Author Topic: 24 Y/O male - sound like gyn?  Gyn is new to  (Read 1608 times)

Offline Brettus

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I had had puffy nipples, etc etc from about 15 till now.  I just thought it was me, and that's the way it was.  Due to a large scar from a surgery when I was younger, i have always been self aware...

I am slightly overweight, but even when I was in sports and healthy in high school, I always had large breasts.

Recently I developed a general pain in my right breast, research on the net led me to you all.

I do have one question, I always thought the way my breasts felt were normal to all guys... I have a hard "ridge" that feels like a chunk of rubber around the top of both nipples... its symmetrical to both sides, when I went to the doctor after the pain (today) he scheduled a sonogram for next week.

Anyone have this done before?  Is the hard tissue behind and a little above the nipple normal?  Since it is symetrical, I figured it was normal... now I find out about gynecomastia...

Nice to know you are not alone... we will see how it goes.

Take care everyone.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2006, 11:10:16 AM by Brettus »

Offline tnel00son

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in most cases ive heard, the gland has been almost directly under the nipple, however yours can be gyne too, not to sure tho, you should post some pictures, your doctor will probably be able to tell you anyway also.

Offline Brettus

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What is the purpose of the sonogram?

I have read around this board that the sonogram won't do much to prove that it is gyne, so what will the sonogram prove or disprove?  Is a sono mainly for cancer detection?

Given my age, I know that breast cancer is highly highly unlikely, but... it still has a tendency to worry someone.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Gynecomastia is usually harmless and much more normal than many young men would believe.

Since you have had breast pain, Your Doctor has started to eliminate the worst problems (however rare) first.  I believe he is wise to take this approach, I think you are in good hands.

Relax and keep your appointments.
Grandpa Dan


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