Author Topic: Propecia/athletes and side effects from Dr    (Read 2238 times)

Offline Hypo-is-here

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This is quoted from a Dr in the US who treats male hormone problems and bodybuilding athletes.

Let's consider what the hormone DHT does for adult males. Better yet, let's think about what happens when it is suppressed with finasteride.

In a significant number of men--and those who were not
even suffering elevated levels of same to start with---this very often results in weakness, fatigue, fat gain, depression, lack of libido, and frank impotence.

Does that sound to anyone like what we
are trying to AVOID with PCT?

When you add in the overall effects of
this very problematic list of negative side effects on our training, and therefore muscle size, we come to the conclusion that you are recommending a drug during PCT which CAUSES all the negative side
effects of NOT doing PCT.

A good analogy would be for you to recommend unprotected, promiscious sex to prevent AIDS.

I have several dozen patients who now suffer PERMANENT ill side effects after taking low-dose finasteride for even a short period of time.

Propecia don't touch it with a barge pole!!!

« Last Edit: February 11, 2006, 10:57:43 PM by Hypo-is-here »

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