Author Topic: ...GONE!  (Read 8060 times)

Offline Merv_UK

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Hi all,

Thanks for all the support so far. If you are all seated then I'll begin...

Travelled over from Belfast on Tuesday. Stayed in Norfolk (£40 a night) which was OK but the quality of the rooms seemed to vary. Room after op was better thankfully. Had my Last Supper at 8pm then went to bed to try to get a decent nights kip...not much chance due to nerves.

Op Day- Went in at 8am. As RRB has pointed out: great room, great service. Off to theatre about 10ish. Chat with Mr Levick and the Anaethsetist and then at 10.10 (I looked at the clock above the door as the lights were going out) the usual quote of "you'll be going asleep in 10 seconds". I remember my taste/smell being swamped with a very chemical taste (which lasted for days) and saying "here we go" as the effects came on.

Recovery Room- Came to mumbling stuff. Not sure what, but remember whatever it was, being slightly embarrassed when I realised where I was! Guess they've heard it all. Was in a certain amount of pain, nothing major, could only be described as a hot sensation behind my nipples. Gave me pain killers and maybe antibiotics. Looked at the clock - 11.40  All memories still a bit vague but they brought me back to my room, at about noon, where my mum (who'd flown over that morning) was waiting.

Back in the room post op- Remember talking a lot and feeling generally very groggy and 'out of it'. Gets better by the hour. Had spot of lunch, surprisingly: beef medallions and steamed peas. Enjoyed it but felt awful for about 15/20mins afterwards: sick and very hot. A nurse opened a window and all was well! Mr Levick came for a visit with the news that he'd removed:

300ml of fat and 30g of 'gristle' from EACH side. Apparently I have the dubious title of "Largest Gyne Removal of 2005, so far". Unless RRB beat me the next day? Would be really interested to hear other peoples figures: I've had a quick look at some past posts but couldn't find any. I knew I had quite a bad case but was still surprised (and to be honest quite pleased - the bigger difference the better).

Slept a wee bit, had dinner, then watched sky till about midnight. Kept thinking that I'd be told 'its bedtime' but the staff leave it up to you. Really wanted to see The Apprentice and Desperate Housewives: the ginger one just gets better every week!

That night- Slept for about 2hrs then watched Sky News till about six. V boring. I guess my mind was just racing with post-gyne thoughts.  Got up to go to the bathroom about 3.30, was glad I asked the nurse for help getting in/out of bed as I was very light headed. As I read previously, in Ste's Diary I think, weeing whilst balancing the two Vacu-Drains under your arms is a art to quickly master.

Thursday - Post op day 1 -  Mr Levick came round to visit. After having the drains removed (I didn't find this as bad as it looked like it could've been) I had a fair bit of swelling down my left side which the nurse wanted him to look at. He wanted to check it out again later so I put my feet back up on the bed and ordered lunch whilst he carried out another proceedure. He discharged me after lunch but asked me to come back tomorrow before returning to Belfast in case there was fluid to be drained. Off I went back to the Norfolk were my mum was waiting. It was good to have someone else around as I felt very weak in the legs.

During my first kip at about 5.30pm there was a fire in the Hotel! Two Fire Engines, Hoses, Gas Masks: the works. Think it was a fire in one of the kitchens. Walked down to TGI Fridays on Hagley Rd, for lots of Orange Juice (Vitamin C) and then dinner. When I got back to the hotel, they sorted out their problems, so I went to bed. Again didn't get fantastic sleep: by far the worst pain of the whole proceedure for me was the pain in the small of my back, from the bad sleeping posture I had, this night.

Friday - Post Op Day 2 -  Went round to see Mr Levick at 10.30ish. Their was some swelling on my right side left so he took me down to the Anaesthetist's room to drain it with a syringe that wouldn't have looked out of place on Animal Hospital! Discomfort was more psychological than physical. Afterwards, we had a bit of a discussion about what would happen if their was further fluid build up. Mr Levick wasn't keen on sending me back to Ireland with the possibility of me having to come straight back. Their was a possibility of their being clotted blood on my right side which would have increased scar tissue and slowed the whole healing process SO we opted for me to go back in to theatre, at the end of the day, after all the scheduled operations, so he could give me a rinse out and re-bandage. This was to be done with a (quick) full anaesthetic. Mr Levick had told me, at my consultation, that their was a chance that fluid can build up and left me with the impression that, as my gyne was big, I had a bigger chance, so I wasn't really surprised or worried by this.

I then had to go back to the hotel, check out, get mum organised to fly home, and back round to the Priory to be re-admitted. The waiting this time was AWFUL. Was told it would be between 4 and 5 but was closer to 6.30! I guess because I'd just done it before, a few days ago and now was going again it was all very fresh in my mind. Only out for about 25mins this time- no pain and very little grogginess in the recovery room. Felt very good straight away. Mr Levick told me that the "Good News" was that I hadn't needed the second proceedure: there was no clotting. However, it was great to have peace of mind before returning home. Slept well that night.

Saturday - Post Op Day 3 -  Mr Levick came to see me about 9am and gave me the all clear. Gave myself a bath (bottom half only) and got dressed. Had to go looking for a nurse to discharge me - the Priory seems to be pretty dead at the weekends.

Then had a 'delightful' 10hr journey home via National Express/Ferry which I really couldn't have done the first 2 days post op. Was very nervous of some one whacking my chest BUT it all went okay. Very tiring though.

Sunday - Post Op Day 4 - Still swelling down my right side but I'm feeling a lot better. Slept in untill 1pm: think I'm playing catch up.

Overall Thoughts:

This shows that things don't always go TOTALLY smoothly but people should be perpared for that. I had every confidence that Mr Levick was looking after me and still do.

My shape has totally changed: even with the padded bandages on, my clothes are a lot looser around the chest.

Very nervous about removing the bandages: I'm very bruised and don't expect it to be a pretty picture but know it'll get better. I feel very secure and protected in the bandages.

Travelling for surgery: I wouldn't put anyone off this (Sporty- I'll send you a post later) but I would recommed that you give yourself a MININMUM of 2 extra nights. You'll be tired and disoriented for a while. Even then, you need to factor in a bit of flexibility in case you need any further attention: its easier to stay an extra night than to travel a long way back. I would suggest that staying 4/5 days then maybe flying might have made more sense, but then again,  there's nothing like getting home to your own bed to make you feel better.

Pain: Surprisingly little when you consider what's been removed. I think I'm more fearful of hurting myself than this happening, so I'm restricting my own movements. Worst pain was definitely back pain, from not being able to roll over.

Mr. Levick and his team at the Priory exceeded my expectations- I'm waiting for their summer brochure to come out so I can book my holidays! A very pleasant stay (under the circumstances).

Hope I haven't bored you with too much detail or scared any forthcoming surgery candidates. Thanks for all the support and advice so far and thanks for reading.


Offline serg

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Yikes mate, sounds like quite an adventure!  ;D

But I'm glad to hear that it all turned out well in the end,  which is the main thing. Look after yourself, and keep us updated!


Offline Yorkshireman

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Cheers Merv and can only get better from here....I'll be going throuhg these motions very soon, and its good to hear other people's experiences so as to prepare my self for what lies ahead.....

Offline uk_bloke

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merv ,
congratulations , sorry to hear you had a bit of an ordeal ,but you and me and everybody on these forums knows that it'll all be worth it in the end.
im 18 days post op and can tell you that things will get lots better very quickly.
really glad to hear your hotel didnt burn down ,as that would have really topped your week off! ::)

take care now


Offline Sporty

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Congratulations Merv, sounded like the trip home wasn't too bad. Good luck with the recovery.

Offline AJP

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Yep, good luck Merv. It's weird how everyone seems to have a very strange couple of days after seeing Levick. I wonder what might happen to me!!!! :o
Another happy Levick Lad.

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Hope I haven't bored you with too much detail or scared any forthcoming surgery candidates. Thanks for all the support and advice so far and thanks for reading.


Merv.... It was a pleasure to read about your adventure! Thanks for sharing Mate ;). You mentioned that you found it difficult to sleep as you couldn't roll over on your side. Same here Dude. I sleep on my right side mostly and it's very difficult to stay flat your back.

BTW Merv, what is 'Sky TV' and 'Kip'. My Mum and Dad are from England so I know most of the British jargon/slang. Sky TV I would assume is a TV network? Just a guess...

Congrats on having the Op! Wishing you well for your recovery...
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
Pre-Op/Post-Op Pics

Offline Merv_UK

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Sky TV is a multi channel network. Usually used as a generic term for satelite/cable as they were the first to bring non terrestrial TV to UK.

'Kip' means sleep/nap.


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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'Kip' means sleep/nap.

What is 'Kip' derived from? Or is it something someone made up? Just curious. ::)

Offline Merv_UK

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"The word kippe meant a brothel in 18th-century English, probably deriving from a similar Danish word signifying a low-class inn. In the 19th century the word was extended to denote a doss house, and by the early 20th century was acquiring its modern meanings. The word is not unknown in the USA but is much more commonly used in Britain.

Bloomsbury Dictionary of Contemporary Slang, © Tony Thorne 1997

doss house n
a dormitory for vagrants or a cheap, shabby hotel."

Google - you gotta love it!


Offline RRB

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Wow Merv

What an ordeal, im so glad it worked out in the end though.  I thought i had it bad with my trip home.

Reading your post i didnt find myself tired or diorientated in the hospital before leaving, i felt fine. However as soon as i got to the train station i was knackered, it just creeps up on you so fast.  I totally agree about staying at least another night if you are on your own or have a long journey.  
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline Ste

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Wey hey. Go on merv.

Seems like it was quite an adventure. Hotel nearly burned down. Sheeyikes!

A few complications but it sounds like they looked after you well. It's very interesting to read about the occasions when it doesn't go entirely smoothly, though by the sounds of it there isn't any cause for concern.

Mr. Levick and his team at the Priory exceeded my expectations- I'm waiting for their summer brochure to come out so I can book my holidays! A very pleasant stay (under the circumstances).

hehe  ;D

good to hear from the province. My entire family live there - around belfast, malisle, bangor, donaghadee  - all over.

Take it easy merv - no tiits  8)


Offline Grandpa Bambu

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"The word kippe meant a brothel in 18th-century English, probably deriving from a similar Danish word signifying a low-class inn. In the 19th century the word was extended to denote a doss house, and by the early 20th century was acquiring its modern meanings. The word is not unknown in the USA but is much more commonly used in Britain.

Bloomsbury Dictionary of Contemporary Slang, © Tony Thorne 1997

doss house n
a dormitory for vagrants or a cheap, shabby hotel."

Google - you gotta love it!


Very interesting. Kinda neat where some words/expressions originate from. Thanks!

Offline Chorlton

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Well done Merv.  You can start living again!!

Mad story I must say.


Offline Merv_UK

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Update: Tuesday  - Day 6 Post OP

Not too much to report really, that doesn't echo most of the other 'Levick Boys' experiences:

Chest feels good, no signs of too much swelling under the bandages. Swelling above bandages at armpit has really gone down. Bruising is starting to disperse. I have 1 long bruise down my right side which is the result of blood from chest bruises dispersing under gravity. This is normal, but looks like I've gone 10 rounds with Lennox Lewis.

Back still a wee bit sore from sleeping but generally I'm feeling beter every day. Bandages come off Friday/Saturday: looking forward to a damn good wash!



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