Author Topic: Best Wishes Robin_g  (Read 2553 times)

Offline phantom

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Best wishes for your op tomorrow.  Many of us know what you are feeling right now.  This time tomorrow you'll wonder what all the fuss was about!  I'll look forward to your report soon.


Offline orrible

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Yeah Good Luck Robin G, let us know how you go

Offline Robin_G

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Thanks chaps

Well, after a few wobbly moments in the run up, its done

I don't think I got away with it as lightly as some of you but still well pleased to have it out of the way

400 cc out one side and 300 cc out the other (weird, I'd never actually noticed one being worse than the other......only had it 16 years lol)

Bled for quite a while on one side afterwards so had to stay in bed with drains in 'til next day which made me feel quite agitated as it kind of felt like the process wasn't 'complete'

Was in a bit of pain on one side for a while although that subsided after the drains were removed

Still, I'm home now and just feeling a little uncomfortable rather than in any pain

Bruising seems quite large and continues quite a way below where the bandage stops......was this the same for anybody else?

To be fair, even at my consultation Mr Levick said to expect a certain amount of this because of my fair skin etc

My one slight concern which he said was a possibility but hopefully not, is that I may have a hematoma, as this would mean returning to have the blood 'sucked out'

Anybody else experienced this?

Anyway, on the positive side, when I was allowed to get washed and dressed for the first time, it was great to see my profile and noitce that when I ran a finger down my torso it didn't curve upwards or outwards at all until it went over the top of my abdomen. First time in about 15 years I reckon.....looks much flatter, even allowing for the swelling and bandages. Shows how bad it probably was before

Will post progress reports but thanks for the info and best wishes in the run up guys, as you know yourselves it does make a difference

Offline geg100

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well done mate

Offline phantom

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I'm truly happy for you Robin.  Was thinking of you whilst you were 'under' last Thursday.

It's all downhill from here!  Like you my bruising extended below the bandages to places Mr L did not 'probe'.  All perfectly normal - it's just a bit of leaked blood filtering through other skin and fat.  One week on I'd say 70% of my bruising has gone.  There is still a distinctive line of bruising at the base of each pectoral.  I took my arnica religiously.  I'm not sure if herbal stuff really works, but it certainly does no harm and I think I have been quite fortunate with my bruises going quite quickly.

You will probably have read my post from yesterday so know where I am at.  I had a quick look at me baps this morning and just smiled :)  As you know I was very tempted to take the bandages off early, but I figured I'd come this far that there was no way I was going to take any chances by not doing as I was told.

Don't be too surprised or alarmed if you feel more sore today as I found the swelling really kicked in by day 3, but things are really starting to settle down now.

Will look forward to your updates.

Offline Robin_G

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Cheers phantom

Yeah, in line with your own experiences I'm getting quite sore the day after the day after. I suspect that this is partly due to this being the first day that you have to make do without tramadol

Its bearable though

Out of interest, how long did you find you needed to continue with the two hour alternation of paracetamol and ibuprofen

Looking at your other thread, I notice you went to the GP to get your bandage removed

Mr Levick is away next Friday so asked me to remove mine on Thurs, but just said to do it myself

Has your GP been involved in this process or did you just go to them purely just for this?

I've changed GP a few times due to moving, but always found lack of interest from them in the past so just went straight to Mr L

Offline phantom

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I was on the pain killers for three days post op, but then managed fine without them.  Besides, the tramadol kept spacing me out and I didn't like that.

Mr L said it would be fine for me to remove my bandages myself because I lived too far away for just bandage removal (Manchester).  I opted to go to my GP because she was specifically interested in seeing the results.  She also happens to be a customer of mine (I am a medical rep) so we know each other quite well.  But there is no reason why you shouldn't do the bandage removal at home.  I told Mr L that unless there were any specific problems, I'd arrange to call in to see him at around the 3 month mark to discuss the outcome.

Offline Robin_G

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Fair enough, I'll bide my time and whip 'em off myself

I seem to be every colour of the rainbow at the moment though   :)

You must be well pleased with your progress anyway

I know you'd been sensible enough to manage your expectation beforehand, so sounds like you're well ahead of where you'd allowed yourself to hope to be...if that makes sense


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