Author Topic: Nipple Pierceings?  (Read 4382 times)

Offline whyME17

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I have abs and im in good shape but my nipples are very puffy...  I was thinkin about gettin my nipples pierced...  My girl thinks it would be hot...  My concerns are how would it look with my nipps being so puffy.  I read in an earlier post that it meakes your nips not look so inflamed...  Does anyone have expirience with this cause i am thinkin about doin it for my 18th birth day...  Does it make your nipples constantly hard cause f it does than that would probably take care of the cosmetics of my nipples...  My concern is would the piercer know how to do puffy nipples?  Any info greatly appreciated...  Peace

Offline johndoe

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I've heard from a couple of people that it will make your nipples hard constantly and it probably will help reduce any puffiness your experiencing .

Offline b-rad

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I say you go for it, let us know how it goes...worst case scenario it looks weird and you let the piercings heal.

Offline kindherb42

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I actually thought about this, but my concern was like when they peirce it, aren't they going to be peircing through the glandular tissue we have attached to our nipples?

how does that work

Offline STILLgotIT

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I actually thought about this, but my concern was like when they peirce it, aren't they going to be peircing through the glandular tissue we have attached to our nipples?

how does that work

The gland isn't "inside the puffiness," so no they will not be piercing the gland.

This has been brought up a few times on the boards before, but I don't remember anyone actually trying it and reporting back. It'd be interesting to find out, even though I don't support body mod.

Offline johndoe

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If you're getting the nipple pierced the gland is beneath. There should be no issue here.

Offline kindherb42

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So you're saying, the gland is not attached to the nipple/areola, but it IS attached to the chest?  What part of the chest, the pectoral muscle?

I'm confused.

Offline snugs

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Unless your piercer decides to pierce you DEEP, and any good piercer won't, you'll have no problems hitting the gland.

That said everyone i talk to says the nipple piercing is about as painful as it gets for guys :)

Offline stretch

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I actually had my nipples pierced before getting puffy nips. Mine were pierced toward the end of the nipple and really didn't pierce into too much skin. I've seen some people with th opposite. My experience with that is the nipple does stay erect...but it's not as erect as when you get the chills or whatever. I took mine out and they basically stayed the same. When I got the puffy nips it didn'e seem to help out any.

But who knows it could have just been me......

Offline coldnipsaregood

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I got both of mine pierced about 2 years ago (took one out 6 months ago). They look hot (so the women say, lol). However, it did nothing for my gyne. You can make them hard easier. But they do not stay hard all the time. I can post a pic if you like.


Offline Paa_Paw

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I know that I'm an old man and my views are sometimes well out of date, but I really do not understand the piercing idea.

The piercings would tend to call attention to the nipples which is just the opposite of what I would expect a person with Gynecomastia would want to do.
Grandpa Dan


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