Author Topic: Is canabis a cause of gyne, or not?  (Read 3634 times)

Offline flick

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This is my first time on the boards and im so glad i found it. Ive had this condition since i was 12 and now im 18 and only now im i finding the courage to tackle the problem.
But ive been searching the internet to learn more about gynecomastia and you find that some sites say that it could be a cause to the problem wereas other sites question this theory.
I started smoking canabis about a year ago and after learning this fact ive completly stopped, but i have seen no change.
So i was hopeing to try and make this clear once and for all. Also would a surgon still help me if he knew that i have taken canabis.  ???


Offline AJP

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I've also heard that cannabis use can cause gyne. But if you've only smoked it for a year then I wouldn't worry at all. From what I've heard you need to be a habitual stoner for quite some time. That asides, stay off it for good now you've quit. Being a possible cause of gyne is not the only negative trait of the so-called harmless drug. Trust me, I know.

Don't worry about whether a surgeon will operate or not if he knows you've got weed in your blood. People like surgeons know that such a drug such as cannabis is highly unlikely to impede any surgery, and for a surgeon to make a decision based on his moral views, would be wrong. The only real downside is that it may thin your blood, and promote unneccesary bleeding post-op.

Whatever the cause of the gyne, the fact is, you now have it. If you feel that it is affecting your social and emotional well being badly enough, then take steps to get something done. Making an appointment with a GP is a good idea. As is sticking around on these forums. Remember, we are all in more or less the same boat; experience, knowledge and opinion can be shared here, and it's always nice to be able to relate to somebody else with gyne.

Good luck.
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline Yorkshireman

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Ive also read that Cannabis can cause gyne, although I would aimagine that you'd have to be a pretty dedicated smoker to get gyne via toking!

I know loads of people who have smoked weed for years (decades in some cases) and none have gyne (as far as I acn see!)....

But as AJP said gyne is the least of your worries if you are a a stoner....weed IS addictive (from my observations)and will at the very least make you lethargic, reduce motivation/drive and pretty miserable...

All IMHO of course!

Offline AJP

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I agree with Yorkshireman.

I do believe that a bit of weed once in a while is generally harmless, but if it is used habitally (and it definately is habit-forming) there are many negative effects. The pros start to outweigh the cons and it can get you stuck in a rut.

Anyway, more to the point, turn your attention to the gyne, don't worry about the weed, and try and get something done about it.


Offline flick

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Thanks Guys really apreciate your advice gunna stay well away from it now any way.

Offline AJP

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Good man. You'll probably find life quite a bit easier.

I'm not saying don't smoke it at all; a couple of tokes of a spliff two or three times a year never hurt anyone. But like ANY drug, excessive use brings more problems than is healthy.

Good luck with the gyne.


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