Author Topic: Who has helped/cured Gyno WITHOUT surgery?  (Read 4189 times)

Offline maxpower

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Anyone have any stories of helping/curing gyno WITHOUT any surgery?  It seems everyone tries but then resorts to surgery.

I can tell my gyno has improved over the last 3 months and this is what I have been doing:

Flax Oil (Tablespoon twice daily)
Cardio (I workout nearly everyday but stopped cardio and now I am doing 20 minutes 6/week again)
Working out mid and upper chest only very intense (Flat and decline dumbbells) - I am a workout nut so it's fun for me.
Tamoxifen (20-80 mg daily over the last 3 months)
Stopped smoking marijuana for the last month (Chronic user for a month which is why my gyno developed)

Results:  My nipples do not PUFF out as much as the used to and the loose skin around the nipple line seems to be tightening up somewhat.  

I was going to get surgery but now since I see improvements I am putting it off to see how much more I can improve.

Anyone else?  Tips?

Offline maxpower

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Sorry I meant chronic marijuana user (1-4x daily) for the last YEAR, not month.

Offline maxpower

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I forgot to add that I just started using a product called "Cutting Gel" which is a transdermal "Fat Reducer".  Although I was very skeptical, it is definately not making it worse - I think it may be helping but too soon to tell.  It does keep the nipples "tame" for a couple hours so it's good for that at least.  I think it makes you slightly cold in that area so the nipples are a slightly erect causing them not to puff.

Offline d1st

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Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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Dude, he's already just have to set priorities, make working out a regular part of your life...I don't know what gel you're talking about Max, but I've been doing the Andractim for a while, and it's helped reduce it. Sounds kind of like the gel you're using, but if yours doesn't work, you could give it a try, kind of expensive though. - J.

Offline Worrier

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I reduced my gyno from a moderate case to a minor one sided case through just diet and exercise,  medication gave me gyno in the first place so I am now wary of any pills or potions. Mine was mainly fat though ... mainly on the stomach and chest.

I just eat well, no junk food, and workout. I do 4 runs a week around 4 miles, and get too the gym three times a week. An exercise that I believed has helped me to a extent is wide grip pullups believe it or not. Since I have been doing those, it seems to have pushed the chest itself up and I haven't got that looseness around the nipples so much. I know it works the back but it just seems to  help my chest.

Both of my nipples have reduced in size the left more than the right. Right still bothers me a bit. I too love working out and it is no problem to me keeping up this lvl. Not a complete cure but a ninety per cent improvement.

Offline Chaves

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I have noticed that some users have a big gyno, kind of fat+gland, but ones don´t have puffled nipples... In my case I got puffy nipples but I don´t have the "breast"...

Offline maxpower

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Where do you get the Andractim?  How much is it?

Dude, he's already just have to set priorities, make working out a regular part of your life...I don't know what gel you're talking about Max, but I've been doing the Andractim for a while, and it's helped reduce it. Sounds kind of like the gel you're using, but if yours doesn't work, you could give it a try, kind of expensive though. - J.

Offline snugs

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Losing 50lbs helped, but definitely didn't cure it.

Offline Paa_Paw

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For some men, especially those with hormonal imbalances; There are medications which can be effective. These medications are actually potent drugs and should only be used under competent Medical supervision.

Another group is those fortunate men that experience shrinking of the breasts naturally over time.

The rest of us have only two alternatives, Learn to live with it or take the surgical route.

There are no preparations available over the counter that are both safe and effective.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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I have a thread goin', it's the Andractim Results! one; it's got everything you need to know.  I got it from; I'd read up on it first though. Take care man, -J. -Oh yeah, it's almost $200 for 2 tubes, shipping, and a PSA kit, which you have to buy to test for cancer.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2006, 04:54:44 PM by Sir_Puffs-a-lot »


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doesnt working out the chest reveal the gyno even more?

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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Depends...everybody's different, so for some guys, working out the whole chest is bad and makes it stand out more. Probably most guys with gyne should make upper chest a priority, which takes attention away from the lower, nipple area, but I know some guys have done intense lower chest workouts too and it helped them. You just have to play around with it, everybody's different, but I'd say regardless it's a HUGE confidence booster and worth the time if you haven't tried it yet. - J.


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