Author Topic: girls  (Read 5867 times)

Offline bananabrains

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i have a small case of gyno and i just wanted to no if girls really care if you have it.because theres this girl at school i like but im afraid to talk to her because of my gyno. talk back plz.

Offline silly_guy

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Some girls probably care.  Most probably don't.  

I met my wife in high school, I got puffy nip gyne.  In college I brought this up and she told me she never noticed.  Its just how some people are shaped she'd tell me.

So if this girl is really really cool and grounded then there probably won't be any problems talking to her.  If she's not really level-headed, then you shouldn't be talking to her in the first place ;)

Offline P1mp

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i use to get girls left and right when I had it they didn't care they said they didn't notice it i'm sure they were lying but still they didn't care... but i'm really pretty so...

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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Some girls probably care.  Most probably don't.

Yep.... Some do, some don't.

When you are younger, teens and very early 20's, girls are highly influenced by their peers. When the female is 25+ (give or take), she is (usually) much more emotionally stable and has broken away from the 'peer pressure' trap.

Keep in mind though, not all highschool girls are so closed minded. Those though, are few and far between.

Gynecomastia + Highschool = A rough ride!

« Last Edit: April 16, 2006, 04:24:37 PM by Bambu »
Surgery: February 16, 2005. - Toronto, Ontario Canada.
Surgeon: Dr. John Craig Fielding   M.D.   F.R.C.S. (C) (416.766.8890)
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Offline Allan7865

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How did high school go for you Grandpa Bambu? Did you talk to lots of girls? Even without Gyne now I'm afraid I'm still in this hole that Ive dug for myself.

Offline SC GameCOCKS

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if she is really worth your time she wont care. I care more about my cheat than my gf does. Im very self conscious bc I am very fit and muscular with just puffy nipples. I had surgery and still have puffy nips (im getting a revision next month). I still have trouble taking my shirt off when we have sex. She doesnt understand why im so concerened about it, but she doesnt understand what we go through.
So basically if u just have a mild case, she will prolly care less if she is a decent girl.
8 years of suffering Mild gyne...
2 surgeries & $6,000 later....
         STILL PUFFY   :/

Offline nomis

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My breasts are quite large compared to my body (I am a very lankey, short, skinny person) so it really didnt help in highschool because I could never wear any trendy clothing or attract any sort of attention from the opposite sex. I am in university now and still suffer from the same problem of being afraid and wondering what any girls would say if I had it. I'm pretty sure the few that might possibly like me no longer would if they found out.

Offline MasterlessMan

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In my experiences I have found that women will only care about gyne (or any other negative trait) as much as the person who possesses it does.  Women love confidence and the "Alpha Dog" mentality.  If you are all shy, needy, and show this to a woman when you talk to them they probably won't be attracted to you.  If you talk to them like just another friend, show them that you are fun, confident and that you don't need them, it will drive them crazy.  Basically, the less you let it effect you, the less they'll think of it.  

Offline Grandpa Bambu

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How did high school go for you Grandpa Bambu? Did you talk to lots of girls?

In highschool I was an introverted fat guy with moobs. As a result, socializing with females was very difficult for me :-/. To this day it's not easy for me to strike up a conversation with a woman. Especially the ones that I find very attractive. I'm just naturally shy :-[.

Highschool was very difficult as I got teased alot about my Gyne. I was constantly self-conscious. A very, very stressful time in my life for sure.

Even without Gyne now I'm afraid I'm still in this hole that Ive dug for myself.

Yeah, the psychological scars run very deep!


Offline manboobmandan

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my gf dont care ....i dont let her grab them tho.....hey all you manboob ppl u all can use this pick up line....ill show you mine if you show me yours
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 09:55:56 AM by manboobmandan »

Offline aux513s

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If it's just a small case then most girls won't care.

Simon from American Idol has a small case of gyno and all the girls love him.

If it's more than a small case though they will care.

Offline elaine

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if you go to relationships you will see my postings on my relationship with my man. as i stated, he is the most caring, kindest, considerate, witty, charming, intelligant man i have ever met. he oozes confidance in himself and i think that is what counts. i fell for him hook line and sinker, he was a friend first and foremost, but over time his personality and his confidance made me see him in a different light and all i can say is im so glad his feeling for me grew too until we became a couple. if his feelings hadnt changed into love i would still be madly in love with someone who only wanted to be my friend and i would be so sad. i feel proud to be with him, to sit with him,to walk down the street with him, to hold his hand, just to be with him full stop. he makes me feel like a queen and i just hope i make him feel as special as he makes me feel. my film idol is johnny depp, but if he asked me out tomorrow i would turn him down, love doesnt happen on what someone looks like, its from what that person is within. beauty is only skin deep.


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