Author Topic: Not actual photo, but what i see going on with me.  (Read 358 times)

Offline WPW717

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I am dense. 
Still trying to sort this out
Is 50/50 and Gotboobs the same person? 
And is Birdie a co conspirator in your quest for anonymity/ID change?

Again I am dense!
Regards, Bob

Online JTL

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I get it. Back when I was about 20, I had shoulder length hair. I was a guitar player in a rock band. I also got called ma'am. I knew people weren't doing it to insult me. They just made an honest mistake. But I did run into a lot of discrimination. This was back around 1970. I would be refused service in restaurants and in bars. I eventually cut my hair and was once again acceptable. I hope people are more accepting of men with long hair today. But I wouldn't be surprised if some people give you a hard time. Forget them. If you are fortunate enough to pass as a woman, God bless you!

As others have said, "Live and let live"

Offline Busty

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My photo was my face at 55 and at 65. I did it to show why I am called ma’am most of the time now. After looking at the photos a few hours later that I posted. I deleted them.
Sorry you felt that way.  I never saw the pix, but most likely would have responded positively if I had


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