Author Topic: Non Surgical Reduction  (Read 3151 times)

Offline GuckFyno

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Hello all, I posted here quite a lot some time ago, the reason I don't come around too much anymore is that I really don't have gyne anymore!  ;D Well, at least not to the extent that it bothers me or is noticeable to others.

I had quite a minor case to be sure, but it was there. Right at the age of 19 (and I should also point out that I matured later than most folks so I was sort of a 17 year old in terms of maturation) I began a little experiment to see if I could get rid of my Gyne without surgery.

Now I want to preface this with two things: One is I don't have before/after pics so many I'm sure will not believe me and that is OK and I have no reason to make this up. Two is this would only be effective for younger folks who's bodies are still in the maturation process.

Here is a list of what I did:

1.) Switched from regular to organic milk
2.) Began eating 2 tablespoons of flax seeds daily
3.) Began taking Zinc daily
4.) Began eating Broccoli daily
5.) Eliminated all caffeine from my diet
6.) Did 2 seperate cycles of rebound xt
7.) Worked out my abs/arms and pecs major like crazy

This certainly didn't work overnight, actually I've been doing this for about 10 months and it's been very gradual. 1-6 seemed to in effect "starve" the gland and reduce it in size. 7 gave me a solid physique and made my moobs look like pecs.

All of the above steps are VERY healthy for you (rebound xt being the exception) so it can do no harm to try this anyhow.

Offline ganjaman

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sounds good i noticed improvement with brocolli everyday too but stopped cuz i read it decreases dht or something like that(don't know for sure read it somewhere)but i might start again if it worked for you what kind of flax seed do you use and what did you do to work your abs and arms?
« Last Edit: February 16, 2006, 03:32:06 PM by ganjaman »

Offline GuckFyno

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I'll have to research the brocolli issue. I got the flax seeds from GNC. You've got to make sure you get the actual flax seeds, not oil or capsules. Flax Seeds contain Lignans which can act like a SERM and bind to estrogen receptors in the chest.

Offline GuckFyno

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Oh and I do crunches/leg raises plus I train my obliques on a machine at the gym. For arms I did lots of bicep curls and rope pulldowns for the triceps. Go here for some great exercises:

Offline Hypo-is-here

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I have one word for this noticed result;


Offline ganjaman

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how much zinc and what brand?

Offline Allan7865

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I have one word for this noticed result;


You call BS on this working for evreyone Hypo?

Offline deskjet444

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does caffeine worsen gyno? why would the non existence of caffeine help yer gyno?

Offline GuckFyno

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Ganjaman: "Nature made zinc" I take 30 mg a day

Hypo: I know from memory that you are very educated when it comes to endocrinologicall matters so I have no desire to get into a debate with you about this. But I think there are a few things we can agree on. Breast tissue forms when estrogen binds to the receptors in the chest. Teenagers have very active hormones. If you can reduce the amount of estrogen in your body and stop furthur estrogen from reaching receptors in your chest before you are past puberty and the gland becomes fibrous you stand a chance to rid yourself of it or at the very least stop it's development.

deskjet: Caffeine can raise your estrogen levels. Do a google search.

Lignans have been compared to Tamoxifen in it's effectiveness as a SERM. As has probably been discussed ad nauseum on this board SERM's (tamoxifen + raloxifene) have been shown to be very effective in reducing gyne especially in young men.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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You call BS on this working for evreyone Hypo?

I say give me results from controlled clinical trials that prove the efficacy of such.

I am NOT dogmatic.  If you do that I will say ok and concur, until then I say this is anecdotal.

There are medications that do have a proven effect at reducing/resolving gynecomastia, as shown via controlled trials- but the fact is this isn't it.

Does that make me a bad person for stating as much?


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