Author Topic: It is possible to get chicks and most dont care!  (Read 9605 times)

Offline gynesuxarse

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I was reading the "girls like men with boobs" thread and decided to start my own topic about it since that thread had dissipated into a flamewar.

Anyway, I wouldnt go so far as to say that "girls like men with boobs" but I think that unless you have a SEVERE case, it shouldnt matter that much.  Most of use have a mild to moderate case and look halfway decent while wearing the right shirt.  The funny thing is, even though we THINK we hide it well, girls notice.  I've had girls grab mine that I didnt even know that well- I had no idea they had even been around me long enough to notice!

I've always been able to get girls.  Dont get me wrong, I'm no Casanova, and I dont get the finest girls - but I've always got them when I've tried(confidence is everything)

As far as girls liking "boobs", I think thats just a flat untrue statement.  Most of the girls I've been intimate with have eventually grabbed or sucked my nips during sex, and seem to really enjoy it.  However, as far as it being something they were attracted to when the first met me, I highly doubt it.  Women are less shallow than men but they like a man to look like a "man"  However, if you are confident and look good everywhere else, it wont matter to a woman if you have a little extra "gland and fat" on the chest.

It has been scientifically proven that sexual attraction is very complex but much of it is based on masculine traits, and more importantly, HEALTH.  You can be physically fit and healthy even if you have a case of gyne.  Girls like nice asses, nice arms etc.  If everything looks good besides your chest, then you are still in a very good position.  These things you can control!

I just wanted you guys to know that feel like you'll never get girls that it IS possible!  Women arent as shallow as you think, and the ones that are you want to stay away from.  

here is a link to my case if you guys are wondering how bad mine is;action=display;num=1060830838
« Last Edit: September 19, 2003, 05:51:57 AM by vortex72 »


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"Most of the girls I've been intimate with have eventually grabbed or sucked my nips during sex, and seem to really enjoy it. "

Yes guy can have a life with breasts.  
It is a mind thing that some let their breasts ruin their lives.  
They blame not getting dates on the size of their breasts.  
They blame not being popular on the size of their breasts.
All of their problems are "caused" by their breasts.

Do males only date women with size "C" or larger breasts?
Do males ever date size "A" women?

What about the flat-chested women, do they get dates?

I have dated all size ofr women without judging them on the size of their breasts.

Men with gynecomastia can have jobs, dates, get married, & father children.

It is a mind game to be a loser that blames all of his problems on the size of his breasts.


Offline headheldhigh01

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gine2d, didn't you read gsa's preface?  you just passed up a beautiful opportunity not to take cheap flamer shots.

It is a mind game to be a loser that blames all of his problems on the size of his breasts.

it seems your posts, imho, just tend more and more obnoxious with time.  in a just world, a thousand gyne-devastated men would rise to your condemnation for a  crack like that.  the people who've told their gripping stories about the jungle of teen-year confusion and fear -- i begin to doubt you read, let alone grasp them.  i begin to question whether you're even human.  

*sigh* you couldn't pass it up before, and it seems you can't any better today.   :(
« Last Edit: September 19, 2003, 07:34:28 PM by headheldhigh01 »
* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline turbo6

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The "yes a guy can live with gyne" statement is so broad and vague.

Sure, the statement is true. But the important thing is, is he going to be happy? Will he be adversely effected by the fact that practically every guy he knows has a flat chest?

Of coarse, we are only human. Its normal to feel alienated, alone, hopeless, anxious from this. Peole deal with this in a variety of ways, and its OK to be uneasy about it.

Its almost like you are trying to come across as if people who are ashamed of their gyne are mentally inferior or something...AND its their fault for not having the mental strength to over come it. Thats wrong in so many ways.

If you get surgery you are NOT a weak person. You want to fit in, you want to be at ease, you want closure. I can't even begin to express how much more 'comfortable' I've been since July 31st, in a variety of ways.

Many people don't want to deal with the torment of others in living life with gyne. The snickers, the remarks, the anxiety of wondering what others are saying behind your back.

Maybe you can live the rest of your life being proud of your jugs. However, the way you portray yourself on line and in everyday life are two different things. You can say as much as you want that you can live with it. But when a co-worker makes a joke about your knockers behind your back and you catch wind of it, you know you feel like sh*t deep down inside.

Some of us are just tired of feeling like sh*t deep down inside.  
[shadow=white,left,300];D Surgery Done On: 7.31.03...Revision surgery soon ;D[/shadow]


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If you had a hand missing, would you blame all of your problems in society on the missing hand?

If you had a really fat neck would you blame all of your problesm in dealing with life on the fat neck?

If you had brown eyes & all of your friends had blue eyes would you blame all of your social rejections on the color of you eyes?

Take control of your life & do not let Hollywood
standards of normal control you.

No one is perfect.  But most people go on with their life & make the best of it.

If you blame yopur problems of dealing with society on the size of your breasts you will be a loser.

Forget them & LIVE.

Yes attack me all you want but the truth is the truth.  

We each can live a good life with large male breasts if we make the effort not to blame our non-physical problems on a physical condition.

Good luck,


Offline headheldhigh01

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gine2d, you're not getting it, and it's possible you never will.  

he READ your points.  he UNDERSTOOD them.  he was not "attacking" you.  

you on the other hand are not grasping the rest of the picture, no matter how carefully (sorry for the expression) somebody spoon-feeds them to you.  you did this on the other thread too.  there is no getting through to people like you because you do not actually think about the points other people make.  you have no interest in being gotten through TO.  

i see my post to you was way too polite because you are constitutionally incapable of grasping the idea that gyne's devastating effects are anything other than some failure to just "suck it up".  sorry bud, but for people as insensitive and clueless as you, there's a hot place in you know where, and yours has a gold star on it.    

i'd do my usual routine of telling you to go back and reread the thread again, but just as surely as before, there'd likely be no point  :P
« Last Edit: September 23, 2003, 03:05:17 PM by headheldhigh01 »

Offline Taz

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Gine2D I don't think you get it. Sure you have "C" Cup breasts and enjoy your partner stimulating them, but you are in a great minority amongst Gyne victims.

Its all well and fine overcoming it in your head but when other people constantly notice and remind you that you are in some way/shape different from the norm then its not as easy just 'getting over it'. A fat neck,eye clolour etc are all things on a much smaller scale, and who the hell would care about these things??

Breasts are on a different level to these things. If breasts werent seen as sexual/feminine objects then I doubt anyone would care. But they are, so people do care.

Offline gynesuxarse

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finally checked back on this thread and its another flame war.

Anyway the discussion is good.  

I'm pretty sure that once I get my bodyfat down to 18% or less, my gyne will be mostly resolved.  I do have some gland, but I'm mostly fat.  There will be no way to know for sure till I make it to my goal.  Right now I dont let the gyne bother me too much.   It does bother me though.  I still make sure what I'm wearing doesnt "accentuate" my gyne and stuff like that.  I wouldnt dream of going shirtless at the pool yet.  

When I get to a decent bf%, I'll reevaluate things.  I've come to terms with the fact I'll never have a "perfect" chest naturally.  If I can get it to a manageable point naturally, then I'll leave it at that.  But if it still bothers me, then I'll get surgery.

Back to the argument-

I get sick of the few people here forcing their "gyne is great you should embrace it" hogwash.  I think these people are simply overcompensating and projecting their own insecurities that they have repressed.  IF you are truly accepting of your gyne, then you dont need to be on these boards trying to force your ideas on others.  If you really want to help, then support people's feelings and share your experience in a non-judgemental manner.  Some people may be able to accept their gyne.  Hell, its more natural and cheaper than surgery.  But this is not for everyone.

My gf and I are doing great.  I think she may be a keeper.  She has commented on my "man boobs" getting better with my fitness regimen.  We joke about it.  I know that deep down she'd like me to have a more manly chest, but its not a problem for her.  Plus she knows I'm working on myself and thats what is important.   Hell, she has saggy boobs which I dont really care for.  BUT, she has a tight-pussy and a beautiful face!  And she is fun to be with!

Got to keep the positives  ;D

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Gynesuxarse, you've got a big surprise comin to you!

Go check out the snow cat and the radio and you'll see what I mean!  Go check it out!!!  
Surgery semi-successful 11/01/03... but I'm still going insane.

Offline headheldhigh01

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sometime one of you is going to have to explain what that means to the rest of us or we're going to toss and turn all night in curiosity  ???

Offline gynesuxarse

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You think you are so clever and esoteric.  But I'm on to you  8)

Two words:

The Shining :)

Offline headheldhigh01

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ah, as in all work and no play, etc.  explains the allusion, if not the connection.  (that was a creepy one too.)  

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Oh you got the quote!  ;D

Well done!


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I do not remember trying to FORCE anyone to to be PROUD of their breasts.  I say accept them & get on with your life.

Many have posted here about how their breasts caused them to lose girlfriends,, jobs, college,etc...

Their breasts did not cause them to do these things.  They made a choice to do theses things, not their breasts.

HeadHeld is the one I meant that always is on the attack of my posts.

I say again if you let your breast size control your social life you will be a loser, surgery or no surgery.

I have never told anyone to not have surgery.  I have always said that a man can live the good life without surgery if he has a good attitude about life.

Some have questioned why I post here.  I post because there should be a voice that is not always "cut'm off they ruin my life".

Some guys that come here as the only source for info & if they only hear that the way to success in life, love, & liberty is surgery, then they are being decieved.  Some have had the surgery several times & still are not happy.

Some people will spin or twist the facts to suit their point of view.  I do not know of anything that I stated that has been proven to be false.


Offline headheldhigh01

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my default mode is civility; i'm "on the attack" (a preferred expression of yours regarding others' normal reactions) usually when you say something insanely insensitive or factually indefensible, which has been rather more than once.  on rare occasions you've actually said constructive things; you seem for example to have an expertise in hormones others lack.  unfortunately the bad in your posts that i've seen has considerably outweighed the good.  

i've noted it when you've grossly oversimplified the situation and reaction of people in ignorance of their condition, to the point you lack humanity.  you don't have to look far to find the threads on which you've done this, an instructive experience.  

you say you've never told anyone not to have surgery -- you just constantly tell them they're losers if they choose that route.  very subtle.   :P >:(  at least you've been  forced to refining your phrasings.  

talking with you is a tar-baby experience.  you blank out other peoples' legitimate points so they don't register, you repeat yourself as if specific replies had never been made, you accuse them of attacking you for making factual objections to your claims and jabs.    

i've never questioned why you post here, i've stated the responsible opposing views need representation -- just by someone more humane and morally competent than you if you're unwilling to look your actions in the eye.

as for never having said anything "proven" to be false, you seem to prefer borderline half-truths instead.  you indirectly suggest recurrence is likely -- without mentioning that most of the time the "underlying cause" in most men is not permanent but transient.  you defy anyone to get a guarantee of non-recurrence in writing from a surgeon, -- deliberately ignoring the fact you don't get that from ANYONE in medicine for anything, they don't give them (as anyone knows who's read the reams of "you agree nothing is our fault" paperwork they force people to sign).  or you twist numbers to suggest the opposite of what they actually tell.  anyone interested in another example could see your your absurd abuse of statistics at;action=display;num=1060571631;start=3#3

can't help wondering if gsa doesn't regret perhaps iinadvertantly feeding you your favorite subject so you could lob out more of those flame quips of yours.  

should we redefine our criteria for "loser"?  for the love of pete, just start reading closely and THINKING about what other people are actually saying.  you might be astounded at how far that would go.  

« Last Edit: October 03, 2003, 05:50:15 PM by headheldhigh01 »


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