Hi, I am a 22 year old guy from Australia, and I believe that I have gynecomastia for the second time. When I was around 15 I noticed a small hard ring beginning to grow beneath my nipple. Soon it was on both nipples and turned into something which felt like a 'donut shape' beneath my nipple area. They grew to a point where I started to worry that they would be noticable. Fortunately it went away after about a year.
But 6 months ago I noticed another small growth beginning under my right nipple. The growth began to increase in size like it had the last time, so I became concerned. I decided to stop taking an anti-depressant called Avanza because I thought (hoped) that the drug was the cause. I thought the Avanza was causing a hormone imbalance or something. I stopped the Avanza but it kept growing. Soon my right breast was quite pronounced. Then the right breast started to decrease again, and I noticed the start of a growth on the left. As it now stands, the right breast is quite flat, with a tiny painless growth under the nipple, while the left breast is pronounced and quite tender if touched.
I am worried that I might have cancer or something, because my right armpit feels weird, kind of uncomfortable. I am trying not to get too alarmist about it though, but I have to say, there is definately extra 'weight' on my right arm pit area compared to my left. Has anyone else had tender armpits?
Anyway, I was wondering if it is common for the growth of gynecomastia to be tender and painful to touch. If I tap the area the pain seems quite a lot.
Um, so at the moment I am in the position where I am trying to decide what to do next. I don't want this to get any worse, but I really don't want to have to tell anyone about it, or go through surgery. I have been hoping that if I ignore it, it will go away like last time, but I get the feeling it won't this time. Does gynecomastia decrease in time, or will it just get worse?
Anyway, that's all I can think to say right now. This really sucks, but I am glad that there are other people around who have similar problems.