Author Topic: Questions about endocrinologist/insurance  (Read 3511 times)

Offline aux513s

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I'm fairly certian my gynecomastia is being caused by a
hormonal imbalance.

I want to see an endocrinologist ASAP. I know an endo would probably put me on testosterone and I would request anti-estrogen drugs too.

My question is with insurance, how much would testosterone and anti-estrogen drugs cost a month?
How much would a blood test for hormone levels cost?

Also, I'm kind of embarassed about seeing a doctor for gynecomastia. Have any of you ever had bad experiences with doctors? I feel like it's going to be so humiliating explaining to the doctor about my problem.

Offline Anim8tor

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First go get your blood tested. At first i felt Very embarassed but once i said it i became relieved that i could talk to someone about it like it was normal.  before the doctor all i had talked to was my mom and i felt like i was a freak but now i know that its a normal part of life and many people go throw this, and best of all i could get it surgically delt with withing 3 weeks of the initial visit.  it is kind of awkward being 19 and having a doctor put me up on a table and squeeze my breasts and asking me if i have a slow sex life or small testicles... (which the answer is no) but in the end i felt more open about it.. my next confrontation is my brother, sister and roommate.  but thats a whole different step.. i wish you good luck and hope you can resolve it without having to wait and be in a state of self loathing... if u were a freak then there wouldnt be so many members of this forum
« Last Edit: February 21, 2005, 07:49:21 PM by Anim8tor »

Offline aux513s

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Thanks. I'm hoping that my gynecomastia can be treated
with testosterone injections alone, since I have a (relatively) mild case and it just occured about a year ago.

Can you go directly to an endocrinologist or did you have to go to a regular doctor first and get a referal?

Offline Finrod

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If you have a regular pediatric which you went all your life go to him and ask him to give you a referral to a good endos.
About the insurance coverages, it depends on the country, in mine (Argentina) and in most, the blood tests, mamograms, consults with doctors, etc are covered by the Insurance, but the medicines mostly have to be paid from your pocket, you'll only get a discount.
Best of lucks.

Offline aux513s

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Thanks for the advice finrod and gyno51,

I am aware that in some situations testosterone can make the gyno worse, but I'm pretty sure my gyno is due to low testosterone alone and not my body converting excess testosterone to estrogen.

My reason for thinking this is about a year ago I sustained an injury to my groin area. Almost immediately after this my sex drive went way down, and about eight months later was when I first  noticed my chest had gotten bigger. This leads me to suspect that I have primary hypogonadism.

I wouldn't even care if I got completely rid of my gyno, I just want to make sure it doesn't get any worse. If I could stabalize my gyno with an anti-estrogen or testosterone injections, then I would be happy.

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about a year ago I sustained an injury to my groin area. Almost immediately after this my sex drive went way down, and about eight months later was when I first  noticed my chest had gotten bigger

Sorry for stating the obvious but this is something that you need to tell the endocrinologist you get to see.

If you are in the US tell me where and I will locate a list of the best endos for you who are reccomended by the (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists) AACE who specialise in reproductive issues.

You could then ask them directly about the situation with your insurance company.

Offline aux513s

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Thanks for the offer but I don't want to give out too much info about myself on this public forum. I would hate for someone in real life to be able to identify me from here.


I already know I sustained damage so I think an ultrasound to convince me of something I already know would be an unnecessary waste of money.

I realize I'm probably going to have to do monthly blood tests, how much are these exactly? Certainly not thousands of dollars for each one I hope? As long as each blood test for hormone levels isn't more then a few hundred dollars it won't be a problem for me.

I don't care as much about testosterone replacement therapy as getting the anti-estrogens so I don't develope worse gynecomastia. Like I said, as long as I can stabalize my gynecomastia I'll be happy.

Maybe they can just put me on tamoxifen at first, just to see if that causes any reduction on it's own. At the very least, that should stop my breasts from getting any bigger right?

Then, if it doesn't cause a reduction I can start taking testosterone (while still taking anti-estrogen) and see if that reduces my gyno.


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