Author Topic: wassap, ways to hide gynecomastia?  (Read 3200 times)

Offline ram02

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hey wassap. Im so glad i found this site, you guys have no idea how much weight reading your posts has taken off my shoulders. well i just thought id introduce myself.

---its kind of long so just skip to the bottom and post sites where i can buy special vests or if there are any special ways to hide the gynecomastia. thanks :)---

Im 19 years old, from canada BC. Iv had gynecomastia since i was about 13 years old or even before that i guess. Anyways, I was always overweight so I thought they were fat, i didnt even think it would be possible for guys to have breast tissue :|.

Alright anyways, so in grade 12 i lost a ton of weight, brought my weight from 220 down t 135 lbs and they were still there. After that i did some bulking and cutting phases and 2 years later i saw a gynecologist a few months ago and she told me i have gynecomastia.

I will be getting the surgery hopefully this year >>having gynecomastia really eats at your life! You cant do anything>>cant swim, wear tight shirts, take off your shirt or anything. Its really really horrible, but hearing there are thousands of others like me has really made me come to peace with myself. Thank you :)

anyways while i am weighting for my surgery, which may even take place in 2007 for all i gynecologist is a b_tch. Iv seen her twice and she wants me to come back, but she makes me come back every 3-4 months because she says she needs to take tests...but i think its just so she gets paid :|.

Alrite so while im waiting (which will take forever..argh)  are there any ways to hide the gynecomastia? Are there vests or anything i can buy?

Id really appreciate any help

Im sorry my post is really long, but just felt like i needed an introduction.


Please post sites :)

Offline Paa_Paw

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Congratulations on seeing a Gynecologist.  Her studies make her uniquely qualified to deal with Gynecomastia.  I personally think that this is often a good substitute for a Reproductive Endocrinologist.

The initial tests told her what your hormones were at that time, The follow up visits and tests are to see is the results are consistant over time.  It sound like she is doing a good job for you so you should not question her methods.

Good Luck!
Grandpa Dan


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