Author Topic: 1 Month Post Op.. Still Concerned...  (Read 2570 times)

Offline PostOpHappy

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Ok.  I had a very minor case, and both sides were removed.

I've formed scar tissue, which I'm sure goes away in time.

My problem, though, is that my nipples still seem puffy.  There is scar tissue in both nips, but the nips extend PAST the scar tissue on both sides... by maybe half a centimeter, but still, that leads me to believe the puffiness really isn't due to the scar tissue.

When I flex, my nipples become concave (only where the scar tissue is, that's where they dent in) -- I'm sure this will go away though because it's caused by the scar tissue.

But I don't understand why my nipples are puffy PAST the scar tissue.  Also, although I can't really point out specific areas of gland, above my right and left nipples, I can pinch a small line that feels like the end of the glands I had removed -- a soft, fibrous thing.
Did my doctor leave in too much gland?  I was told he'd have to leave some in to avoid concavity, but did he leave in too much?

My doctor told me that the scar tissue would go away in time, but I didn't ask about the puffiness.

Offline wolfpack24

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I am experiencing the exact same thing.  I am at 2 months post op now.  When i was wearing the garment everything was flat. When I stopped the nipples did puff up some and I feel the scar tissue. I'm hoping this goes away. Any advice will be great. Thanks

Offline PostOpHappy

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That's right... I feel like immediately post op, it was pretty flat.  AFter that... kind of got puffy again.

Offline Spleen

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Give it time guys.  I'm now 7 months post op and I'm so out of thinking about my chest that I haven't posted here in months.  In month 2 and 3 I was wondering why my chest, while vastly improved, wasn't "perfect".  The body needs time to heal and if you are patient I expect you will be rewarded.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Also I think you have to seriously think about how much of this is in your head and how much of this is a real issue.

I mean, first of all you said you had a minor case that was operated on and now you are talking about an issue that is less than half a centimeter.

That to me says that you have very high expectations of surgery, accept little but perfection from your body and are far too hung up on your appearance.

Of course time may rectify this VERY small issue as you see it, but if it does not I would suggest seeing a therapist because it sounds to me as though you have BDD- Body Dysmophic Disorder.

Bare in mind that many people have very serious physical gynecomastia that they cannot even hide in coats of big shirts and you are talking about an issue that wouldn't even prevent you wearing a T-shirt let alone a shirt and something that probably only you can see even with the shirt off!!!!!!

You have posted your concerns so I am not saying what I am too belittle them, far from it BDD is a serious issue and can cause real distress.

But I am trying to put you're issue into a realistic perspective and saying that perhaps if things do not resolve themselves as you would wish that a therapist maybe able to help you deal with this far better than anyone else.

You're obviously now in a situation in which you see a massive problem and others will be hard pressed to be able to notice anything of significance at all.

The gap between reality and perception is something you may really need help with.

I am sorry if you disagree with me or if I upset you in any way, my intention is too be honest and help, even if perhaps in doing so I win no plaudits.

Best to you.

« Last Edit: January 04, 2006, 06:25:12 AM by Hypo-is-here »


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