Author Topic: Please ban cruz and blatino  (Read 17145 times)

Offline Oppositions

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for god's sake, this is the internet, anyone can say whatever they like, if u dont like it then just ignore it.

now u r calling what they said sexual asult and abuse.. man, are you listening to urself? chillout

Offline shaggy-dude

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"abused or insulted"

"sexual reference"

that's not quite the same as "sexual asult and abuse" as you put it is it..

All I am highlighting is that this board shouldn't have to put up with half wits having a cheap laugh

I just think it's facile and in bad taste and why should anyone have to even "ignore" it in the first place.. it just shouldnt happen or be allowed to happen..

yup it's free speech.. but it should be with respect and no kind of personal insults etc.

and buddy... I am so chilled you wouldn't believe it..  so really I don't give a flying feck what anyone says to or about me but I just think it brings the quality of the board down and devalues this board.
sorted by the "levickmeister" april 14th 2005
pics here

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Offline shaggy-dude

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crikey.. 5 years online and you taught me a new abbreviation..


It figured it must be short for :

"I can't really defend what I posted and really have nothing of value to post so I'll just type something facile in an attempt to provoke a reaction rather than just leave it."

he he... think I gonna enjoy being on this board...

Oppositions... Ok .. I'll respect your (and everyone else's) right to free speech and thus shall hence forth just (try to) ignore what utter cr@p  anyone comes out with.

* Blinks *

(short for .. awww feck it.. what's the point)

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well done mrs.moaning boredom!

Offline jc71

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I can't let this thread continue any longer.  It was started on the 12th of Feb and along with several e-mails and private messages to Merle & Simon, has done its job.

I'm gonna let you guys in on a little secret.......cruz and blatino have already been banned.  

blatino has been banned for about 11 day.  Cruz's been banned about 5 day ago.

My sources tell me Opps is also on the short list of possible future castrations from this site.  I'll lobby to keep you off death row opps.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2005, 09:11:20 PM by jc71 »

Offline jc71

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You didn't fool anyone slick, that was posted while you were online.  It  took you just under 2 hours to respond.  I guess you were in other sections "helping" people.  Just trying to have some fun.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2005, 07:19:21 PM by jc71 »

Offline Oppositions

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aren't we having fun here? ::)

Offline jc71

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One minute he's here, then he's gone and now, "here I am again."  Cruz, you're a regular Houdini.  :D

« Last Edit: March 01, 2005, 08:08:29 PM by jc71 »

Offline heartbrokenmom

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I was reading some of the posts. Wonder what benefit blatino thinks he can offer by his comment to a post  from a kid who is having extreme heartache about his condition.  To talk digustingly about his nipples.   Especially, when the original post is talking about suicide, pain and heartache.

Is there a purpose other than to look totally ignorant?
« Last Edit: March 11, 2005, 03:18:54 PM by heartbrokenmom »

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Yes, headheldhigh, aka Agent K! Ban these assholes! No, Cut their Heads off!!!! God, of all the places in the cyberworld, no, universe, where many people round the earth log on who are on the brink of suicide, and these fudgepackers come in, thinking they are funny shit, and WHam!!! Fatal Flying Guillotine chops off their fucking heads! Permaban them!

'Cept cruz is still here. How??? Why??? I guarantee you, cruz, you crass a tough guy with gyne, like me, you'll get fucked up in a minute, with a right, left, right left 'till your toothless. Then, 16 shots in the head.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2005, 05:27:25 PM by Bubby_the_Tour_G »
Fatal Flying Guillotine providing free surgery for people with Gynecomastia, just ask Dr. Ti Tu Fat

Offline jc71

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Hey bubby, are your parents proud of you?  

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Yes, they are, but they still won't offer to pay for any form of surgery, and they STill tell me that i need to lose weight. And cruz and blatino only seem to add to the burden that many people in these boards face, kinda like the classroom bully, cept they aren't very tough. They are like the random kids that say stupid shit and steal your bag and run. That is why they should be banned.

I mean, many people come to this message board to look for answers to their questions and comfort. We can't allow these   subhumanz to come on in and ruin many people's self esteems even more.

just don't take any of my references to decapitation seriously. I probably wont ever have the burden of killing a human being in my life, anyway. Although, it would be fun. ;)

EDIT: Ha! This is my 69th Post!!! From the Message Board Team, and from YaBB, I demand a 69th Post Cake and a kegger 8) 8)
« Last Edit: March 22, 2005, 06:43:54 PM by Bubby_the_Tour_G »

Offline Cuttin Headz

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Moron!!!  You think it's OK to talk about murder as "fun", and yet you have the audacity to bash my opinions?!   :-/  

Yes, murder is fun. It would be fun to murder YOU. What you are doing is abuse, asswipe. Dont look back, because a guillotine blade is coming straight for your neck.

Offline jc71

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The difference is Bubby's joking.  Cruz on the other hand is serious.


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