I have been a member of this forum for about 9 years under a couple of different names. I have watched it go from a valuable resource for men learning to deal with having breasts to a mutual wankfest for a handful of guys getting in touch with their feminine sides. Not that there is anything wrong with that, you just aren't my tribe any more.
And now this. Apparently I have to vote for the right person to belong to this group. Happy trails, y'all.
I catch myself being guilty of this as well even though I try not to. Political beliefs are much like religious beliefs and they are very personal, and should be kept personal on an open forum.
We have all came here because of breasts, but the commonality ends there. We are all individual creatures with our own twist in our paths. Some of us will try to conceal them, and others won't. There are some of us that will embrace our feminine side.
The "new laws coming" thread opened up a political can of worms, but highlights how Society views differences (or rather rejects them). Luckily "for the most part", men with gynecomastia are fairly well accepted because it's so common being found in approximately 50% of all men over 50. Those under the intersex umbrella, not so much.
I don't regret starting that particular thread, but wish we could have left political parties and candidates out of the picture. Although when talking about new laws that are coming, unfortunately political parties stand out. I can't count how many comments I have posted and then later deleted because I decided they were too political. We are living in some very unfortunate divided times.
In summary, the teenage years with men with breasts are extremely difficult. Kids can be cruel. During early adulthood things start to get much better. During later adulthood it's more of a "self-image" thing than it is anything else. The generality also applies to intersex individuals as well as long as they conform to what Society expects of them.
Unfortunately when you decide not to conform to the societal expectations that certain aspects of the society will take a side. It's quite unfortunate that this becomes a political talking point.
But again that is just life!