Author Topic: soft/fatty nipples  (Read 8107 times)

Offline aapje

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I feel kind of embarassed because my problem may not be as serious as yours, but i don't feel comfortable with it. I am 20 yrs old, low bf% and no hard lumps under my nipples. Only, areolas are a bit big and soft/fatty/puffy,
when i'm cold/aroused they look perfectly normal. I tried yohimburn but i did absolutely nothing. I thing surgery in my case is not necessary, are there other products (like yohimburn) that can work for me?

thanks a lot.

Offline Tired

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If your nipples look normal when you are cold/aroused im guessing it's not really that visible when at all.. As always try to build up your chest, work out for a few months and see how that turns out. Getting big takes years, but atleast with a few months under your belt you can decide if you need surgery or not.

Good luck

Offline notitsplease

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I feel kind of embarassed because my problem may not be as serious as yours, but i don't feel comfortable with it. I am 20 yrs old, low bf% and no hard lumps under my nipples. Only, areolas are a bit big and soft/fatty/puffy,
when i'm cold/aroused they look perfectly normal. I tried yohimburn but i did absolutely nothing. I thing surgery in my case is not necessary, are there other products (like yohimburn) that can work for me?

thanks a lot.

I too have the exact same problem, any advice?

Offline STILLgotIT

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Interesting that you don't feel any hard lumps underneath.  Puffy nips is typically indicative of glandular gynecomastia, which is what I had.  My whole body looked normal except for the puffy nips.

Do you have pics? It's hard to give an opinion without seeing the condition.

Offline Sir_Puffs-a-lot

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You might have had gyne at one point without even realizing it, so your nipples stretched; now that it's gone, the stretching is somewhat permanent. I just have puffy nips too, but there's still some gland under mine. Working out is just about the only thing I can think of that will help you out bro. I started over a year ago, and it's made a HUGE difference, especially with my self confidence overall. I would suggest may take a while, but TRUST ME, it's worth it, you'll thank yourself for it. Take care, - J.

Offline dav242

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You might have had gyne at one point without even realizing it, so your nipples stretched; now that it's gone, the stretching is somewhat permanent. I just have puffy nips too, but there's still some gland under mine. Working out is just about the only thing I can think of that will help you out bro. I started over a year ago, and it's made a HUGE difference, especially with my self confidence overall. I would suggest may take a while, but TRUST ME, it's worth it, you'll thank yourself for it. Take care, - J.

Sir_Puffs' comments are totally right on (i never knew about the nipple stretching thing, though - i learn something new here everyday). if there's quite a bit of soft pinchable stuff and no hard fibrous tissue, then it's probably just subcutaneous fat (what i had). mine was disproportionate to the rest of my body, so i had lipo done after first working out a year and then seeing 5 doctors to figure out what i had (none said it was gland, despite my attempts to question it, so i've had my share of difficulties in trying to figure out what's fat, what's gland)

in your case, i think working out will be the best solution. most likely, if you have good T levels, etc, you'll build muscle quickly, your body fat will go down, and you'll see good results. you probably won't even need the surgery.

so definitely work out first and give it a few months to a year. outside of getting your nipples pierced, i don't think there's a short term way to get rid of or hide the puffiness. just avoid marijuana and steroids, and you should be good.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2006, 01:58:09 PM by dav242 »

Offline b-rad

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Actually, my PS didn't think I had glands either because it felt soft, but when I had the surgery there were quite clearly glands there, they just weren't hard anymore. Puffs comment about the nipple stretching could be true, but normally for a young fit person the skin is pretty flexible, and the reason the nipple protrudes is that its a lot thinner than the skin of the chest, and so just a little bit of material can push it out.


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