Author Topic: Getting the Money for surgery  (Read 3281 times)

Offline flick

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Im just wondering how most people get the money for surgery, cos its a hell of a lot of money.
Do you get a bank loan or something?

Cos i want to get it done but i dont know how to get the money, it would take nearly a year to save up that kind of money.

Offline Yorkshireman

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Get a Sainsburys credit card.....0% for a year......cant go wrong there...

Offline RRB

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I had some cash sitting from the sale of my car last year and I also borrowed £2k from my mum, which ill give her back shortly.  I work as an IT contractor so make some decent cash.  Im not working at the minute tho and wont be until after my op so money is a little tight just now.

Your best bet would be a bank loan, credit card or maybe ask your parents for a loan.
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline AJP

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Speak to your parents mate. As well as them maybe lending you the money I'm sure they will help in many other ways aswell. Do they know about your gyne? Or have you managed to keep things to yourself? Can't blame you if you have; I never spoke to my parents about it until I got to the point where I had to get something done about it.

Have a word with them, and see what they say.
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline Merv_UK

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I agree. Mine couldn't have been more supportive: I've taken out a loan with The Royal Bank of Mum. Interest rates are very good.

I know not every one is in the position to ask their folks nor everyone in the position to lend that sort of cash but if you are young, it'll be easier for them to get a loan. Mind you, considering the amount of unsolicited cr*p that spills through my letterbox, they'd give a loan to anyone who'll take one.

Hopefully, when your old and grey, the sort of money that seems a lot now will be inconsequential. Money comes and goes; time just goes.


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