Some of us are assigned male at birth but fall under the intersex category.
Interesting enough there is a measuring tool commonly used to determine if a child is intersex or "normal". Using this tool many people with micro penises would be considered to be intersex under the intersex umbrella. (See attached image)
Attached is a video of Androgen insensitivity, complete Androgen insensitivity. Just one form of intersex under the intersex umbrella. It is a video worth watching. dilation to create a deeper vagina answered in one question:“INTERSEX” is an umbrella term referring to individuals born with sex characteristics that are not typically male or female or are a blend of both.
INTERSEX PEOPLE have existed as long as all humans, as intersex status, like typical male and female status, is defined by natural, congenital sex characteristics.
There are an estimated 30 types of intersex traits, i.e. variations in sex characteristics, comprising variations in chromosomal patterns, reproductive organs, genitalia and/or hormones.
* INTERSEX is not a noun or thing, it refers to living beings: i.e. “INTERSEX PEOPLE,” “intersex cats,” etc…
* INTERSEX is an adjective, like the term “gay.”
* It is incorrect to say that someone is “an intersex.”
* Use “intersex woman,” “intersex person,” “intersex activist,” etceteras, or, in plural: “intersex people,” “intersex individuals,” “intersex citizens, “intersex orgs,” etceteras.
Intersex people’s bodies can look male, female, or visibly in between (aka androgynous) depending on the intersex variation they are born with. Below is a brief description of the most common ones.
5-alpha reductase deficiency (5-ARD):
5-ARD causes changes in testosterone metabolism that lead to genital differences. People with 5-ARD have XY chromosomes and testes but may have an atypical penis, vulva, or unidentifiable genitals at birth.
Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS):
AIS causes a complete or partial insensitivity to androgens, or male sex hormones. People with AIS have XY chromosomes and testes, but depending on the level of insensitivity, they may have differing variations in external sex characteristics.
Clitoromegaly and micropenis:
Clitoromegaly is characterized by a clitoris that’s larger than typical. Micropenis is characterized by a penis that’s smaller than typical. Both conditions are usually associated with other types of intersex variations.
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH):
CAH causes differences in hormone production, including cortisol, aldosterone, and androgens. It’s more common for XX individuals with CAH to experience changes in sex characteristics than XY individuals with the condition.
Gonadal dysgenesis:
Gonadal dysgenesis causes variations in the development of the testes and ovaries before birth. People with complete gonadal dysgenesis don’t have developed testicles or ovaries, which can affect or prevent puberty. People with partial gonadal dysgenesis have chromosomal changes that often lead to internal and external sex differences.
Klinefelter syndrome:
Klinefelter syndrome is characterized by an extra X chromosome. People with this variation have a 47XXY chromosomal pattern instead of 46XY, which can cause underdeveloped testes, lower testosterone, and some female characteristics.
Ovotesticular DSD causes someone to have both ovarian tissue and testicular tissue, usually due to chromosomal variations. People with this variation may have different reproductive and sex organs and can experience atypical changes in puberty.
Turner syndrome:
Turner syndrome is characterized by a 45X chromosome pattern. People with this variation often have distinct physical features and can experience changes in their reproductive organs, sex hormones, and other sex characteristics.
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