bra never felt so good lol.
Guilty as charged! 😉

Sorry fellas, I've been away from you for a while.

I can say that panty liners and pand work! With my surgeries, they are life saver. They catch the dribble that comes with rerouting my urethra. It took me so long to develop the muscle memory to relearn how to "hold it" when you have to go. That combined with longer bathroom lines 😔 make pads almost essential.

My wife and I have to use lubrication for intercourse because my vagina and uterus has very little natural lubrication. The lubrication has to go somewhere after sex. I usually use a tampon to absorb it but a pad or panty liner can be just as effective. The only draw back is having to wear panties to sleep in.

The other half has T2 Diabetes, and is post menopausal. She has always had dripping issues and has to sleep with tights or something else on. With the pads. 

There is no sex taking place here.  😔

I had problems some time back with some drippage but that was due to an infection.  After that went away, I started seeing other physical changes taking place in the Larry the Wonder Lizard's realm that are somewhat curious. 

Im reaching a point where I might say... take it off! 

But as part of a discussion I had yesterday, if I do have the DSD's as described, then I want to learn to MAINTAINE and take care of my girl side rather than "cure" it. 


Offline gotgyne

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I am quite sure, that not only women but a lot of men need panty liners or even pads daily. Absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. As I started to wear panty liners at 45 years I had an appointment with two male surgeons, who were groin hernia specialists. Of course I had to pull down my briefs that they could palpate my groin area. They noticed my panty liner and smiled. But not in a mocking way.

It's good that we can discuss such topics here also. Female hormones are intertwined with much more features than breasts alone.

Online Justagirl💃

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The other half has T2 Diabetes, and is post menopausal. She has always had dripping issues and has to sleep with tights or something else on. With the pads.

There is no sex taking place here.  😔

I had problems some time back with some drippage but that was due to an infection.  After that went away, I started seeing other physical changes taking place in the Larry the Wonder Lizard's realm that are somewhat curious.

Im reaching a point where I might say... take it off!

But as part of a discussion I had yesterday, if I do have the DSD's as described, then I want to learn to MAINTAINE and take care of my girl side rather than "cure" it.

My hormone levels went from pre to menopause. I can say in pre menopause with all the hot flushes I didn't want to be touched! Now about 6 months since major hot flushes, my sex drive is returning. 

Birdie 💖
When life gives you curves,
flaunt them! 💃

Offline gotgyne

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Same here. And others who are very frequent we will see be absent for a bit. Life comes and tasks go and life is just busy sometimes. Or just need a break from the Internet. Either way it has been nice this last year to see how active this forum has become on such an array of topics and hope those lurking chime in soon enough.

Lmao at the hang in there remark. After this recent growth spurt I’m actually feeling their weight for the first time and it’s weird. A bra never felt so good lol.
Guilty as charged! 😉

Sorry fellas, I've been away from you for a while.

I can say that panty liners and pand work! With my surgeries, they are life saver. They catch the dribble that comes with rerouting my urethra. It took me so long to develop the muscle memory to relearn how to "hold it" when you have to go. That combined with longer bathroom lines 😔 make pads almost essential.

My wife and I have to use lubrication for intercourse because my vagina and uterus has very little natural lubrication. The lubrication has to go somewhere after sex. I usually use a tampon to absorb it but a pad or panty liner can be just as effective. The only draw back is having to wear panties to sleep in.

The other half has T2 Diabetes, and is post menopausal. She has always had dripping issues and has to sleep with tights or something else on. With the pads.

There is no sex taking place here.  😔

I had problems some time back with some drippage but that was due to an infection.  After that went away, I started seeing other physical changes taking place in the Larry the Wonder Lizard's realm that are somewhat curious.

Im reaching a point where I might say... take it off!

But as part of a discussion I had yesterday, if I do have the DSD's as described, then I want to learn to MAINTAINE and take care of my girl side rather than "cure" it.

You can have a loving and caring relationship without sex too. Often the bond between husband and wife gets even stronger then.

Offline WPW717

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Upvote for the better bonding and intimacy from me here.

I see we all have become padmasters lately. I’ll have to check out the women s pad section for prices to see if they beat Costco . Never thought that they could be less expensive.
Regards, Bob

Offline Evolver

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I see we all have become padmasters lately. 
It's been said on this forum before, that gynecomastia is the club that no-one wants to join. Wrong! Surely it is the leakage club instead!

Offline gotgyne

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I see we all have become padmasters lately.
It's been said on this forum before, that gynecomastia is the club that no-one wants to join. Wrong! Surely it is the leakage club instead!
You are right. Unfortunately nobody asks us, if we like or don't like such problems. If we get them, we must cope with them. We can be glad that such a wide range of panty liners and pads is available. How did our grand- and great-grandparents deal with them?


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