Sorry to hear that. I had robotic surgery. Pelvic floor exercises have helped with incontinence and problems are now minor. Pads are available free if required in the UK post treatment to eligible patients.
I was diagnosed with PCa in early 2015 and had the gland removed June that year. I built a good rapport with my urologist during the biopsy and diagnosis phase and trusted him with my surgery even though he did not do the robotic method. It wasn't entirely successful, and I needed follow-up radiation to the prostate bed six months later. I was pretty dry leading into that, but as the years progressed, I started to leak more and more. Radiation results in erosion, apparently. Kegels worked for a while, but eventually I got to the point of needing to take more drastic action because I was losing around 200ml a day and it was difficult to manage socially. I had an ATOMS sling (do your own research!) inserted 18 months ago and I only lose around 20ml a day now, managed with liners.
Pads or liners here (Australia) aren't free, but they're pretty cheap.
Unfortunately, my leakage seems to have increased in the last few months and my sling is maxed out, so I don't know what the future holds. In the meantime, my PSA is rising, and I am officially experiencing what's known as biochemical recurrence. Hormone therapy is next. The prospect of hormone therapy (in the form of androgen deprivation therapy) is the reason I joined this forum - looking for others who already had moobs and faced the prospect of them growing further due to chemical interference.
I'm only 62. 😕