Author Topic: testosterone  (Read 7802 times)

Offline nitrix17

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right now i take creatine.  i want to get my chest built up so that my gyno is barely noticable. im 15.  i take creatine like i said, and also build up the rest of my body. right now i take n.o.-xplode, nitrix, and am thinking of taking Axis-ht, a testosterone booster...this is my theory: if girls have estrogen, and they grow breasts, if i take testosterone, it will turn the little fat that i have into muscle, am i right?

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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You want to take a testosterone booster...AND YOU'RE 15?? I seriously doubt you're even through puberty yet man; there's some serious side effects that go along w/ that stuff, specially at your age. I can't answer your question, but do yourself a favor and wait until you're a little older to try any hormone boosters or suppressors. Some gyne goes away after puberty, so that's another reason I'd wait. Keep working out though. Take care buddy, - J.

Offline nitrix17

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haha yeah, i'm through puberty, ive had gyno since i was about 13.

Offline Yoshi

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You are not through puberty..... 15 is way tooo early. And you do realize that the window for gynecomastia going away tends to be from a couple of weeks/months to three years?

You are way to uneducated to be taking those supplements, as I have done research on them (I am 16 for the record). You do know that excess tesostorone gets converted to estrogen right? Steroids increase testosterone production but do you know why steroid users face such side-effects as shrunken testicles and gynecomastia? I mean, hell if they are taking more tesosterone, it should make sense that the complete opposite happens, but here is why: the excess tesosterone is being converted to estrogen.

So if you take tesosterone boosters and elevate your levels of tesosterone then you will in fact make your gynecomastia worse (see example of steroid users above).

Oh and just a little tip: Last year, when I was 15, I was thinking of taking all those supplements too. Soon after I realized, what is the point of getting that big before college? A lot of the supplements you have listed have not been fully tested and it really isn't worth the risk at our age especially since we're in a sensitive time of puberty.

Offline merle

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Everything that he has said is correct. You are several years away from taking anything and with your predisposition toward gynecomastia, you should not take any ever.

It can come back if it goes away. Your body has shown that it has a very delicate balance of hormones and you will need to be very careful.

Demystifying Gynecomastia: Men with Breasts
The first book on Gynecomastia

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Offline nitrix17

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actually puffs, i am very educated in supplements consideringt that i work at a local vitamin store.  thanks to merle i decided not to take the testosterone and also you puffs. thank you guys, right now i am still on other supplements but only because i am a boxer and creatine and nitrix get me real big real fast, and the muscle i have on my chest, help to hide the gyno.  thanks for the help guys you really saved me there haha.

Offline kindherb42

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Wait, so I'm a little confused.  So actually each individual has their own genetic preset testosterone:estrogen ratio which cannot be changed (with the exception of steroids)?

Like if you were to take testosterone boosters(which do not boost test significantly) but like a tribulus terrestris supplement of ZMA (zinc magnesium aspartate) it won't do anything becuase if it raises your testosterone then your estrogen levels will just catch back up to it to your preset ratio?

Is there anyway to change that ratio like lower the estrogen for good?

I also was interested in ZMA because many bodybuilders on another forum praise it for how good it helps with sleeping, i'm not really interested in it for the test. boost but actually more for the great sleep and very vivid dreams they talk about.

Offline kindherb42

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Anyone Know this answer above?

Where's Hypo at?  Sometimes I think he knows more about reproductive endocrinology than some of the endos iv been to lol

Offline nitrix17

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hahaha thats a very good question herb. id like to know myself. let me know if you hear anything.

Offline kindherb42

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For sure, hopefully somebody knows.

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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Man, if you could lower your estrogen for GOOD, everyone here would be doin it  ;) Your levels are always changing, although they're fairly stable for possibly years at a time. When you hit puberty, they're going nuts, but afterwards they tend to settle into a fixed ratio. Taking supplements and boosters (like the Andractim I'm on now) can temporarily increase or decrease one or both, but if you decrease or increase one, it doesn't mean the other will follow; depends on what you're taking. if you stop taking them, obviously your levels will go back to the post-pubescent presets. Later in life, your levels can change too, hence menopause in women or "manopause" which is lowered testosterone in men. If you're out of pubery though, and not older, odds are your levels will be fairly stable for a while. So the Andractim is decreasing the estrogen production and uptake specifically in my chest area right now, but my testosterone isn't decreasing with the estrogen. Once I stop taking it though, the estrogen will go back, but not enough (hopefully  ;) ) to cause the recurrence in gyne that I experience in puberty. Hope that helps! Correct me if I'm wrong, this is just what I think is the case. Later, -J.

Offline Leader43

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yo man, im a pro bodybuilder, so i probably can help you out with this more than anyone else will be able to...creatine is a great supplement, and test boosters help out a lot too, with gaining mass.  But im gonna say that they wont really help out that much as far as gland goes.  The gland rests on top of your muscles and really doesnt shrink unless you have surgery.  The mass stack that you're taking is also really great, but at 15 you shouldnt be taking it yet, honestly.  I think its great that you work out, but i think you should let nature take its course, and then when you hit 17 or 18 you should experiment with mass stack, or any other supplements.    

Offline nitrix17

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alright thanks bro

Offline snugs

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More testosterone won't help the gyne. I actually have above average testosterone for someone my age (20) and my gyne has only gotten more noticable as time passes.

Offline dav242

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You are not through puberty..... 15 is way tooo early.

You are way to uneducated to be taking those supplements, as I have done research on them (I am 16 for the record). You do know that excess tesostorone gets converted to estrogen right?

right on - if the body all of a sudden gets this surge of testosterone for a given cycle (a la steroid injections), sure you'll have extra testosterone, will be able to lift unheard of weights, but your body isn't producing the T naturally (and getting a heck of a lot more than it's used to), so it'll get confused and convert the excess T to estrogen, via aromatization, leading to, among other things, even worse "puffiness" and gyno...  

you can definitely increase T levels naturally (of course nowhere near to the same extent as you would by doing steroids) by building muscle, losing fat (which is a key culprit in increasting estrogen levels, i believe)...

so, with regard to kindherb's question, yeah you can alter the balance of T to E in your body by altering your body's composition naturally. the only problem is that it takes time, dedication, watching what you eat, doing enough cardio and building muscle, etc. in other words, it's a long term commitment.

as a side note, di-indole methane (which can be found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli) is known to be a "natural" estrogen metabolizer ("natural" meaning not a prescription based drug, like tamoxifen), which could lower E2 levels, relative to testosterone.

DIM supplements are sold at vitamin shoppes and health stores (usually in the women's health sections), and might help, although it's a long term type thing, and any short term effects are marginal, at best.

also, nitrix - at 15, your T levels are still increasing, regardless of whether or not your voice is still cracking or if you've already got body hair and hair on your balls - in fact, your T levels will continue to increase through to your 20s, and if you start messing with your natural T now, you might regret it later.

if anything, capitalize on your youth, on the fact that your T is on the upward trajectory, and workout, build more muscle & decrease fat, which will boost T, which in turn will help you build muscle, thus boosting T, and so on, so forth.

if by your early 20s, still no growth or major changes, then look into alternative options.

you're only 15 - your body hasn't even reached its developmental peak yet. you've got five more years to stick it out. in the grand scheme of things, that's nothing. and more than likely, you'll see changes happen naturally over those 5 years.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2006, 12:33:47 PM by dav242 »


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