Author Topic: Surgery on Wednesday  (Read 2731 times)

Offline DIEGO

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I'm pretty nervous but also excited.  For the people who have had the surgery, how painful was it?

Offline nukem2k5

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The procedure wasn't painful at all.  Recovery was more uncomfortable than painful.  Just stick to the meds as long as you can.  The only time I felt pain was when I started walking and the vibrations from my steps shook my chest.
Reborn on May 24, 2005
Surgery Cost: $4,040
Dr. David Metzner - New Orleans, LA
My Photos
Two Years Post-Op Photos

Offline DIEGO

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The procedure wasn't painful at all.  Recovery was more uncomfortable than painful.  Just stick to the meds as long as you can.  The only time I felt pain was when I started walking and the vibrations from my steps shook my chest.

Thanks, good to know.

Offline nukem2k5

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Just posted this in another thread, so I'll post here in case you don't read it:

Mine was sometime in the morning.  Either 8:30 or 10:30am, I can't remember.  I wasn't really nervous at all, mostly excited.  I went in and took off my clothes and put on the gown.  They gave me socks and leg warmers while I lay in the bed waiting for my PS to come mark my chest.

After a bit he came in and made topography lines around my breasts and I got back in the bed.  A few minutes later they came and wheeled the bed into the operating room.  It wasn't as bad as I had imagined.  Once I was in there they hooked me up to some gas and I was out in a few moments.

I remember waking up to them saying my name and putting the vest on me.  It took a few moments to realize where I was and what had happened.  I was in no pain at all, and I remember thinking, as they were wheeling my bed into the post-op area, "My God, I have a flat chest underneath this vest!"

They helped me put on my clothes and my mother took me home where I lay in bed for 6 days.  Recovery wasn't fun, but wasn't necessarily painful and was miniscule compared to the pain of having breasts.  I was instructed to wear the vest for 7 days, but on the 6th I took it off.  Many people around here are convinced that the vest must be worn for 2-4+ weeks, but my PS told me in all his experience (30~ years) it's never made a difference if the vest was worn for a week or for 3 months.

Took about 2 weeks to be able to walk without discomfort in my chest due to my steps.  The worst part about the whole thing is having an itchy chest (mine is hairy) and being unable to scratch it.

If you have a look at my post-op pics, they look painful but I couldn't feel any of that bruising.  I'm still unable to feel my nipples but that's to be expected.  Also, I'm 18 if it means anything to you.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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The procedure wasn't painful at all.  Recovery was more uncomfortable than painful.  Just stick to the meds as long as you can.  The only time I felt pain was when I started walking and the vibrations from my steps shook my chest.

Nodding like a nodding dog ;)

I think how uncomfortable or painful surgery is depends upon many factors

Size of gynecomastia (Very important as it relates to extent of surgery).
Glandular excision only via the areola
Glandular excision via the armpit
Liposuction only
Glandular excsion via the armpit and areola only
Glandular excision via the armpit areola and lipo
Glandular excision via the armpit and lipo
The ability of the surgeon to limit trauma
The use of drains
How much your body naturally scars and brusises
Any post operative complications such as infections, haemotoma or cording etc
Your natural tollerance for pain (differs person to person).

There are probably other factors that I haven't come up with, these were just off the top of my head.

Offline nukem2k5

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Nodding like a nodding dog ;)

I think how uncomfortable or painful surgery is depends upon many factors

Size of gynecomastia (Very important as it relates to extent of surgery).
Glandular excision only via the areola
Glandular excision via the armpit
Liposuction only
Glandular excsion via the armpit and areola only
Glandular excision via the armpit areola and lipo
Glandular excision via the armpit and lipo
The ability of the surgeon to limit trauma
The use of drains
How much your body naturally scars and brusises
Any post operative complications such as infections, haemotoma or cording etc
Your natural tollerance for pain (differs person to person).

There are probably other factors that I haven't come up with, these were just off the top of my head.

Hypo thinks too much :P

Offline Hypo-is-here

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Yea I think you could be right Nick :)

Good luck DIEGO!!

Offline Preds

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I'll be honest.  I can take a lot of pain.  I have had teeth pulled without numbing.  Gallblader attacks that felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest with a knife then wiggling it.  ect ect.  But
When I woke up from surgery it felt like someone used a cheese grater on my chest.  O was hoping for the numbing feeling that I hear about left over from lidocaine.  No such luck.  After getting that pain under control, it has never been back that bad since.  Just mostly soreness and the discomfort associated with movement like stated above.  I am now 3 weeks and some change post op now and still have some soreness to touch but I feel that it is related to some bruised muscles

Either way,   I would definately do it over again to get these results.... ITS WORTH THE PAIN!
Post surgery
Got my shirt off right now!!!!! lol


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